Вручение 30 июня 1989 г.

Тема: «Mythic Elements in Fantasy»
Почетные гости: Гай Гэвриел Кей, Raymond H. Thompson

Страна: Канада Место проведения: Мифкон 20, Ванкувер, Канада, University of British Columbia Дата проведения: 30 июня 1989 г.

Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези

Michael Bishop 0.0
Unicorns roam the uplands of Libby Quarrels' mountain ranch. When Libby takes the AIDS-afflicted Bo Gavin out of exile in Atlanta to live with her in Colorado, she sees no connection between his disease and the fantastic secret she guards. But it so happens the unicorns suffer from a plague of their own, and the alternate world that touches the high country has unleashed magic sinister as well as marvelous. While Libby's Indian ranch hand Sam is stalked by his wife's headless ghost, his estranged daughter has visions that propel her toward the grueling Sun Dance ritual, where an encounter with the spirit world may decide the fate of both the unicorns and the people whose lives they've touched.
Орсон Скотт Кард 4.1
Нелегок выбор между Тьмой и Светом. Наполеон Бонапарт, возглавивший экспансию Франции в Америку, объявляет войну Соединенным Штатам. Однако у каждого своя война, и юный Элвин, которого ждет звание Мастера, отправляется в поход против сил мрака, которые грозят разрушить наш мир.
Кейра Дэлки 0.0
In this deft and enchanting retelling of the classic Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, Kara Dalkey has mixed history and legend, weaving the Andersen fable into a fascinating novel about court life in ancient Japan—a life of pageantry and poetry, of great beauty and casual cruelty, of life and courtly intrigue as the men and women of the royal household vie for the Emperor's favor, and each other....

This is the story of Uguisu, a young woman with an extraordinary gift for song, who is brought to the Emperor's palace to be the greatest of his many possessions. Her song can bring tears to a courtier's eyes, but it is her wit, her courage, and her heart that must serve her best of all.
Диана Л. Пакссон 0.0
This haunting retelling of the tale of Tristan and Iseult (here called Drustan and Esseilte in accordance with Celtic legend and language) goes back to early versions, before Mallory and Wagner, to explore the nature of love, duty and loyalty. The story is told by Branwen, cousin and companion to Esseilte, daughter of the High King of Eriu (Ireland).

The two young women save the life of a badly wounded harper, later discovered to be Drustan, who had killed Esseilte's beloved uncle and Branwen's father, Morholt, in battle. Drustan seeks Esseilte's hand for his uncle, Marc'h, King of Kernow (Cornwall), an alliance arranged for political reasons.

On the way to Cornwall, Esseilte tries to poison Drustan, but the potion they both drink turns out to be a love filtre prepared for Esseilte and Marc'h. Thus the tale is set in motion, with passion and hate binding the lovers together. With Branwen's aid, they are able to deceive Marc'h on the wedding night: Branwen, close in appearance to the queen, sleeps with the king and falls in love with him. For a while Esseilte and Drustan escape detection, but eventually they are caught in circumstances that cannot be ignored, leading to the tragic denouement.

This is a complex tale, interweaving the political and religious conflicts of the sixth century, when the ancient Druid religion still had a strong hold. Paxson ( The Paradise Tree , White Mare, Red Stallion ) breathes life and wonder into one of the most romantic of the Celtic Germanic legends.
Микаэла Рёснер 0.0
In the outback of modern-day Australia, there lies an almost forgotten land. It is a land as distant from our own as the surface of the moon -- and as alien. Here, Raba, a young Aborigine girl first enters the magical realm of the Dreamtime and learns something of its awesome power. But when she is "rescued" by a well-meaning missionary, Raba finds herself caught between two worlds -- with disastrous results. Now she must return to the Dreamtime to appease the wrath of the Ancestors and learn their deepest secrets -- secrets that can save both her and her tribe.

Vibrant, rich, and endlessly fascinating, Michaela Roessner's Walkabout Woman is a spellbinding novel of an old world full of new ideas -- and real magic.

Исследования творчества Инклингов

J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien 4.6
In this sixth volume of The History of Middle-earth the story reaches The Lord of the Rings. In The Return of the Shadow (an abandoned title for the first volume) Christopher Tolkien describes, with full citation of the earliest notes, outline plans, and narrative drafts, the intricate evolution of The Fellowship of the Ring and the gradual emergence of the conceptions that transformed what J.R.R. Tolkien for long believed would be a far shorter book, 'a sequel to The Hobbit'. The enlargement of Bilbo's 'magic ring' into the supremely potent and dangerous Ruling Ring of the Dark Lord is traced and the precise moment is seen when, in an astonishing and unforeseen leap in the earliest narrative, a Black Rider first rode into the Shire, his significance still unknown. The character of the hobbit called Trotter (afterwards Strider or Aragorn) is developed while his indentity remains an absolute puzzle, and the suspicion only very slowly becomes certainty that he must after all be a Man. The hobbits, Frodo's companions, undergo intricate permutations of name and personality, and other major figures appear in strange modes: a sinister Treebeard, in league with the Enemy, a ferocious and malevolent Farmer Maggot.

The story in this book ends at the point where J.R.R. Tolkien halted in the story for a long time, as the Company of the Ring, still lacking Legolas and Gimli, stood before the tomb of Balin in the Mines of Moria. The Return of the Shadow is illustrated with reproductions of the first maps and notable pages from the earliest manuscripts.