
Книжная премия Риденхура
Хизер МакГи 0.0
Heather McGhee's specialty is the American economy--and the mystery of why it so often fails the American public. From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, she found a common root problem: racism. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. But how did this happen? And is there a way out?

McGhee embarks on a deeply personal journey across the country from Maine to Mississippi to California, tallying what we lose when we buy into the zero-sum paradigm--the idea that progress for some of us must come at the expense of others. Along the way, she meets white people who confide in her about losing their homes, their dreams, and their shot at better jobs to the toxic mix of American racism and greed. This is the story of how public goods in this country--from parks and pools to functioning schools--have become private luxuries; of how unions collapsed, wages stagnated, and inequality increased; and of how this country, unique among the world's advanced economies, has thwarted universal healthcare.

But in unlikely places of worship and work, McGhee finds proof of what she calls the Solidarity Dividend: gains that come when people come together across race, to accomplish what we simply can't do on our own.

McGhee marshals economic and sociological research to paint a story of racism's costs, but at the heart of the book are the humble stories of people yearning to be part of a better America, including white supremacy's collateral victims: white people themselves. With startling empathy, this heartfelt message from a Black woman to a multiracial America leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game.
Книжная премия Риденхура
Шанель Миллер 4.5
Она была известна миру как Эмили Доу, когда ошеломила миллионы людей своим «Заявлением жертвы». Брока Тернера, изнасиловавшего ее в кампусе Стэнфорда, приговорили к шести месяцам тюремного заключения. Открытое письмо Шанель было опубликовано на BuzzFeed, где оно сразу стало вирусным — за четыре дня его прочитали одиннадцать миллионов человек, оно было переведено на множество языков и зачитано в Конгрессе; это привело к изменениям в калифорнийском законодательстве и отзыву судьи, который вел дело Шанель. Glamour признал Эмили Доу женщиной года за то, что она «изменила ход дискуссии насчет сексуальных преступлений». Тысячи женщин сказали, что благодаря ей нашли в себе смелость впервые рассказать о насилии, которое пережили сами.

Теперь она открывает лицо, чтобы поведать свою историю о травме, преодолении и силе слова. Дело Шанель казалось очень простым — были и свидетели, и вещественные доказательства, обвиняемый сбежал. Но история ее борьбы с изоляцией и стыдом во время следствия и суда показывает, с чем сталкиваются жертвы изнасилования даже в самых «удачных» случаях. Книга Шанель — обвинение системе, которая предпочитает защищать преступников и терзать пострадавших, и вместе с тем — яркий образец отваги, которая позволяет преодолеть любые испытания и вернуться к полноценной жизни.

«Знай мое имя» навсегда изменит наш взгляд на сексуальное насилие и представления о том, что приемлемо, а что нет. Это правдивый рассказ о тяжелом пути исцеления. И кроме того, это знакомство с новой выдающейся писательницей, чьи слова уже изменили наш мир. Эти мемуары, сочетающие в себе боль, стойкость и юмор, должны стать современной классикой.

Признана лучшей книгой 2019 года по версиям New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Npr, People, Parade, Time, Glamour, Chicago Tribune, Marie Claire, Elle, Fortune, Library Journal, Kirkus, Daily Mail, Baltimore Sun, She Reads, Man Repeller, Bookriot.

Победитель премии Национального круга книжных критиков 2019 года в номинации «Автобиография».
Книжная премия Риденхура
Элиза Грисволд 0.0
Prize-winning poet and journalist Eliza Griswold's Amity and Prosperity is an expose on how fracking shattered a rural Pennsylvania town, and how one lifelong resident brought the story into the national spotlight. This is an incredible true account of investigative journalism and a devastating indictment of energy politics in America.

Stacey Haney, a lifelong resident of Amity, Pennsylvania, is struggling to support her children when the fracking boom comes to town. Like most of her neighbors, she sees the energy companies' payments as a windfall. Soon trucks are rumbling down her unpaved road and a fenced-off fracking site rises on adjacent land. But her annoyance gives way to concern and then to fear as domestic animals and pets begin dying and mysterious illnesses strike her family--despite the companies' insistence that nothing is wrong.

Griswold masterfully chronicles Haney's transformation into an unlikely whistle-blower as she launches her own investigation into corporate wrongdoing. As she takes her case to court, Haney inadvertently reveals the complex rifts in her community and begins to reshape its attitudes toward outsiders, corporations, and the federal government. Amity and Prosperity uses her gripping and moving tale to show the true costs of our energy infrastructure and to illuminate the predicament of rural America in the twenty-first century.
Книжная премия Риденхура
Lauren Markham 0.0
The deeply reported story of identical twin brothers who escape El Salvador's violence to build new lives in California--fighting to survive, to stay, and to belong.

Growing up in rural El Salvador in the wake of the civil war, Ernesto Flores had always had a fascination with the United States, the faraway land of skyscrapers and Nikes, while his identical twin, Raul, never felt that northbound tug. But when Ernesto ends up on the wrong side of the region's brutal gangs he is forced to flee the country, and Raul, because he looks just like his brother, follows close behind--away from one danger and toward the great American unknown.

In this urgent chronicle of contemporary immigration, journalist Lauren Markham follows the seventeen-year-old Flores twins as they make their harrowing journey across the Rio Grande and the Texas desert, into the hands of immigration authorities, and from there to their estranged older brother's custody in Oakland, CA. Soon these unaccompanied minors are navigating a new school in a new language, working to pay down their mounting coyote debt, and facing their day in immigration court, while also encountering the triumphs and pitfalls of life as American teenagers-girls, grades, Facebook-with only each other for support. With intimate access and breathtaking range, Markham offers a coming of age tale that is also a nuanced portrait of Central America's child exodus, an investigation of U.S. immigration policy, and an unforgettable testament to the migrant experience.
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Книжная премия Риденхура
Heather Ann Thompson 4.0
The first definitive account of the infamous 1971 Attica prison uprising, the state’s violent response, and the victims' decades-long quest for justice including information never released to the public published to coincide with the forty-fifth anniversary of this historic event.

On September 9, 1971, nearly 1,300 prisoners took over the Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York to protest years of mistreatment. Holding guards and civilian employees hostage, during the four long days and nights that followed, the inmates negotiated with state officials for improved living conditions. On September 13, the state abruptly ended talks and sent hundreds of heavily armed state troopers and corrections officers to retake the prison by force. In the ensuing gunfire, thirty-nine men were killed, hostages as well as prisoners, and close to one hundred were severely injured. After the prison was secured, troopers and officers brutally retaliated against the prisoners during the weeks that followed. For decades afterward, instead of charging any state employee who had committed murder or carried out egregious human rights abuses, New York officials prosecuted only the prisoners and failed to provide necessary support to the hostage survivors or the families of any of the men who'd been killed.

Heather Ann Thompson sheds new light on one of the most important civil rights stories of the last century, exploring every aspect of the uprising and its legacy from the perspectives of all of those involved in this forty-five-year fight for justice: the prisoners, the state officials, the lawyers on both sides, the state troopers and corrections officers, and the families of the slain men.
Книжная премия Риденхура
Джилл Леови 0.0
On a warm spring evening in South Los Angeles, a young man was shot and killed on a sidewalk minutes away from his home, one of hundreds of young men slain in LA every year. His assailant ran down the street, jumped into an SUV, and vanished, hoping to join the vast majority of killers in American cities who are never arrested for their crimes. But as soon as the case was assigned to Detective John Skaggs, the odds shifted. Here is the kaleidoscopic story of the quintessential American murder--one young black man slaying another--and a determined crew of detectives whose creed was to pursue justice at all costs for its forgotten victims. Ghettoside is a fast-paced narrative of a devastating crime, an intimate portrait of detectives and a community bonded in tragedy, and a surprising new lens into the great subject of murder in America--why it happens and how the plague of killings might yet be stopped.
Книжная премия Риденхура
Ананд Гопал 0.0
Told through the lives of three Afghans, the stunning tale of how the United States had triumph in sight in Afghanistan—and then brought the Taliban back from the dead

In a breathtaking chronicle, acclaimed journalist Anand Gopal traces in vivid detail the lives of three Afghans caught in America’s war on terror. He follows a Taliban commander, who rises from scrawny teenager to leading insurgent; a US-backed warlord, who uses the American military to gain personal wealth and power; and a village housewife trapped between the two sides, who discovers the devastating cost of neutrality.

Through their dramatic stories, Gopal shows that the Afghan war, so often regarded as a hopeless quagmire, could in fact have gone very differently. Top Taliban leaders actually tried to surrender within months of the US invasion, renouncing all political activity and submitting to the new government. Effectively, the Taliban ceased to exist—yet the Americans were unwilling to accept such a turnaround. Instead, driven by false intelligence from their allies and an unyielding mandate to fight terrorism, American forces continued to press the conflict, resurrecting the insurgency that persists to this day.

With its intimate accounts of life in war-torn Afghanistan, Gopal’s thoroughly original reporting lays bare the workings of America’s longest war and the truth behind its prolonged agony. A heartbreaking story of mistakes and misdeeds, No Good Men Among the Living challenges our usual perceptions of the Afghan conflict, its victims, and its supposed winners.
Книжная премия Риденхура
Шери Финк 4.0
В августе 2005 года на Новый Орлеан обрушился ураган "Катрина", вызвавший сильное наводнение и превративший город буквально в руины.

Взаперти, без электричества и возможности получить откуда-либо помощь, оказался Мемориальный медицинский центр. Тысячи людей — от тяжелобольных пациентов до родственников медперсонала — на пять дней были отрезаны от внешнего мира. Врачам приходилось принимать непростые решения: кого спасать в первую очередь, кто подлежит эвакуации, а кто, возможно, до нее не доживет.

Спустя же несколько месяцев, когда этот ужас остался позади, некоторые медики были арестованы за то, что вводили безнадежным пациентам смертельные дозы препаратов…

Что же произошло в Мемориальном медицинском центре на самом деле? Массовое убийство? Или врачи, жертвуя карьерой, пошли на этот шаг, чтобы облегчить последние часы умирающих?

Шери Финк даст ответы на эти вопросы, продемонстрировав, как меняется поведение человека в критических ситуациях.
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