
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Дж. Л. Эсплин 0.0
Dad always said if things get desperate, it’s okay to drink the water in the toilet. I never thought it would come to that. I thought I’d sooner die than let one drop of toilet water touch my lips. Yet here I am, kneeling before a porcelain throne, holding a tin mug for scooping in one hand, and my half-gallon canteen in the other.

The Lockwood brothers are supposed to be able to survive anything. Their dad, a hardcore survivalist, has stockpiled enough food and water on their isolated Nevada ranch to last for months. But when they are robbed at gunpoint during a massive blackout while their dad is out of town, John and Stew must walk 96 miles in the stark desert sun to get help--and they have only 3 days before their time runs out....
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Линдси Карри 3.9
Клэр не интересуется сверхъестественными явлениями. Она считает себя учёным, и именно поэтому совсем не хочет помогать отцу в одном из его автобусных туров по местам Чикаго, в которых когда-либо встречались призраки. Однако во время поездки она встречает грустного мальчика, он выглядит как гость из прошлого, как призрак. Сначала девочка решила, что ей лишь показалось. Но потом она, находясь в комнате совсем одна, услышала странный скрежет — ЦАРАП-ЦАРАП! Может быть, этот тот самый мальчик-призрак преследует ее? Клэр испугана и решает во что бы то ни стало выяснить, что происходит.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Дэн Гемайнхарт 4.6
Койот Санрайз двенадцать лет и семь месяцев, ее дом — школьный автобус, и ей необходимо сдержать свою клятву. А для этого нужно срочно проехать три с половиной тысячи миль.

Вместе с автобусом, котом и папой. Причем папа не должен даже заподозрить, куда и зачем они едут на самом деле. Возможно ли за четыре дня полностью изменить свою жизнь?

Похоже, что да, если этого захотеть очень-очень сильно.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Родман Филбрик 0.0
Newbery Honor author Rodman Philbrick sends readers straight into the nightmare of a raging wildfire as 12-year-old Sam is trapped by explosive flames and deadly smoke that threaten to take his life. Can he survive?

Flames race toward Sam Castine's summer camp as evacuation buses are loading, but Sam runs back to get his phone. Suddenly, a flash of heat blasts him as pine trees explode. Now a wall of fire separates Sam from his bus, and there's only one thing to do: Run for his life. Run or die.

Lungs burning, Sam's only goal is to keep moving. Drought has made the forest a tinderbox, and Sam struggles to remember survival tricks he learned from his late father. Then, when he least expects it, he encounters Delphy, an older girl who is also lost. Their unlikely friendship grows as they join forces to find civilization.

The pace never slows, and eventually flames surround Sam and Delphy on all sides. A powerful bond is forged that can only grow out of true hardship-as two true friends beat all odds and outwit one of the deadliest fires ever.

At the end of the novel, information about wildfires and useful safety tips add to the reader's understanding of one of the US's most dangerous natural disasters.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Гордон Корман 4.4
Чейз не помнит, зачем он полез на крышу, как и почему с нее упал. Просто в один прекрасный день он очнулся в больничной палате среди абсолютно незнакомых людей: мамы, брата, врача – и узнал от них, что его зовут Чейз Эмброз. Все, что произошло с ним за тринадцать лет жизни, словно корова языком слизала.

Теперь ему предстоит узнать, что он за человек.

Что любит, с кем дружит, как к нему относятся окружающие…

И тут его ждет не самое приятное открытие: для одних школьников он герой, капитан суперуспешной футбольной команды, а для других – исчадие ада, ненавистный мучитель, бессовестный и жестокий.

Но так ли важно, кем был Чейз Эмброз? Гораздо важнее понять, кто он сейчас и кем станет в будущем.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Дасти Боулинг 4.5
Aven Green loves to tell people that she lost her arms in an alligator wrestling match, or a wildfire in Tanzania, but the truth is she was born without them. And when her parents take a job running Stagecoach Pass, a rundown western theme park in Arizona, Aven moves with them across the country knowing that she’ll have to answer the question over and over again.

Her new life takes an unexpected turn when she bonds with Connor, a classmate who also feels isolated because of his own disability, and they discover a room at Stagecoach Pass that holds bigger secrets than Aven ever could have imagined. It’s hard to solve a mystery, help a friend, and face your worst fears. But Aven’s about to discover she can do it all . . . even without arms.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Сара Пеннипакер 4.5
Питер и Пакс, мальчик и его лис, лис и его мальчик — в этой жизни они помогают друг другу пережить горе, которое у каждого — своё. Родители Пакса погибли, когда тот был лисёнком, а Питер, недавно потерявший маму, спас его от смерти. Они не друзья и не братья, они не хозяин и питомец. Они — одно целое. Но Питер осознаёт это, только когда ему приходится расстаться с Паксом. А осознав, отправляется на поиски своего лиса.

Пронзительная и искренняя книга о правде и лжи, о бессмысленности войны, о хрупкости природы, о верности себе и умении сопереживать, лучшая детская книга 2016 года по версии Amazon.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Джейсон Рейнольдс 0.0
A National Book Award Finalist for Young People’s Literature.
Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read.

Ghost wants to be the fastest sprinter on his elite middle school track team, but his past is slowing him down in this first electrifying novel of a brand-new series from Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Award–winning author Jason Reynolds.

Ghost. Lu. Patina. Sunny. Four kids from wildly different backgrounds with personalities that are explosive when they clash. But they are also four kids chosen for an elite middle school track team—a team that could qualify them for the Junior Olympics if they can get their acts together. They all have a lot to lose, but they also have a lot to prove, not only to each other, but to themselves.

Running. That’s all Ghost (real name Castle Cranshaw) has ever known. But Ghost has been running for the wrong reasons—it all started with running away from his father, who, when Ghost was a very little boy, chased him and his mother through their apartment, then down the street, with a loaded gun, aiming to kill. Since then, Ghost has been the one causing problems—and running away from them—until he meets Coach, an ex-Olympic Medalist who sees something in Ghost: crazy natural talent. If Ghost can stay on track, literally and figuratively, he could be the best sprinter in the city. Can Ghost harness his raw talent for speed, or will his past finally catch up to him?
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Mary Downing Hahn 4.0
“Folks say Old Auntie takes a girl and keeps her fifty years—then lets her go and takes another one.”

Thirteen-year-old Daniel Anderson doesn’t believe Brody Mason’s crazy stories about the ghost witch who lives up on Brewster’s Hill with Bloody Bones, her man-eating razorback hog. He figures Brody’s probably just trying to scare him since he’s the new kid . . . a “stuck-up snot” from Connecticut. But Daniel’s seven-year-old sister Erica has become more and more withdrawn, talking to her lookalike doll. When she disappears into the woods one day, he knows something is terribly wrong. Did the witch strike? Has Erica been “took”?
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Линда Маллэли Хант 4.6
Впервые на русском языке! Книга знаменитой американской писательницы, автора бестселлеров The New York Times. Добрая, жизнерадостная, трогательная история, которая учит никогда не сдаваться, верить в свои силы и не бояться трудностей.

Элли — необычная девочка. Дело в том, что она не умеет читать. У Элли редкое заболевание дислексия, вызывающее затруднения при чтении и письме. Из-за этого девочка постоянно попадает в неловкие ситуации на уроках. К счастью, в школе появляется новый учитель, который поможет Элли научиться читать.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Jennifer Brown 0.0
Twelve-year-old Arcturus Betelgeuse Chambers' quest to find life on other planets seems at an end when his parents decide to move to Las Vegas, but while they look for a house he stays with his neighbor, an astronaut who soon becomes a friend.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Дианна Дориси Вингет 0.0
A moving middle-grade story about love, loss, and the unlikely places we find home.

Poppy's life has been turned upside down after her grandma (and guardian) had a stroke and ended up in the hospital. But Poppy is working on a plan to help Grandma Beth so their life together can go back to normal. But when she witnesses an armed robbery, "back to normal" slips even further out of her reach. To keep Poppy safe, the budget-strapped police devise an unusual "witness protection program," wherein Poppy will stay with Detective Brannigan's mother. Soon Poppy is feeling almost at home, even making sort-of friends with a girl named Lizzie and definitely friending Gunner, a beautiful dog with an uncertain fate. But it's still not home. So while she and Lizzie navigate a rocky friendship and plot to save Gunner's life, Poppy also tries to figure out a new plan to save Grandma Beth and their home, all while avoiding a dangerous robber who might be searching for her. But what if Grandma Beth can never come home and the robber is put behind bars? What will happen to Poppy then?
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Крис Грабенстейн 4.4
12-летний Кайл и его одноклассники даже подумать не могли, чем обернется праздник по случаю открытия новой библиотеки. Великий Луиджи Лимончелло, непревзойденный придумщик компьютерных и настольных игр, сделал так, что, оказавшись в библиотеке, ребята оказались в настоящей игре: победит тот, кто первым выберется через потайной выход из библиотеки. Но где он, этот выход? У Кайла и его друзей есть ровно 24 часа и шифрованные подсказки – они ловко спрятаны буквально повсюду: в книгах, в архивных коробках, на потолке и даже на читательских билетах. Чем же закончится ночь в библиотеке?
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Sharon Creech 4.0
Fans of Newbery Medal winner Sharon Creech's Ruby Holler will love her latest tween novel about finding family when you least expect it. The Boy on the Porch is a singular story about opening your heart and discovering home in unexpected places. Extras in the paperback tell of Sharon Creech's inspiration for the book!

When a young couple finds a boy asleep on their porch, their lives take a surprising turn. Unable to speak, the boy, Jacob, can't explain his history. All John and Marta know is that they have been chosen to care for him. And, as their connection and friendship with Jacob grow, they embrace his exuberant spirit and talents. The three of them blossom into an unlikely family and begin to see the world in brand-new ways.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
В. Х. Бек 0.0
When Malcolm the rat arrives as the pet at McKenna School, he revels in the attention. He also meets the Midnight Academy, a secret society of classroom pets that keeps the nutters (kids) safe. There’s just one problem: Rats have a terrible reputation! So when the Academy’s iguana leader is kidnapped, Malcolm must prove his innocence—and show that even rats can be good guys. Illustrated by Brian Lies of Bats at the Beach, this engaging middle grade novel will have readers rooting for Malcolm as they try to solve the mystery alongside him.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
М. Х. Херлонг 0.0
A classic boy-and-dog tale in the tradition of Old YellerTyrone "Li'l T" Roberts meets Buddy when his family's car accidentally hits the stray dog on their way to church. Buddy turns out to be the dog Li'l T's always wished for--until Hurricane Katrina comes to New Orleans and he must leave Buddy behind. After the storm, Li'l T and his father return home to find a community struggling to rebuild their lives--and Buddy gone. But Li'l T refuses to give up his quest to find his best friend. From the author of the BBYA Top Ten selection The Great Wide Sea comes a powerful story of hope, courage, and knowing when to let go.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Хелен Фрост 0.0
When Wren Abbott and Darra Monson are eight years old, Darra's father steals a minivan. He doesn't know that Wren is hiding in the back. The hours and days that follow change the lives of both girls. Darra is left with a question that only Wren can answer. Wren has questions, too.

Years later, in a chance encounter at camp, the girls face each other for the first time. They can finally learn the truth—that is, if they're willing to reveal to each other the stories that they've hidden for so long. Told from alternating viewpoints, this novel-in-poems reveals the complexities of memory and the strength of a friendship that can overcome pain.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Дон Браун 0.0
One of School Library Journal's Best Nonfiction Books of 2011
One of Horn Book's Best Nonfiction Books of 2011

On the ten year anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, a straightforward and sensitive book for a generation of readers too young to remember that terrible day.

The events of September 11, 2001 changed the world forever. In the fourth installment of the Actual Times series, Don Brown narrates the events of the day in a way that is both accessible and understandable for young readers. Straightforward and honest, this account moves chronologically through the morning, from the terrorist plane hijackings to the crashes at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania; from the rescue operations at the WTC site in New York City to the collapse of the buildings. Vivid watercolor illustrations capture the emotion and pathos of the tragedy making this an important book about an unforgettable day in American history.
Книги для детей 3-5 классов
Патрик Дженнингс 5.0
Rufus has been dreaming of getting a dog. His best friend has one. His worst friend has one. But his dad has a few objections: They whine. They gnaw. They bark. They scratch. They beg. They drool.

Rufus pays no attention when his mom offers her think-outside-the-box suggestion, because she can't be serious. She can't be.

She can be. And she actually comes home with a guinea pig. And if Rufus's dad thinks dogs are a problem, he won't know what hit him when he meets the Guinea Pig that Thinks She's a Dog. She barks. She bites. She'll eat your homework.
Книги для детей 6-8 классов
Пег Кехрет 0.0
Each day, Rusty feeds a dog that's left chained in the frigid weather with no shelter and no food or water. When he realizes that the dog's been injured, Rusty and his friend Andrew unchain the dog and take it. Are they stealing, or are they rescuing a dog in need? With the dog living in their secret hideout, the boys face multiple challenges, including a mysterious ghost dog that tries to lead them to a startling secret, Andrew's snoopy sister, and the escalating threats of the dog's abusive owner. The fast-paced suspense builds to a surprising conclusion, which will leave young readers cheering for Rusty's compassion and determination.
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