Вручение 17 августа 1972 г.

Тема: «Arthurian Elements in Williams, Lewis, and Tolkien»
Почетные гости: Томас Говард

Страна: США Место проведения: Мифкон 7, 13-16 августа, Сакраменто, Калифорния, Westbridge Conference Center Дата проведения: 17 августа 1972 г.

Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези

Джой Чант 0.0
The story involves three children of our own world transported to the world of Vandarei and there separated; the older boy Oliver is adopted by horse-lords, and in a peculiar time-dilation effect grows to adulthood among them, forgetting his origins, while his younger siblings, taken in by the princess In'serinna, remain children and pursue their own quest. All their adventures are part of a larger effort to defeat Satan.
Джон Гарднер 3.8
В старинной англосаксонской эпической поэме «Беовульф» рассказывается, как герой сразился с чудовищем Гренделем, убивавшим дружинников конунга Хродгара в его жилище. Не любопытно ли будет взглянуть на те же события с точки зрения самого Гренделя, могучего, разумного, одинокого? Конни
Урсула Ле Гуин 4.2
В романе рассказывается об одном из великих подвигов Геда — Верховного Мага — и о его встрече с юной жрицей Священных Храмов. Волшебник Гед спасет совсем юную Тенар, служащую Великим Силам Тьмы, из подземелья, где она обречена провести всю жизнь.
Майкл Муркок 4.2
Хроники повествуют о приключениях вадхагского принца Корума Джайлина Ирси, называемого также Принцем в Алой Мантии. Раса вадхагов мирно доживала свой срок в замках, разбросанных по всему континенту, когда пришедшие с соседнего континента мабдены (люди) начинают разрушать замки один за другим, убивая всех вадхагов. Корум остается последним из своей расы и клянется отомстить. Постепенно он узнаёт, что за мабденами стоят Пиковые Владыки — Повелители Хаоса, и вступает в борьбу со слабейшим из них – Ариохом. Борьба заканчивается победой, но, изгнав одного, Корум вынужден начать борьбу с остальными..
Томас Барнет Сван 3.5
История дружбы Эвностия, последнего из минотавров, с Икаром и Теей, детьми Коры и критского принца Эака. История славных деяний…
Исидор Хайблум 0.0
Greenberg was quite a character. Greenberg was a travel agent of sorts; he affected a checked suit, a cane, a bowler hat, and white shoes, and he had a real line of talk. It was beter than his time-line, though - Greenberg dealt in time travel but could never seem to land at the right place on schedule. Maybe it was because he was only eight inches tall. Greenberg was a homunculus.

Greenberg worked for Issac ben Rubin, the Tsaddik. This wise and holy man, a respected scholar, an official worker of miracles, a colleague of linquists and historians, not to mention philosophers, was a Tsaddik of a unique sort: a student of Time, whose investigations involved fieldwork. Which, naturally, was where Greenberg came in.

Given that the natty homunculus wasn't the most accurate guide to the past, the two got on well enough. Being lost in the mists of time wasn't the worst thing that could happen to a wonderworker and his assistant, even when said assistant dropped them into Egypt, where ben Rubin's distant ancestors were chiseling away at the stones that were to build the massive temple of Karnak for Pharaoh Amon.

On the other hand, when Myron stepped out from behind a pile of debris, things took a turn for the worse. It was easy to see that he was no local either; his gray suit and his briefcase gave him away instantly. It was easy to see that Myron was up to no good, too, as soon as he produced the scheme to snatch a hydrogen bomb from a missile silo. Myron meant to "correct" the future. Greenberg and the Tsaddik had to stop him.
Джоан Норт 0.0
A twenty-year-old English girl finds herself drawn into another dimension while trying to solve the mysterious disappearance of her godfather.
Эванджелин Уолтон 0.0
In stark, gaunt prose, it chronicles the years of Bran the Blessed - he who was so vast a man that no house could hold him nor ship bear his bulk - and of the tale of his beloved sister Branwen, his brother Manawyddan, and of his half-brothers Nissyen and the ghastly Evnissten. It is a tale of change and storm, of love beyond death, of high courage, of the end of an era - and the beginning of another. It is epic fantasy in its purest form - marvellous in its compass and power.

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