Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: Италия Место проведения: город Флоренция Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Премия Грегора фон Реццори

Mircea Cărtărescu 0.0
Secondo capitolo della trilogia a forma di farfalla cominciata con Abbacinante. L’ala sinistra (Voland 2007) che con l’ultimo capitolo si è aggiudicata il premio letterario “libro del 2007” in Romania, Abbacinante. Il corpo racconta la storia di Vasile, bambino senza ombra che diventa capitano dei pompieri nella pittoresca Bucarest del XIX seccolo.
Poi, nel pieno dell’incubo della Romania degli anni ’50-’60, si passa all’infanzia del narratore stesso dove il sogno riplasma una realtà ormai mostruosa. Bucarest si illumina e si fa letteratura quando il bisnonno Vasile vive le sue allucinazioni o quando la bisnonna Maria si trasforma ogni mattina in una farfalla. Libro fondamentale dell’opera di Cărtărescu, Abbacinante. Il corpo è un prisma poetico e fantastico che cattura la storia della Romania in una serie di folgoranti apparizioni. Romanzo folle e ricco di incubi dove tradizione e modernità, sensualità e astrazione si fondono per creare un’opera d’arte.
Июнь Ли 3.6
Когда три главных героя нового романа Июнь Ли были совсем юными, их подруга отравилась и осталась инвалидом на всю жизнь. Сама ли она приняла яд? Или это преступление? Все трое хранят каждый свою тайну, и груз прошлого так и не дает им жить в полную силу. Прошлое не отпускает их, где бы они ни находились, как бы ни пытались выстроить свою судьбу.
Дани Лаферьер 0.0
On January 12, 2010, novelist Dany Laferrière had just ordered dinner at a Port-au-Prince restaurant with a friend when the earthquake struck. He survived; some three hundred thousand others did not. The quake caused widespread destruction and left over one million homeless.

This moving and revelatory book is an eyewitness account of the quake and its aftermath. In a series of vignettes, Laferrière reveals the shock, rage, and grief experienced by those around him, the acts of heroism he witnessed, and his own sense of survivor guilt. At one point, his nephew, astonished at still being alive, asks his uncle not to write about "this," "this" being too horrible to give up so easily to those who were not there. But as a writer, Laferrière can't make such a promise. Still, the question is raised: to whom does this disaster belong? Who gets to talk and write about it? In this way, this book is not only the chronicle of a natural disaster; it is also a personal meditation about the responsibility and power of the written word in a manner that echoes certain post-Holocaust books.

Includes a foreword by Michaëlle Jean, UN special envoy to Haiti and the former Governor General of Canada.

Dany Laferrière was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1953. He is the author of fourteen novels, including Heading South and How to Make Love to a Negro without Getting Tired. His awards include the Prix Médicis and the Governor General's Literary Award. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
Динау Менгесту 4.5
All Our Names is the story of two young men who come of age during an African revolution, drawn from the safe confines of the university campus into the intensifying clamor of the streets outside. But as the line between idealism and violence becomes increasingly blurred, the friends are driven apart—one into the deepest peril, as the movement gathers inexorable force, and the other into the safety of exile in the American Midwest. There, pretending to be an exchange student, he falls in love with a social worker and settles into small-town life. Yet this idyll is inescapably darkened by the secrets of his past: the acts he committed and the work he left unfinished. Most of all, he is haunted by the beloved friend he left behind, the charismatic leader who first guided him to revolution and then sacrificed everything to ensure his freedom.