
“Do you read, Mr. Quinn?” he asked. “Everybody should read something. Otherwise we all fall down into the pit of ignorance. Many are down there. Some people fall in it forever. Their lives mean nothing. They should not exist.”

And that's when I know it's over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it's the end.

Говорить про кого-то, что он счастливый или что он несчастный, просто глупо. Мы ведь тысячу раз меняемся каждый час.

Но теперь я понимаю, что жизнь – это единственное, чего не истратишь. Она может кончиться у меня, может кончиться у тебя, но во всем мире ее запас никогда не кончится.

He gave her that last word. He gave her his love. He would think of her almost every day for the rest of his life. Only his presence would he withhold.

Still she wondered: did the present deliver up the future, or must you chase your destiny like a harpoonist?

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