Вручение 13 августа 1975 г.

Тема: «The Silmarillicon»
Почетные гости: Annette Harper, Jim Allan

Страна: США Место проведения: Мифкон 10, Сан-Хосе, Калифорния, Hyatt House Дата проведения: 13 августа 1975 г.

Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези

Пол Андерсон 3.6
Молодой рыцарь Руперт упрямо хранит верность королю Карлу в недобрый час поднятого Кромвелем мятежа. Но в мире, где живы Оберон и Титания, где сама земля готова подняться против тех, кто готов сковать ее железом и камнем — история может пойти по-иному, если у тех, кто творит ее, достанет сил.
Ричард Адамс 4.4
Эпический роман об удивительном путешествии кроликов, которые вынуждены покинуть свой город из-за развернувшегося строительства и отправиться в долгое и опасное странствие в поисках нового дома. Сложен путь Ореха, Пятика и его товарищей, пока они, наконец, не обретают желаемое на Уотершипском холме.
Patricia A. McKillip 4.5
Raised on Eld mountain with only her father's magical menagerie for company, a young wizard is drawn irrevocably into the human world with all its sorrows and delights when a baby comes into her care.
Гарольд Уорнер Манн 0.0
Originally published in 1974 by Ballantine as part of its Adult Fantasy series and reprinted six times, Merlin's Ring was an instant sensation among both fantasy fans and critics. This is an epic saga, ranging through history from the fall of Atlantis to Joan of Arc, and linking the Arthurian legends with Mezoamerican god Quetzalcoatl, the legends of Roland, Prester John, and Kublai Khan. It is also a powerful story of two lovers, Gwalchmai and Corenice, whose spirits are separated and reunited numerous times over the course of many centuries.
Томас Барнет Сван 0.0
Cyclops and sirens, halfmen and godlings...that of which myths are made and that from which worship arises—these are the materials Thomas Burnett Swann weaves together in the fantasy-historical tapestry of this new novel, which he considers to be his most important work to date. For the author of Green Phoenix and The Forest of Forever now tells of a Queen of ancient Judea who was more than human, of her son who became legend, of their Cyclopean nemesis whose name became synonymous with Colossus, and of loves and loyalties and combats fixed forever in the foundations of human society.

The ever-growing audience that Thomas Burnett Swann has gathered for his unique novels will find How Are the Mighty Fallen a new fantasy fiction experience.
Эванджелин Уолтон 0.0
From the back cover:
Evangeline Walton is the author of Prince of Annwn, The Children of Llyr, The Song of Rhiannon and The Island of the Mighty - each a branch of the epic Welsh book of mythology, The Mabinogion.
The Saturday Review said about her work: "These books are not only the best fantasies of the 20th century, but also great works of fiction. They are actual retellings of the diverse legends of The Mabinogion in novel form...dealing with Good and Evil...and the nature of love."