Вручение 5 августа 2021 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 5 августа 2021 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

S.A. Cosby 4.0
A husband, a father, a son, a business owner...And the best getaway driver east of the Mississippi.

Beauregard “Bug” Montage is an honest mechanic, a loving husband, and a hard-working dad. Bug knows there’s no future in the man he used to be: known from the hills of North Carolina to the beaches of Florida as the best wheelman on the East Coast.

He thought he'd left all that behind him, but as his carefully built new life begins to crumble, he finds himself drawn inexorably back into a world of blood and bullets. When a smooth-talking former associate comes calling with a can't-miss jewelry store heist, Bug feels he has no choice but to get back in the driver's seat. And Bug is at his best where the scent of gasoline mixes with the smell of fear.

Haunted by the ghost of who he used to be and the father who disappeared when he needed him most, Bug must find a way to navigate this blacktop wasteland...or die trying.

Like "Ocean’s Eleven" meets "Drive", with a Southern noir twist, S. A. Cosby’s "Blacktop Wasteland" is a searing, operatic story of a man pushed to his limits by poverty, race, and his own former life of crime.
Харлан Кобен 3.7
Если ты не способен постоять за себя, будь готов к издевательствам и насмешкам. Если смошенничал в игре, помни, что тайное всегда становится явным. Если спрятался, знай, что тебя найдут.

Если ты политик, не забывай: у тебя полно врагов. Если ты добыл компромат на кандидата в президенты, будь готов к тому, что тебе пришлют отрезанный палец твоего ребенка.

Уайлд, чье прошлое — загадка для всех, включая его самого, уже давно порвал с обществом и поселился в лесу. Но однажды к нему приходят с просьбой, на которую он не может ответить отказом. На его счастье, он не простой отшельник. Он прошел военную подготовку и обладает весьма специфическими навыками. И они обязательно пригодятся в борьбе, где на кон поставлены миллионы человеческих судеб.
Michael Connelly 4.0
Lincoln Lawyer Mickey Haller is back in the heartstopping new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly.

Defense attorney Mickey Haller is pulled over by police, who find the body of a client in the trunk of his Lincoln. Haller is charged with murder and can't make the exorbitant $5 million bail slapped on him by a vindictive judge.

Mickey elects to defend himself and must strategize and build his defense from his jail cell in the Twin Towers Correctional Center in downtown Los Angeles, all the while looking over his shoulder--as an officer of the court he is an instant target.

Mickey knows he's been framed. Now, with the help of his trusted team, he has to figure out who has plotted to destroy his life and why. Then he has to go before a judge and jury and prove his innocence.

In his highest stakes case yet, Mickey Haller fights for his life and shows why he is "a worthy colleague of Atticus Finch...in the front of the pack in the legal thriller game" (Los Angeles Times).
Rachel Howzell Hall 3.0
Isabel Lincoln is gone.

But is she missing?

It's up to Grayson Sykes to find her. Although she is reluctant to track down a woman who may not want to be found, Gray's search for Isabel Lincoln becomes more complicated and dangerous with every new revelation about the woman's secrets and the truth she's hidden from her friends and family.

Featuring two complicated women in a dangerous cat and mouse game, And Now She's Gone explores the nature of secrets -- and how violence and fear can lead you to abandon everything in order to survive.
Anthony Horowitz 4.3
Retired publisher Susan Ryeland is living the good life. She is running a small hotel on a Greek island with her long-term boyfriend Andreas. It should be everything she's always wanted. But is it? She's exhausted with the responsibilities of making everything work on an island where nothing ever does, and truth be told she's beginning to miss London.

And then the Trehearnes come to stay. The strange and mysterious story they tell, about an unfortunate murder that took place on the same day and in the same hotel in which their daughter was married—a picturesque inn on the Suffolk coast named Farlingaye Hall—fascinates Susan and piques her editor’s instincts.

One of her former writers, the late Alan Conway, author of the fictional Magpie Murders, knew the murder victim—an advertising executive named Frank Parris—and once visited Farlingaye Hall. Conway based the third book in his detective series, Atticus Pund Takes the Cake, on that very crime.

The Trehearne’s, daughter, Cecily, read Conway’s mystery and believed the book proves that the man convicted of Parris’s murder—a Romanian immigrant who was the hotel’s handyman—is innocent. When the Trehearnes reveal that Cecily is now missing, Susan knows that she must return to England and find out what really happened.

Brilliantly clever, relentlessly suspenseful, full of twists that will keep readers guessing with each revelation and clue, Moonflower Murders is a deviously dark take on vintage English crime fiction from one of its greatest masterminds, Anthony Horowitz.
Луиза Пенни 4.5
On their first night in Paris, the Gamaches gather as a family for a bistro dinner with Armand's godfather, the billionaire Stephen Horowitz. Walking home together after the meal, they watch in horror as Stephen is knocked down and critically injured in what Gamache knows is no accident, but a deliberate attempt on the elderly man's life.
When a strange key is found in Stephen's possession it sends Armand, his wife Reine-Marie, and his former second-in-command at the Sûreté, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, from the top of the Tour d'Eiffel, to the bowels of the Paris Archives, from luxury hotels to odd, coded, works of art.
It sends them deep into the secrets Armand's godfather has kept for decades.
A gruesome discovery in Stephen's Paris apartment makes it clear the secrets are more rancid, the danger far greater and more imminent, than they realized.
Soon the whole family is caught up in a web of lies and deceit. In order to find the truth, Gamache will have to decide whether he can trust his friends, his colleagues, his instincts, his own past. His own family.
For even the City of Light casts long shadows. And in that darkness devils hide.
The 16th novel by #1 bestselling author Louise Penny finds Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Quebec investigating a sinister plot in the City of Light

Лучший дебютный роман

David Heska Wanbli Weiden 0.0
“Winter Counts is a marvel. It’s a thriller with a beating heart and jagged teeth. This book is a brilliant meditation on power and violence, and a testament to just how much a crime novel can achieve. Weiden is a powerful new voice. I couldn’t put it down.”
—Tommy Orange, author of There There

A Recommended Read from:
Buzzfeed * Electric Literature * Lit Hub * Shondaland * Publishers Weekly

A groundbreaking thriller about a vigilante on a Native American reservation who embarks on a dangerous mission to track down the source of a heroin influx.

Virgil Wounded Horse is the local enforcer on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. When justice is denied by the American legal system or the tribal council, Virgil is hired to deliver his own punishment, the kind that’s hard to forget. But when heroin makes its way into the reservation and finds Virgil’s nephew, his vigilantism suddenly becomes personal. He enlists the help of his ex-girlfriend and sets out to learn where the drugs are coming from, and how to make them stop.

They follow a lead to Denver and find that drug cartels are rapidly expanding and forming new and terrifying alliances. And back on the reservation, a new tribal council initiative raises uncomfortable questions about money and power. As Virgil starts to link the pieces together, he must face his own demons and reclaim his Native identity. He realizes that being a Native American in the twenty-first century comes at an incredible cost.

Winter Counts is a tour-de-force of crime fiction, a bracingly honest look at a long-ignored part of American life, and a twisting, turning story that’s as deeply rendered as it is thrilling
Нев Марч 3.8
1892 год, Бомбей. Капитан Джим Агнихотри восстанавливается после вооруженной стычки на северной границе. От нечего делать он перечитывает истории про своего кумира, Шерлока Холмса, да просматривает газеты. Его внимание привлекает "преступление века": две женщины среди бела дня упали с университетской башни. Вдовец одной из жертв уверен, что это не было самоубийство. Капитан Джим берется за расследование. Но в Индии задавать вопросы опасно. Похоже что капитан Джим растревожил тени, которые преследуют семью погибших, и запускает зловещую цепь событий. К его расследованию присоединяется жизнерадостная леди Диана Фрамджи, сестра погибших, похоже, что теперь в опасности и сердце капитана Джима.
Ричард Осман 3.8
Четверо престарелых героев...
Первое серьезное дело для женщины-полицейского...
Жестокое убийство...
Добро пожаловать в клуб "Убийства по четвергам"!

В доме престарелых, расположенном среди мирных сельских пейзажей, четверо друзей еженедельно встречаются в комнате для отдыха, чтобы обсудить нераскрытые преступления. Они называют себя "Клуб убийств по четвергам". Элизабет, Джойс, Ибрагим и Рон уже разменяли восьмой десяток, но у них все еще есть кое-какие трюки в запасе. Когда местного строителя находят мертвым, а рядом с телом обнаруживается таинственная фотография, "Клуб убийств по четвергам" внезапно получает первое настоящее дело. Вскоре количество трупов начинает расти. Сможет ли наша необычная команда поймать убийцу, пока не стало слишком поздно?
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