Вручение 1999 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1999 г.

Победитель Премия Бетти Траск

Катрин Чиджи 0.0
When Clifford Stilton dies, his son Gene crams his carefully kept diaries into a hall cupboard. But Clifford's words have too much life in them to be ignored, and start to permeate his family's world. This book tells the story of three generations of the Stilton family.

Призер Премии Бетти Траск

Giles Foden 0.0
Shortly after his arrival in Uganda, Scottish doctor Nicholas Garrigan is called to the scene of a bizarre accident: Idi Amin, careening down a dirt road in his red Maserati, has run over a cow. When Garrigan tends to Amin, the dictator, in his obsession for all things Scottish, appoints him as his personal physician. And so begins a fateful dalliance with the central African leader whose Emperor Jones-style autocracy would transform into a reign of terror.

In The Last King of Scotland Foden's Amin is as ridiculous as he is abhorrent: a grown man who must be burped like an infant, a self-proclaimed cannibalist who, at the end of his 8 years in power, would be responsible for 300,000 deaths. And as Garrigan awakens to his patient's baroque barbarism--and his own complicity in it--we enter a venturesome meditation on conscience, charisma, and the slow corruption of the human heart. Brilliantly written, comic and profound, The Last King of Scotland announces a major new talent.
Сара Уотерс 3.7
Впервые на русском языке - дебютный роман автора "Тонкой работы", один из ярчайших дебютов в британской прозе рубежа веков.
Нэнси живет в провинциальном английском городке, ее отец держит приморский устричный бар. Каждый вечер, переодевшись в выходное платье, она посещает мюзик-холл, где с бурлескным номером выступает Китти Батлер. Постепенно девушки сближаются, и когда новый импресарио предлагает Китти лондонский ангажемент, Нэнси следует за ней в столицу. Вскоре об их совместном номере говорит весь Лондон. Нэнси счастлива, еще не догадываясь, как близка разлука, на какое дно ей придется опуститься, чтобы найти себя, и какие хищники водятся в придонных водах...
Раджив Баласубраманьям 0.0
In Beautiful Disguises tells the story of a sixteen-year-old girl living in a small town in South India. Life is not easy, especially when she's been blessed with a family that includes a brother who watches TV as an occupation; a father who drinks and regularly bullies his family in alcoholic rage; and a silent, all-suffering mother. Insulated by her dreams of becoming Audrey Hepburn (and daily trips to the local cinema), she observes her family with critical detachment. But her inner world begins to crumble when the inevitable marriage is arranged for her and she runs away to Delhi to work as a maid. There, she falls in with the misfit members of her new household; Raju, the servant with the heart of a revolutionary, Maneka the maid who mysteriously disappears every night, and the seductive but arrogant Armand. But even as she embraces this brave new world she realizes that she can't run forever.

Balasubramanyam writes with an effortless air and a strong sense of mischief, but this lightness is shot through with intelligence and a compassion for human frailty. He has created an unforgettable heroine--childlike but determined, naïve yet shrewd--whose delightful voice resonates through the book.
Деннис Бок 0.0
A story of evolution, love and death which centres on three generations of Olympic athletes - the Bavarian grandparents who escaped Nazi Germany, and their Canadian descendents.