Вручение 2013 г.

Премия вручена за 2012 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2013 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

Питер Мэй 4.1
Сюжет романа "Скала" разворачивается на острове Льюис, далеко от берегов северной Шотландии. Произошло жестокое убийство, похожее на другое, случившееся незадолго до этого в Эдинбурге. Полицейский Фин Маклауд родился на острове, поэтому вести дело поручили именно ему. Оказавшись на месте, Маклауд еще не знает, что ему предстоит раскрыть не только убийство, но и леденящую душу тайну собственного прошлого.
Питер Мэй, известный шотладский автор детективов и телесценарист, снимал на Льюисе сериал на гэльском языке и провел там несколько лет. Этот опыт позволил ему придать событиям, описанным в книге, особую достоверность. Картины сурового, мрачного ландшафта, безжалостной погоды, традиционной охоты на птиц погружают читателя в подлинную атмосферу шотландской глубинки.
Гиллиан Флинн 4.2
Все было готово для празднования пятилетнего юбилея супружеской жизни, когда вдруг необъяснимо пропал один из виновников торжества. Остались следы борьбы в доме, кровь, которую явно пытались стереть, — и цепочка «ключей» в игре под названием «охота за сокровищами»; красивая, умная и невероятно изобретательная жена ежегодно устраивала ее для своего обожаемого мужа.
И похоже, что эти «ключи» — размещенные ею тут и там странные записки и не менее странные безделушки — дают единственный шанс пролить свет на судьбу исчезнувшей. Вот только не придется ли «охотнику» в процессе поиска раскрыть миру и пару-тройку собственных малосимпатичных тайн?

Роман экранизирован в 2014 году знаменитым Дэвидом Финчером («Бойцовский клуб», «Девушка с татуировкой дракона»). Фильм удостоен нескольких престижных премий, в том числе «Оскара» за лучшую женскую роль.
Деннис Лихэйн 4.1
Впервые на русском — новое панорамно-лирическое полотно современного классика Денниса Лихэйна, автора бестселлеров «Таинственная река» и «Остров проклятых», а также эпоса «Настанет день» — первой в новом веке заявки на пресловутый «великий американский роман». Теперь «наследник Джона Стейнбека и Рэймонда Чандлера» решил сыграть на поле «Крестного отца» и «Однажды в Америке» — и выступил очень уверенно.
Итак, познакомьтесь с Джо Коглином — сыном капитана бостонской полиции Томаса Коглина и младшим братом бывшего патрульного Дэнни Коглина, уже известных читателю по роману «Настанет день». Джо пошел иным путем и стал одним из тех, кто может сказать о себе: «Наш дом — ночь, и мы пляшем так бешено, что под ногами не успевает вырасти трава». За десятилетие он пройдет путь от бунтаря-одиночки, которому закон не писан, до руководителя крупнейшей в регионе бутлегерской операции, до правой руки главаря гангстерского синдиката. Но за все взлеты и падения его судьбы в ответе одна движущая сила — любовь...
Линвуд Баркли 3.9
Томас Килбрайт болен и редко покидает дом. Его единственная страсть - виртуальные путешествия по городам мира. Во время одной из таких компьютерных прогулок по Нью-Йорку он случайно видит записанную камерой сцену жестокого убийства. Томас сообщает об этом старшему брату Рэю, но тот поднимает его на смех. Однако, уступив просьбам Томаса, все-таки пытается выяснить, что на самом деле увидел брат. Вскоре Рэй приходит к выводу: действительно было совершено убийство, причем за ним стоят очень влиятельные люди города.
Отныне Томасу и Рэю грозит смертельная опасность...
William Landay 4.2
Andy Barber has been an assistant district attorney in his suburban Massachusetts county for more than twenty years. He is respected in his community, tenacious in the courtroom, and happy at home with his wife, Laurie, and son, Jacob. But when a shocking crime shatters their New England town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: His fourteen-year-old son is charged with the murder of a fellow student.

Every parental instinct Andy has rallies to protect his boy. Jacob insists that he is innocent, and Andy believes him. Andy must. He’s his father. But as damning facts and shocking revelations surface, as a marriage threatens to crumble and the trial intensifies, as the crisis reveals how little a father knows about his son, Andy will face a trial of his own—between loyalty and justice, between truth and allegation, between a past he’s tried to bury and a future he cannot conceive.

Award-winning author William Landay has written the consummate novel of an embattled family in crisis—a suspenseful, character-driven mystery that is also a spellbinding tale of guilt, betrayal, and the terrifying speed at which our lives can spin out of control.

Лучший дебютный роман

Джулия Келлер 0.0
In A Killing in the Hills, a powerful, intricate debut from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Julia Keller, a mother and a daughter try to do right by a town and each other before it's too late.

What's happening in Acker's Gap, West Virginia? Three elderly men are gunned down over their coffee at a local diner, and seemingly half the town is there to witness the act. Still, it happened so fast, and no one seems to have gotten a good look at the shooter. Was it random? Was it connected to the spate of drug violence plaguing poor areas of the country just like Acker's Gap? Or were Dean Streeter, Shorty McClurg, and Lee Rader targeted somehow?

One of the witnesses to the brutal incident was Carla Elkins, teenaged daughter of Bell Elkins, the prosecuting attorney for Raythune County, WV. Carla was shocked and horrified by what she saw, but after a few days, she begins to recover enough to believe that she might be uniquely placed to help her mother do her job.

After all, what better way to repair their fragile, damaged relationship? But could Carla also end up doing more harm than good―in fact, putting her own life in danger?
Алекс Гришен 4.0
Роман «Скотланд-Ярд» — детектив-бестселлер. Роман повествует о нескольких днях во времена самого трудного периода английской полиции – расследования дела Джека Потрошителя. Один из полицейских жестоко убит, а его товарищам предстоит раскрыть это убийство за одни сутки. На фоне скептицизма лондонцев, которые больше не верят в полицию (ведь тень непойманного Потрошителя стоит у каждого дома) разворачивается стремительный триллер, в котором найдется место не только обитателям трущоб, полицейским, бандитам и безумным танцовщикам, но и захватывающему описанию открытия дактилоскопии.
Дэвид Марк 3.5
Стремительный, непредсказуемый, с харизматичным героем, с тревожной атмосферой – все как надо в этом дебютном романе.

В портовом Гулле, десятилетия не знавшем снега, метель. Снег сыпет который день, небо цвета ртути низко нависло над землей, в городе ночь сменяется сумерками, которые сменяются ночью. Зимние сумерки и в душе Эктора Макэвоя, детектива из убойного отдела Гулля. Дома его ждет красавица-жена и очаровательный маленький сын, в отделе его уважают, хотя сторонятся, но ему не дает покоя прошлое, оставившее отметины на его теле... Серия подозрительных смертей происходит в этом городе на севере Англии. Старый рыбак погибает в открытом море; девочка-подросток заколота на ступенях церкви после рождественской службы; алкоголик сгорел заживо при странных обстоятельствах... Между этими смертями нет ничего общего. Но на взгляд Эктора Макэвоя, рыжего гиганта с кроткими глазами, есть. И пусть ему никто не верит, он убежден, что это не простые убийства. Он ведь и сам чуть не стал жертвой, столкнувшись с убийцей, лицо которого было спрятано под маской, оставлявшей открытыми лишь глаза. Ярко-синие глаза, полные слез...
Оуэн Локканен 3.8
Их четверо в банде. Они придумали отличную схему - выискивали в Интернете нечистого на руку бизнесмена, похищали его и требовали умеренный выкуп. Работали профессионально, следов не оставляли. Никто из пострадавших по понятным причинам не доносил в полицию, но однажды преступники допустили ошибку: человек, которого они похитили, оказался членом мафиозной семьи, и все пошло не так - похищенный убит. Теперь за ними гонятся не только копы, но и гангстеры, а эти из-под земли достанут…
Тим О'Мара 0.0
Raymond Donne wasn't always a schoolteacher. Not only did he patrol the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, as one of New York's Finest, but being the nephew of the chief of detectives, he was expected to go on to bigger things. At least he was until the accident that destroyed his knees. Unable to do the job the way he wanted, he became a teacher in the same neighborhood, and did everything he could to put the force behind him and come to terms with the change.

Then Frankie Rivas, a student in Ray's class and a baseball phenom, stops showing up to school. With Frankie in danger of failing and missing out on a scholarship, Ray goes looking for him, only to find Frankie's father bludgeoned to death in their apartment. Frankie and his younger sister are gone, possibly on the run. But did Frankie really kill his father? Ray can't believe it. But then who did, and where are Frankie and his sister? Ray doesn't know, but if he's going to have any chance of bringing them home safely, he's going to have to return to the life, the people, and the demons he walked out on all those years ago.

Intense, authentic, and completely gripping, Tim O'Mara's Sacrifice Fly is an outstanding debut from a stellar new voice in crime fiction.
Майкл Сирс 0.0
Sometimes a man can be redeemed. But not in the way he expects.

Jason Stafford is a former Wall Street hotshot who made some bad moves, paid the price with two years in prison, and is now trying to put his life back together. He’s unemployable, until an investment firm asks him to look into possible problems left by a junior trader who died recently in an accident. What he discovers is big – there are problems, all right, the kind that get you killed.

But it’s not his only concern. Stafford has another quest as well: to reclaim his five-year-old son, “the Kid,” from his unstable ex-wife, and then learn just what it means to make a life with him. The things Stafford discovers about himself in the process are every bit as gripping as his investigation, and when the two threads of his life come together – the results are unforgettable.

Black Fridays marks the arrival of a remarkable new writer.

Лучший роман в обложке

Сьюзен Элия Макнил 0.0
London, 1940. Winston Churchill has just been sworn in, war rages across the Channel, and the threat of a Blitz looms larger by the day. But none of this deters Maggie Hope. She graduated at the top of her college class and possesses all the skills of the finest minds in British intelligence, but her gender qualifies her only to be the newest typist at No. 10 Downing Street. Her indefatigable spirit and remarkable gifts for codebreaking, though, rival those of even the highest men in government, and Maggie finds that working for the prime minister affords her a level of clearance she could never have imagined-and opportunities she will not let pass. In troubled, deadly times, with air-raid sirens sending multitudes underground, access to the War Rooms also exposes Maggie to the machinations of a menacing faction determined to do whatever it takes to change the course of history. Ensnared in a web of spies, murder, and intrigue, Maggie must work quickly to balance her duty to King and Country with her chances for survival. And when she unravels a mystery that points toward her own family's hidden secrets, she'll discover that her quick wits are all that stand between an assassin's murderous plan and Churchill himself. In this thrilling debut, Susan Elia MacNeal blends meticulous research on the era, psychological insight into Winston Churchill, and the creation of a riveting main character, Maggie Hope, into a beautifully crafted mystery.
John Enright 0.0
Detective Sergeant Apelu Soifua spent seven years in the San Francisco Police Department, where the job was just a job and solving crimes required cool detachment. But back home on American Samoa, life is personal—especially for a cop. Because on a small island where no one is a stranger and secrets are widely known but never discussed, solving crimes requires a certain…finesse.

Here, Apelu must walk the line between two cultures: Samoan versus American, native versus new. And that gulf never yawns wider than when a white family’s home in Pago Pago is burglarized. And what appears to be a simple, open-and-shut case turns out to anything but. As the evidence piles up, Apelu follows a tangled trail between cultures, dead bodies, hidden codes, and a string of lies on his hunt for the ugly truth buried at the heart of paradise.

Set against the steamy backdrop of the Samoan jungle, this thoughtful whodunit introduces a memorable new gumshoe to the ranks of detective fiction.
Малла Нун 0.0
Detective Sergeant Emmanuel Cooper returns in this powerful, atmospheric novel about two communities forced to confront each other after a murder that exposes their secret ties and forbidden desires in apartheid South Africa, by award-winning author Malla Nunn.

The body of a beautiful seventeen-year-old Zulu girl, Amahle, is found covered in wildflowers on a hillside in the Drakensberg Mountains, halfway between her father’s compound and the enormous white-owned farm where she worked. Detective Sergeant Cooper and Detective Constable Samuel Shabalala are sent to the desolate landscape to investigate. They soon discover that Amahle’s life was woven into both the black and white communities in ways they could never have imagined. Cooper and Shabalala must enter the guarded worlds of a traditional Zulu clan and a divided white farming community to gather up the secrets she left behind and bring her murderer to justice.

In a country deeply divided by apartheid, where the law is bent as often as it is broken, Emmanuel Cooper fights against all odds to deliver justice and bring together two seemingly disparate and irreconcilable worlds despite the danger that is arising.
Sophie Hannah 0.0
The latest psychological thriller from the internationally bestselling author of The Wrong Mother and The Cradle in the Grave

It's past midnight, but Connie Bowskill can't sleep. To pass the time, she logs on to a real estate website in search of a particular house, one she is obsessed with for reasons she's too scared to even admit to herself. As she clicks through the virtual tour, she comes across a scene from a nightmare: a woman lying facedown on the living room floor in a pool of blood. But when she returns to show her husband, there is no body, no blood—just a perfectly ordinary room, with a perfectly clean beige carpet.
The sixth book in Sophie Hannah’s beloved Zailer and Waterhouse series, The Other Woman’s House offers unforgettable suspense and a heart-stopping conclusion that Ruth Rendell and Tana French fans will love.
Alan Glynn 0.0
A helicopter crash off the coast of Ireland sends unexpected ripples through the international community in this intricate new thriller from the author of Winterland and Limitless (now a major motion picture).

Susie Monaghan was on the cusp of stardom when her life was cut short by a tragic helicopter crash. After a full investigation, her death was ruled an accident: case closed. But a hungry young journalist named Jimmy Gilroy isn't buying the official story. Before dying, Susie's path had crossed with an unlikely gallery of powerful men: an ex-Prime minister with a carefully guarded secret; the businessman brother of a U.S. Senator angling for the Oval Office; and a billionaire investor with his eye on an extremely rare commodity. Might there also be a link between Susie's death and a deranged security contractor operating in Congo? Piece by piece, Jimmy uncovers a bizarre nexus of coincidence among these disparate people and events, revealing a conspiracy of frightening reach and consequence--one that could cost him his life.

Set against a vividly drawn world of corporate and political intrigue, Alan Glynn's Bloodland is a riveting paranoid thriller of uncommon depth and page-turning suspense.
А. Д. Скотт 0.0
Now the acclaimed mystery series about a newspaper staff in a 1950s Highland town continues - everything is quiet and quaint until one of their own is murdered. In a small Scottish town, the local newspaper staff doesn't see much excitement. But that all changes when their no-nonsense office manager Mrs. Smart is found murdered one dreary autumn night. For the staff of the Highland Gazette, the investigation becomes personal when the deputy editor, is accused of the crime.

It's the late 1950s, the decade of rock n' roll and television, and change is coming, but slowly. It's up to budding reporter Joanne Ross to step into Mrs. Smart's shoes and keep the newspaper office running, all while raising two girls alone. But newcomer Neil Stewart proves a major distraction for Joanne.

And what does the tragic tale of children stolen from the travelling people more than thirty years previously have to do with this murder? In a mystery with twists and turns and no clear-cut solution, the secrets of the past must be unraveled before justice can be found.

Beneath the Abbey Wall is a finely wrought, atmospheric mystery that ratchets up the thrills, pulling you into the chilling grip of small-town life in Scotland where every corner is haunted by the past.

Лучший триллер

Daniel Silva 4.5
Art restorer, assassin, spy—Gabriel Allon returns in The Fallen Angel, another blockbuster espionage thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva. The acclaimed author of Portrait of a Spy, Silva (“a world class practitioner of spy fiction” —Washington Post) is an undisputed master of the genre who has brought “new life to the international thriller” (Newsday).

A breathtaking adventure that races around the globe, The Fallen Angel begins in Rome, where Allon is called upon to investigate a murder at the Vatican, one with disastrous repercussions that could plunge the world into a conflict of apocalyptic proportions. If you haven’t yet been drawn into Daniel Silva’s thrilling universe of intrigue, danger, and exceptional spycraft, start here—and see why the Philadelphia Inqurer declares that, “The enigmatic Gabriel Allon remains one of the most intriguing heroes of any thriller series.”
Чарльз Камминг 3.8
Загадочные и страшные события, которые произошли в разное время и на разных континентах, сначала не привлекли большого внимания. В конце 1990­х в Тунисе бесследно исчезла молодая помощница по хозяйству, оставив в неведении влюбленного в нее соблазнителя. Годы спустя в египетском Шарм­эль­Шейхе с невероятной жестокостью были убиты приехавшие на отдых супруги из Франции. Вскоре после этого на темной улице Парижа похитили молодого французского бухгалтера. Но когда на юге Франции пропала Амелия Левин, которой в скором времени предстояло взять на себя роль первой женщины­начальника МИ­6, британская Секретная разведывательная служба столкнулась едва ли не с самым серьезным кризисом в своей истории. Отчаявшись не только найти Левин, но и не допустить, чтобы скандал просочился в прессу, британские высокопоставленные разведчики обращаются к Томасу Келли - одному из своих опальных экс­офицеров. Устремляясь по следу, который приводит его во Францию, а затем в Тунис, Келли раскрывает шокирующий тайный заговор, который может иметь необратимые последствия для Великобритании и ее союзников. И понимает, что только он один способен предотвратить катастрофу...
Бен Коэс 0.0
With time running out to stop the nuclear destruction of Tel Aviv, Dewey Andreas must defeat his most fearsome opponent yet.

Off a quiet street in Brooklyn, New York, Israeli Special Forces commander Kohl Meir is captured by operatives of the Iranian secret service, who smuggle Meir back to Iran, where he is imprisoned, tortured, and prepared for a show trial.

What they don't know is that Meir was in New York to recruit Dewey Andreas for a secret operation. Meir had been tipped off that Iran had finally succeeded in building their first nuclear weapon, one they were planning to use to attack Israel. His source was a high-level Iranian government official and his proof was a photo of the bomb itself.

Dewey Andreas, a former Army Ranger and Delta, owes his life to Meir and his team of Israeli commandos. Now, to repay his debt, Dewey has to attempt the impossible ---to both rescue Meir from one of the world's most secure prisons and to find and eliminate Iran's nuclear bomb before it's deployed---all without the help or sanction of Israel or America (at the near certain risk of detection by Iran).

Unfortunately, Dewey's first moves have caught the attention of Abu Paria, the brutal and brilliant head of VEVAK, the Iranian secret service. Now Dewey has to face off against, outwit, and outfight an opponent with equal cunning, skill, and determination, with the fate of millions hanging in the balance.
Derek Haas 0.0
Meet Austin Clay, the CIA's best-kept secret.

There has always been a need in the spy game for operations outside the realm of legality-covert missions so black no one in the American government, and almost no one in intelligence itself, is aware of their existence. The left hand can't know what the right hand is doing.

Austin Clay is that right hand, executing missions that would be disavowed by his own government were he ever to be compromised. His team consists of only his trusted handler and himself. His missions are among the most important and dangerous in U.S. history.

Clay is sent to track down a missing American operative, a man who was captured outside of Moscow, in the Russian countryside. Soon he discovers the missing officer is only the beginning of the mission, and finds himself protecting a desperate woman who believes a mole has penetrated the top levels of the U.S. government, throwing the international balance of power into jeopardy.

With blistering pace, international intrigue, and a high-stakes plot that spans continents, THE RIGHT HAND introduces a new hero, from the novelist whose work the New York Times Book Review has proclaimed "devastatingly cool."
Майк Лоусон 0.0
DeMarco is asked to look into the murder conviction of a lobbyist. But he has other worries on his mind: his boss is no longer Speaker,his girlfriend has left him, andhis friend Emma may be dying. DeMarco doesn’t expect to free the lobbyist – much less to become the target of two of the most callous killers he and Emma have ever encountered.
Брайан Фримантл 0.0
Britain's MI5 tolerates Charlie Muffin because he's their best field agent. What none of his colleagues knows, though, is that he is married to Natalia Fedova, a colonel in the FSB, the Russian intelligence successor to the KGB. It's a secret that could land her in front of a firing squad, and him in jail for life. Worst of all, their daughter would then end up in a Russian state orphanage.

But a frantic call from Natalia has brought their secret out, and Charlie must lead a combined MI5/MI6 mission to rescue her. He soon realizes that his higher-ups have other priorities than his family's safety. Charlie will have to outwit not just the Russians but his own government as well to protect the lives of his wife and child.