Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: Швеция Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Лучший криминальный роман в переводе

Karin Fossum 4.0
Nine-year-old Ida Joner gets on her brand-new bike and sets off to buy sweets. Thirty-five minutes after Ida should have come home, her mother, Helga, starts to worry. She phones the shop and various friends, but no one has seen her daughter. As the family being to search for Ida, Helga's worst nightmare becomes reality. As the police are called in, hundreds of volunteers comb the neighbourhood, but there are no traces of the little girl, or her bike. As the relatives reach breaking point and the media frenzy begins, Inspector Sejer struggles to remains calm and reassuring. But usually missing children are found within forty-eight hours. Ida seems to have vanished without a trace.
Хьелль Ола Даль 3.4
Найден труп Катрине Браттеруд, бывшей проститутки и наркоманки, завершающей курс реабилитации в медицинском центре "Вин-терхаген". Похоже, девушка стала жертвой насильника. Убийцей может быть кто-либо из сотрудников центра, с которыми Катрине накануне провела вечер, и один из ее бойфрендов - нынешних или бывших. Но инспектор Гунарстранна не склонен доверять версиям, лежащим на поверхности. Он начинает расследование, держа в уме мотивы и обстоятельства, отсылающие к темному прошлому семьи Браттеруд. Однако действительность оказывается гораздо страшнее...
Питер Робинсон 3.9
В городе и его окрестностях исчезли пять девочек-подростков. Для поимки серийного убийцы была создана специальная группа, одно из подразделений которой возглавил старший инспектор Алан Бэнкс. Взяли маньяка случайно, и при задержании он был убит. Казалось бы, зло наказано, полиция освободила улицы от кошмара, но Бэнкса продолжают мучить сомнения: как могла жена Теренса Пэйна за год брака даже не заподозрить, чем занимается ее муж в подвале их дома?
Эндрю Тейлор 0.0
The first novel in Andrew Taylor’s ground-breaking Roth trilogy, which was adapted into the acclaimed drama Fallen Angel. A tense psychological thriller for fans of S J Watson.Little Lucy Appleyard is snatched from her child minder’s on a cold winter afternoon, and the nightmare begins. When Eddie takes her home to beautiful, child-loving Angel, he knows he’s done the right thing. But Lucy’s not like their other visitors, and unwittingly she strikes through Angel’s defences to something both vulnerable and volatile at the core.To the outside world Lucy has disappeared into a black hole with no clues to her whereabouts…until the first grisly discovery in a London graveyard. More such finds are to follow, all at religious sites, and, in a city haunted by religion, what do these offerings signify?All that stands now between Lucy and the final sacrifice are a CID sergeant on the verge of disgrace and a woman cleric – Lucy’s parents – but how can they hope to halt the evil forces that are gathering around their innocent daughter?
Иэн Рэнкин 0.0
On the eve of the first Scottish parliament in three hundred years, Edinburgh is a city rife with political passions and expectations. Queensbury House, the home of Scotland's new rulers, falls in the middle of John Rebus' turf, keeping him busy with ceremonial tasks. That quickly changes, however, when a long-dead body is discovered in a Queensbury House fireplace, a homeless man throws himself off a bridge - leaving behind a suitcase full of cash - and an up-and-coming politician is found murdered. The links between the three deaths lead Rebus to a confrontation with one of Edinburgh's most notorious criminals, a man he thought he'd put in jail for life. Someone's going to make a lot of money out of Scotland's independence - and, as Rebus knows all too well, where there's big money at stake, darkness gathers.

Лучший шведский дебют

Туве Клакенберг 0.0
Två barn hittas döda i en garderob hemma hos en problemfamilj. Till en början ser det ut att vara ett lätt fall för åklagaren Svea Lundström Duval: Allt tyder på att det är barnens labila moder som har bragt dem om livet. Socialarbetaren, eller hemma-hos-personen, som hittar barnen berättar också om en familj med svåra ekonomiska och psykiska problem. Eftersom Jenny, modern, tros ha varit ensam vid tiden för mordet så verkar en fällande dom oundviklig.

En del frågor återstår emellertid. Varför samarbetar inte Jenny med sin advokat Monika Larsson? Inte ens när barnens far uppenbarligen ljuger reagerar hon. Svea får intrycket att hon inte ens förstår vad som har hänt. Detta tillsammans med nya uppgifter gör att målet så småningom börjar verka alltmer osäkert. Svea inleder, trots anonyma trakasserier, en egen undersökning och finner en betydligt mer komplicerad historia än den hon själv presenterat i rätten.

Påtaglig risk att skada är något så sällsynt som en svensk rättegångsthriller. Vardagen i rättsmaskineriet skildras realistiskt och sakligt och eftersom boken utspelar sig på landsbygden i Värmland så gör sig småstadens tillvägagångssätt och värderingar ständigt påminda. Svea är också en något annorlunda deckarhjältinna som både har att hålla reda på en mycket speciell mor, en pojkvän som är domare men vill bli hemmapappa och en adopterad hund med oanade resurser.

Лучший шведский криминальный роман

Хьель Эрикссон 3.0
Winner of the Swedish Crime Academy Award for Best Crime Novel, The Princess of Burundi introduces American readers to Kjell Eriksson--a crime writer who has quickly become an international sensation.

This spellbinding new thriller opens when a young father fails to show up for supper on a snowy night just before Christmas. His is not the only sinister disappearance, and before the final breathtaking climax, a secret killer terrorizes an entire frightened town.

Despite being on maternity leave, Inspector Ann Lindell is determined to find John's murderer. The cruel cat-and-mouse game that follows leads Ann to a deadly confrontation with a treacherous killer. Ann must decide whether to take a huge risk that could result in many more dead bodies in the snow, including hers and that of her unborn child.

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