Вручение 2001 г.

Премия вручена за 2000 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

Nevada Barr 0.0
Park Ranger Anna Pigeon stumbles upon a gruesome murder with frightening racial overtones in the latest installment of this bestselling series.

In Deep South, Anna travels cross-country to Mississippi, only to encounter terrible secrets in the heart of the south.

The handwritten sign on the tree said it all: Repent. For Anna, this should have been reason enough to turn back for her beloved Mesa Verde. Instead she heads for the Natchez Trace Parkway and the promotion that awaits her. Almost immediately, she finds herself in the midst of controversy: As the new district ranger, she faces resentment so extreme her ability to do her job may be compromised, and her life may very well be in danger. But all thoughts of personal safety are set aside with the discovery of a young girl's body in a country cemetery, a sheet around her head, a noose around her neck.

The kudzu is thick and green, the woods dark and full of secrets. And the ghosts of violence hover as Anna struggles for answers to questions that, perhaps, should never be asked.
Чайлд Ли 4.3
Правду говорят, что добрые дела наказуемы. Не успел Джек Ричер помочь хорошему человеку избавиться от вымогателей, как его тут же схватили агенты ФБР и начали задавать странные вопросы, из которых следует, что его подозревают в убийстве двух женщин, бывших военнослужащих, дела которых он вел, будучи военным полицейским. Обстоятельства смерти обеих женщин загадочны и непонятны. Экспертами ФБР составлен психологический портрет преступника, и Джек Ричер как нельзя лучше соответствует ему. Специальный агент Нельсон Блейк и его команда уверены, что Джек должен знать ответы на вопросы, почему и, главное, каким образом умерли эти женщины.
Thomas H. Cook 0.0
It is autumn 1937 when a mystery woman appears in Port Alma, a sea village nestled on the chilly coast of Maine. A fragile, green-eyed beauty, the woman arrives with little more than the clothes on her back and a wealth of unspoken secrets.

Before a year goes by, she will flee Port Alma on the same bus that brought her there. But before she goes, she will irrevocably alter the lives of two brothers — leaving one dead, and the other perched on the edge of madness.

There is much that Dora March has hidden.

But in Port Alma, Maine, there are other secrets, too....
Билл Фицхью 0.0
Big-shot ad exec Dan Steele feels entitled to the best life has to offer -- even if he has to live way beyond his means to acquire it. But there's hope on the horizon. Dan has just stolen what's sure to be an award-winning idea for a multimillion-dollar account. If he can keep the creditors at bay long enough, he'll get the keys to the executive restroom and all his problems will be solved.

Unfortunately, that's when his brother, a Catholic priest, shows up at Dan's door in need of a loan to pay for some essential medical attention. Being both financially and morally challenged, Dan hands over his insurance card instead of his credit card. But it's too late. After running up a bill for $300,000, Father Michael goes the way of all flesh.

Now Dan has a choice: go to prison for insurance fraud or take a vow of poverty and become a man of the cloth. Before he can say "God bless," Dan finds himself pursued by a relentless insurance investigator, the psychopathic copywriter whose idea he stole, and a deadly killer from his brother's mysterious past. And, as if that wasn't enough, Dan finds himself falling in love with a gun-toting nun. Let us pray.
Barbara Seranella 0.0
Former Addict and prison parolee-turned-limo driver/car mechanic, Miranda "Munch" Mancini helps out an old friend newly released from jail. But when the friend gets mixed up in a gruesome murder and disappears, Munch's freedom and her family are suddenly in serious jeopardy.

Лучший дебютный роман

Дэвид Лисс 3.7
Англия, 1719 год. Бенджамин Уивер - боксер, за чьими боями следила, затаив дыхание, вся страна, включая особ королевской крови, - оставил ринг. Теперь он частный детектив: разыскивает похищенное и выбивает долги для своих аристократических клиентов. Но вот очередной благородный джентльмен предлагает ему расследовать не что-нибудь, а убийство, причем двойное; и одна из жертв - собственный отец Уивера, биржевой маклер, с которым наш герой не виделся более десяти лет, после того как убежал из дому. На темных улицах ночного Лондона, где зловещие тени сопровождают неосторожного прохожего, и в модных лондонских кофейнях, в шикарных клубах и низкопробных борделях Бенджамин Уивер, ежечасно рискуя жизнью, ведет свое расследование. Он смел и решителен, но этого недостаточно. Раскрыть дело можно, лишь проникнув в сокровенные тайны английской финансовой системы, которая, замерев, следит за смертельным поединком Банка Англии с первой финансовой пирамидой Европы - могущественной и опасной "Компанией южных морей". А в лондонских кофейнях уже вовсю делают ставки - доживет ли Бенджамин Уивер до конца года.
Скотт Филлипс 3.1
Чарли Арглист, в прошлом адвокат, а в настоящее время совладелец сети развлекательных заведений, решил выйти из дела, прихватив кассу. Побег разработан до мелочей. Но в последний момент, когда до отлета самолета остались считаные часы, случается непредвиденное: исчезает подельник Чарли, его близкий друг Вик Кавано. Чарли бросается на поиски Вика…
Стивен Хорн 0.0
Frank O'Connell's need to live on the edge cost him his family, his home, and a partnership in his father-in-law's prestigious D.C. firm. Then Ashley Bronson walks into his life. The murder of a former cabinet official has just propelled her from the society column to the front page, and, inexplicably, she wants Frank to defend her. Frank thinks his biggest challenge is defending a client against the prosecution's overwhelming evidence. He's got a lot to learn. Subsumed in a defense in which ethics are bent and morals compromised, a desperate Frank hits upon an inspired strategy -- and unwittingly becomes a dangerous threat to people in high places -- a threat that must be stopped no matter what the cost. Confronted by forces they don't understand, besieged lawyer and client have only each other as the courtroom battle begins...
Боб Трулак 0.0
Winner of the 1999 St. Martin's Press/ PWA Award for Best First Private Eye Novel

When we meet private detective Duncan Sloan he's just handed back a five thousand-dollar check meant as advance payment on a job. The wealthy prospective client wants Sloan to find a woman with an eyeball tattooed on her bottom. All he knows is the tattoo, that she's very young, white and probably somewhere in or near Orlando, Florida, Sloan's hometown. Thanks but no thanks; that's not enough. But when the five grand reappears in Sloan's mailbox, he uses it for a Costa Rican vacation and never mind the job.

Pike, however tracks him down. When he explains the assignment, Sloan finds it bizarre enough to say "yes." Isaac Pike is the only son of a top-ranked tycoon. He is also gay. Because he genuinely wants to be a father, he has deposited sperm with a reputable clinic while he searches for a suitable mother. But a paroled convict working at the clinic steals the sperm, impregnates a teenager with it, and blackmails Pike - send money or we abort the child.

Although Pike's idea of a suitable mother is not quite a waif from an Orlando trailer park, he is decent enough to be genuinely concerned about both mother and child.

Sloan pursues the thief and his buddies and, he hopes, the girl, through the Florida city's sad neighborhoods and outlying cheap motels, calling on his drug-enhanced informers and a contact in the police. Getting closer brings him to the mangled bodies of the young mother-to-be's relatives, and closer to his own danger as well. On he goes -- Duncan Sloan may be a reluctant detective, but when he's wound up he's hard to stop.

Street Level is Bob Truluck's first novel. It was chosen as the Best First Private Eye Novel of 1999 in the contest sponsored by Private Eye Writers of America and St. Martin's Press.

Лучший роман в обложке

Эрик Райт 0.0
Joe Barley, a part-time lecturer in English Literature and part-time security guard, is alerted by his maid to the disappearance of another of her employers, Rosie Dawn, a student of classics who is working her way through school by being an exotic dancer and the mistress of a fast-food entrepreneur. The novel also involves campus politics--a student tries to exploit the nervous administration over its minority policies.
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