Вручение 2021 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2021 г.

Премия «Ворота»

Ким Лиггетт 0.0
When seventeen-year-old senator's son Grant Tavish is involved in a fatal accident, all he wants to do is face the consequences of what he's done, but the consequences never come, even if headlines of "affluenza" do. The truth soon becomes clear: Due to his father's connections, not only will Grant not be held accountable for his actions, he's going to get away with murder.

When a long Tavish tradition approaches, a cave excursion on the Appalachian trail, Grant seizes the opportunity to take justice into his own hands by staging an accident and never coming back. But before he has a chance to enact his plans, the cave system collapses, trapping him miles beneath the surface with four other teens from much less fortunate circumstances. As they struggle to survive, they share their innermost secrets and fears, and just when it seems they might be on track to finding a way out, they realize there's something else down there.

And it's hunting them.
Нил Шустерман, Джеррод Шустерман 3.8
Калифорния охвачена засухой.

Теперь каждый гражданин обязан строго соблюдать определенные правила: отказаться от поливки газона, от наполнения бассейна, ограничить время принятия душа.

День за днем, снова и снова.

До тех пор, в кранах не останется ни капли влаги.

И тихая улочка в пригороде, где Алисса живет со своими родителями и младшим братом, превращается в зону отчаяния. Соседи, прежде едва кивавшие друг другу, вынуждены как-то договариваться перед лицом общей беды.

Родители Алиссы, отправившиеся на поиски воды, не вернулись домой, и девушка-подросток вынуждена взять ответственность за свою жизнь и жизнь малолетнего брата в свои руки.

Либо они найдут воду, либо погибнут.

И помощи ждать неоткуда…
Элизабет Асеведо 4.3
Уникальный роман в стихах об обретении собственного голоса.

Главной героине Сиомаре Батисте, имя которой переводится как «та, что готова к войне», почти 16 лет. С рождения ей говорят: «С тобой ох как непросто». Сиомара из патриархальной доминиканской семьи, что накладывает глубокий отпечаток на ее воспитании и взаимоотношениях с родителями. «Поэт Икс» — книга, написанная как поэтический дневник Сиомары. Перелистывая страницы, мы будто погружаемся в трудный, противоречивый, саднящий мир девушки-подростка, которая мучительно ищет собственный голос. И находит его, несмотря на скепсис друзей, непонимание родителей и кризис веры.

В тонкой современной лирике раскрыты проблемы, волнующие современных девушек, — от объективизации среди сверстников мужского пола до непонимания в семье и разочарования в традиционных установках.
Тиффани Д. Джексон 4.1
Мандей не пришла в школу. Ни на этой неделе. Ни на следующей. Исчезла, не сказав ничего даже Клодии – своей лучшей подруге. А ведь они ближе чем сестры – между ними нет и не было никаких секретов. Тем более, Мандей никогда не бросила бы ее вот так – после той фотографии и сплетен, один на один с заклятыми врагами... Учителям и социальным службам все равно, от родителей помощи не дождешься… Никто даже не помнит, когда девушку видели в последний раз. Кажется, только Клодия понимает, что случилось нечто ужасное. Она должна найти подругу, пока не стало слишком поздно… Пронзительный психологический триллер о дружбе, жестокости, унижении и травмирующих последствиях правды. В чем тайна исчезновения девушки? И почему никто ничего не замечает?
Холли Блэк 4.3
Джуд ненавидит фейри и одновременно преклоняется перед ними. Когда ей было семь, ее родителей хладнокровно убили. Девушку воспитали фейри. Она выросла при дворе одного из самых могущественных и жестоких генералов армии Верховного короля фейри. У него она научилась превосходно владеть мечом. Но чтобы избежать постоянных насмешек со стороны волшебных обитателей страны, которые презирают людей, ей нужно гораздо больше. Джуд нужна власть. Но для этого придется сразиться с Карданом, самым вероломным и коварным принцем Фейриленда.

От автора международных бестселлеров New York Times и обладательницы множества литературных наград - Холли Блэк. Одна из самых ожидаемых книг 2018 года! Великолепная новая серия о смертной девушке, оказавшейся в водовороте придворных интриг фейри.
Meghan Maclean Weir 3.8
A debut novel of family, fame, and religion that tells the emotionally stirring, wildly captivating story of the seventeen-year-old daughter of an evangelical preacher, star of the family's hit reality show, and the secret pregnancy that threatens to blow their entire world apart.

Esther Ann Hicks--Essie--is the youngest child on Six for Hicks, a reality television phenomenon. She's grown up in the spotlight, both idolized and despised for her family's fire-and-brimstone brand of faith. When Essie's mother, Celia, discovers that Essie is pregnant, she arranges an emergency meeting with the show's producers: Do they sneak Essie out of the country for an abortion? Do they pass the child off as Celia's? Or do they try to arrange a marriage--and a ratings-blockbuster wedding? Meanwhile, Essie is quietly pairing herself up with Roarke Richards, a senior at her school with a secret of his own to protect. As the newly formed couple attempt to sell their fabricated love story to the media--through exclusive interviews with an infamously conservative reporter named Liberty Bell--Essie finds she has questions of her own: What was the real reason for her older sister leaving home? Who can she trust with the truth about her family? And how much is she willing to sacrifice to win her own freedom?
Пэтти Блаунт 0.0
TRIGGER WARNING: Boys will be boys is never an excuse.

It’s been two years since the night that changed Ashley’s life. Two years since she was raped by her brother’s teammate. And a year since she sat in a court and watched as he was given a slap-on-the-wrist sentence. But the years have done nothing to stop the pain or lessen the crippling panic attacks that make her feel like she’s living a half-life.

It’s been two years of hell for Derek. His family is totally messed up and he and his sister are barely speaking. He knows she partially blames him for what happened, and totally blames him for how he handled the aftermath. Now at college, he has to come to terms with what happened, and the rape culture that he was inadvertently a part of that destroyed his sister’s life.

When it all comes to a head at Thanksgiving, Derek and Ashley have to decide if their relationship is able to be saved. And if their family can ever be whole again.
Престон Нортон 0.0
Cliff Hubbard is a huge loser. Literally. His nickname at Happy Valley High School is Neanderthal because he's so enormous — 6'6" and 250 pounds to be exact. He has no one at school and life in his trailer park home has gone from bad to worse ever since his older brother's suicide.

There's no one Cliff hates more than the nauseatingly cool quarterback, Aaron Zimmerman. Then Aaron returns to school after a near-death experience with a bizarre claim: while he was unconscious he saw God, who gave him a list of things to do to make Happy Valley High suck less. And God said there's only one person who can help: Neanderthal.

To his own surprise, Cliff says he's in. As he and Aaron make their way through the List, which involves a vindictive English teacher, a mysterious computer hacker, a decidedly unchristian cult of Jesus Teens, the local drug dealers, and the meanest bully at HVHS — Cliff feels like he's part of something for the first time since losing his brother. But fixing a broken school isn't as simple as it seems, and just when Cliff thinks they've completed the List, he realizes their mission hits closer to home than he ever imagined.
Дженнифер Линн Барнс 3.5
"I'm not saying this is Sawyer's fault," the prim and proper one said delicately. "But."

Eighteen-year-old auto mechanic Sawyer Taft did not expect her estranged grandmother to show up at her apartment door and offer her a six-figure contract to participate in debutante season. And she definitely never imagined she would accept. But when she realizes that immersing herself in her grandmother's "society" might mean discovering the answer to the biggest mystery of her life-her father's identity-she signs on the dotted line and braces herself for a year of makeovers, big dresses, bigger egos, and a whole lot of bless your heart. The one thing she doesn't expect to find is friendship, but as she's drawn into a group of debutantes with scandalous, dangerous secrets of their own, Sawyer quickly discovers that her family isn't the only mainstay of high society with skeletons in their closet. There are people in her grandmother's glittering world who are not what they appear, and no one wants Sawyer poking her nose into the past. As she navigates the twisted relationships between her new friends and their powerful parents, Sawyer's search for the truth about her own origins is just the beginning.

Set in the world of debutante balls, grand estates and rolling green hills, Little White Lies combines a charming setting, a classic fish-out-of-water story, and the sort of layered mystery only author Jennifer Lynn Barnes can pull off.
Джарретт Крозочка 4.2
Hey, Kiddo is the graphic memoir of author-illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Raised by his colorful grandparents, who adopted him because his mother was an incarcerated heroin addict, Krosoczka didn't know his father's name until he saw his birth certificate when registering for a school ski trip. Hey, Kiddo traces Krosoczka's search for his father, his difficult interactions with his mother, his day-to-day life with his grandparents, and his path to becoming an artist.

To date, nearly one million people have viewed Krosoczka's TED Talk about his experience. Artwork from his childhood and teen years will be incorporated into the original illustrations for the book.
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