Вручение 1996 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1996 г.

Победитель Премия Бетти Траск

John Lanchester 3.2
Winner of the Whitbread Award for Best First Novel and a New York Times Notable Book, The Debt to Pleasure is a wickedly funny ode to food. Traveling from Portsmouth to the south of France, Tarquin Winot, the book's snobbish narrator, instructs us in his philosophy on everything from the erotics of dislike to the psychology of the menu. Under the guise of completing a cookbook, Winot is in fact on a much more sinister mission that only gradually comes to light.

Призер Премии Бетти Траск

Джози Барнард 0.0
Allie retired behind her pulled-down fringe and a poker face when her mother walked out leaving three children and their father in a remote house in Yorkshire. Surviving was one thing; learning how to live a little was harder.
Луи Басс 3.8
Торговец антиквариатом Клод Вулдридж, приобретя букинистическую лавку, случайно обнаруживает пачку писем начала XIX в., связанных с Байроном и выводящих его на след самой сенсационной загадки великого поэта. Но он даже не догадывается, что это изменит всю его жизнь, заставит пугливо озираться через плечо и видеть призраков - в сутолоке лондонского Сити, в сумрачных покоях полуразрушенного неаполитанского палаццо...
Rhidian Brook 3.5
Everything in Taliesin Jones's small-town life in Wales has suddenly become uncertain. His mother has run off with her hairdresser. His father has taken to talking to the walls, but at least he's talking, as his brother has gone entirely mute. At school, Julie Dyer blows confusing smoke rings at him and Hoop the Mental says there is no God. When Taliesin tries to find this out for sure no one seems to have the answer-no one except Billy Evans, an old man with an exceptional and miraculous talent.