Вручение 2 августа 1993 г.

Тема: «Down the Hobbit-hole & Through the Wardrobe: Fantasy in Children's Literature»
Почетные гости: Кэрол Кэндалл, Джейн Йолен

Страна: США Место проведения: Мифкон 24, Миннеаполис, Миннесота, University of Minnesota Дата проведения: 2 августа 1993 г.

Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для взрослых

Jane Yolen 3.8
Ever since she was a child, Rebecca has been enchanted by her grandmother Gemma's stories about Briar Rose. But a promise Rebecca makes to her dying grandmother will lead her on a remarkable journey to uncover the truth of Gemma's astonishing claim: I am Briar Rose. A journey that will lead her to unspeakable brutality and horror. But also to redemption and hope.
Уиллис Конни 4.1
Студентку с помощью машины времени отправляют в XIV век. Конечно, любой исследователь проходит подготовку, изучая эпоху, получая прививки от чумы и оспы. Однако точно попасть в нужную точку во времени и угадать все события не всегда удается. Героиня попадает в самый разгар эпидемии чумы, где начинает вести «Книгу Страшного суда». В это время в современной Англии так же вспыхивает эпидемия из-за потревоженных во время раскопок могил. И это только часть невероятных событий и головоломного сюжета.
Сьюзен Шварц 0.0
A magical retelling of the legend of the Wandering Jew follows Kundry--the harlot who is condemned to wander the Earth for all eternity for laughing at the crucifixion of Christ--the evil sorcerer Klingsor, and Parsival the fool.
Джеймс Блэйлок 3.3
Алхимики-любители и музей модерновых мистерий...
Старинный японский рисунок, который, похоже, то ли не совсем рисунок, то ли совсем и не рисунок...
Покойник, который, похоже, жив и здоров...
Тайна, за которой охотятся ОЧЕНЬ СТРАННЫЕ ЛЮДИ...
КАЛИФОРНИЯ Джеймса Блэйлока.
Зазеркалье, в котором вещи - ДАЛЕКО не то, чем кажутся!
Тим Пауэрс 3.9
Retired gambler Scott Crane is forced back into the "game" by the legacy of his father, who had seized control of the Las Vegas gambling empire in the 1940s.

Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для детей и подростков

Дебра Дойл, Джеймс Д. Макдоналд 0.0
On the evening before he is knighted, young Will Odosson is told his wyrd-his fate: He will not inherit his father’s barony; he will meet Death before the year is out. “Strong main characters and a smoothly written plot make this a hard book to put down. Like many fantasies this one is full of magic which keeps the characters and plot moving.”-VOYA
Т. А. Баррон 0.0
When Kate travels to Blade, Oregon, for a quiet week at Aunt Melanie's cottage, her plans are dashed by the discovery of a grove of giant redwood trees in nearby Lost Crater. For thousands of years, no humans have entered the fog-filled crater--except possibly the Halami people, who lived in the region centuries ago before vanishing without a trace. Long a source of deep mystery, the crater is now a source of conflict, pitting those who see it as the dying mill town's last hope against those who see it as a rare sanctuary that should be protected.

Caught up in this struggle, Kate follows an old Halami trail into the crater, and suddenly is thrown back in time five hundred years. Accompanied by the trickster Kandeldandel, the loyal Laioni, and the young logger Jody, she meets strange and enigmatic creatures, none more frightening than the volcanic Gashra, bent on destroying everything he cannot control. To defeat him, Kate must find the answer to an ancient riddle--and the courage to make the most difficult choice of her life.

In this extraordinary quest, combining high adventure and heroic drama, a girl discovers that all living things are connected in ways she never expected, and that true friendship can reach across cultures, and even across centuries.
Bruce Coville 0.0
Jennifer Murdley had no idea what she was getting into the day she bought the big toad from the strange man who ran Elives' Magic Shop. The thing didn't even start talking to her until she had it out of the shop. And once the toad did start to talk, it still kept a lot of secrets. So Jennifer didn't find out about his strange birth... or the treasure hidden in his forehead... or the witch who was out to get him... until she and her friends were in more trouble than they had ever dreamed of!
Пени Р. Гриффин 0.0
Two sisters run away from their abusive stepfather and settle in an abandoned house in West Texas, only to find that they are not alone but share the premises with the mysterious and helpful Hobkin.
Урсула Ле Гуин 0.0
When the Thinking Man of Moha and the Writing Woman of Maho talk about having a child, two children appear, shaped by the friends' expectations of what a child should be.

Исследования творчества Инклингов

Дэвид С. Даунинг
Дэвид С. Даунинг / David C. Downing
1 книга
1 в избранном

За книгу ""Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy"

Мифопоэтическая премия за исследования мифологии и фэнтези

Брайан Аттебери 0.0
Brian Attebery's "strategy of fantasy" include not only the writer's strategies for inventing believable impossibiltes, but also the reader's strategies for enjoying, challenging, and conspiring with the text. Drawing on a number of current literary theories (but avoiding most of their jargon), Attebery makes a case for fantasy as a significant movement within postmodern literature rather than as a simple exercise of nostalgia. Attebury examines recent and classic fantasies by Ursula K. Le Guin, John Crowley, J.R.R. Tolkien, Diana Wynne Jones, and Gene Wolfe, among others. In both its popular and postmodern incarnations, fantasic fiction exhibits a remarkable capacity for reinventing narrative concentions. Attebery shows how plots, characters, settings, storytelling frameworks, gender divisions, and references to cultural texts such as history and science are all called into question the moment the marvelous is admited into a story.