Вручение 1997 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1997 г.

Победитель Премия Бетти Траск

Ардашир Вакил 0.0
'I have been bunking off school to go to the movies. I have stolen money, I have sold things, I have double-crossed my friends and - I cannot bear to think of the thought - have been into the bathroom with my brother's friend, Darab.'

Eight-year old Cyrus Readmoney, son of wealthy parents, voluntarily lives like a vagabond, roaming the streets of Bombay and inviting himself into the homes and lives of the neighbours. Obsessed with the sensual delights of food, colourful Hindi films and his growing sexual awareness, precocious Cyrus lives day to day on the margins of the adult world - treating it as a playground for his boyish exuberance.

Призер Премии Бетти Траск

Гарленд Алекс 4.1
Казалось бы, дебютный роман англичанина Алекса Гарленда вышел совсем недавно. Но за эти годы он успел разойтись по миру многомиллионным тиражом на нескольких десятках языков и был экранизирован Дэнни Бойлом (постановщиком «На игле») с Леонардо Ди Каприо (лауреатом «Оскара»-2016) в главной роли.
Представьте себе, что вы попали в рай. В совершенно классический рай – пальмы, песок, кокосы и не хватает только гамака. Притом об этом рае мало кто знает, а потому чужаков там практически не бывает. Звучит заманчиво, не так ли? Вот и Ричард так подумал, когда увидел на своей двери таинственную карту, ведущую на загадочный пляж. Прихватив двух случайных попутчиков, он отправляется в погоню за своей мечтой.
«Пляж» – это история о том, как бывает страшно, когда мечты оборачиваются реальностью.
Санджида О'коннелл 0.0
Part love story, part thriller, Theory of Mind is the compelling and disturbing story of a young woman's attempt to discover what goes on inside the minds of chimpanzees, mankind's nearest living relatives. Her involvement with the animals starts to affect her own relationships, in particular that with her new boyfriend Corin. His energy stimulates her, his passion excites her and his work as a TV producer fascinates her. But does he have real feelings for her, or does he just want to control her? Feelings increasingly preoccupy Sandra as she carries out her research into the emotions of chimps. Do they 'care' about other chimps? Do they, in fact, have 'theory of mind'? During her daily visits to the zoo, Sandra meets a strange and isolated child, Paul, son of one of the keepers. Why does he disappear for hours on end? She also worries about her exotic, brilliant friend Kim, a scientist who has built the killing instinct into her predator robots. Something, or someone, in Kim's past is making her unpredictable and aggressive. As Theory of Mind races to its shocking and terrifying conclusion, much more than Sandra's emotions are at risk. Richly observed, powerfully written, this extraordinary and thought-provoking first novel introduces a compelling new talent.
Диран Адебайо 0.0
Coming of age as a black man in London, Nigerian Dele struggles without the support of his best friend, his sister Dapo, who suffers from sickle cell anemia. (Nancy Pearl)