Вручение июль 2020 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: июль 2020 г.

Победитель Премия Бетти Траск

Кэтрин Хинд 0.0
Amelia stands beside a highway in the Australian desert, alone except for her dog and the occasional road train that speeds past her raised thumb.

After her mother’s funeral, Amelia was confronted by Zach and reminded of the relationship they had when she was a teenager. She feels complicit and remains unable to process what happened. So she ran. Her best friend, Sid, is Zach’s cousin and the one person in the world she can depend upon.

But, of course, the road isn’t safe either. Amelia is looking for generosity or human connection in the drivers she finds lifts with, and she does receive that. But she is also let down.

Hitch is a raw exploration of consent and its ambiguities, personal agency and the choices we make. It’s the story of twenty-something Amelia and her dog Lucy hitchhiking from one end of the country to the other, trying to outrun grief and trauma, and moving ever closer to the things she longs to escape.

Призер Премии Бетти Траск

Стейси Холлс 3.8
Англия, начало XVII века.

Флитвуд живет в старинном фамильном замке, она замужем уже четыре года, но у нее с супругом до сих пор нет детей. Отчаявшись, она призывает к себе загадочную девушку Алису, с которой однажды познакомилась в лесу. Флитвуд верит, что Алиса знает, какие травы ей пить, чтобы выносить и родить здорового ребенка.

Но вскоре в округе разворачивается судебное дело против ведьм, и Алиса попадает под подозрение. В числе доказательств служит то, что у каждой колдуньи есть волшебные духи-покровители, или фамильяры.

Алису ждет виселица, но Флитвуд пытается спасти ее от страшной участи. Ради этого она отправляется глубоко в лес, где сталкивается с собственными страхами и… удивительными животными.
Изабелла Хаммад 0.0
"The Parisian" is a sublime reading experience: delicate, restrained, surpassingly intelligent, uncommonly poised and truly beautiful. Isabella Hammad is an enormous talent and her book is a wonder. --Zadie Smith

As the First World War shatters families, destroys friendships and kills lovers, a young Palestinian dreamer sets out to find himself.

Midhat Kamal picks his way across a fractured world, from the shifting politics of the Middle East to the dinner tables of Montpellier and a newly tumultuous Paris. He discovers that everything is fragile: love turns to loss, friends become enemies and everyone is looking for a place to belong.

Isabella Hammad delicately unpicks the tangled politics and personal tragedies of a turbulent era – the Palestinian struggle for independence, the strife of the early twentieth century and the looming shadow of the Second World War. An intensely human story amidst a global conflict, "The Parisian" is historical fiction with a remarkable contemporary voice.
Окечукву Нзелу 0.0
The Private Joys of Nnenna Maloney is a comic novel about Nnenna, a half-Nigerian teenager living in modern-day Manchester with her mother Joanie. As Nnenna approaches womanhood she starts trying to connect with her Igbo-Nigerian culture. Her once close and tender relationship with her mother becomes strained as she asks probing questions about her father who she's never met and whom her mother who refuses to discuss.

Each chapter begins with a biblical quote which harks back to the beginning of Maurice and Joanie's relationship - meeting in a church group in a café in Cambridge - but is really Nnenna's diary headings which she is trying to hide from her mother's prying eyes. Nnenna is asking big questions of how to 'be' when she doesn't know who she is as Joanie wonders how to truly love when she has never been loved.