Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Премия Род Айленда за подростковую книгу

Шейла Кинан 0.0
Sheila Keenan's captivating stories, paired with Nathan Fox's stunning art, bring the heroic military actions of man's best friend to life!

Some war heroes heard the wind whistling over a hidden trip wire.
Some war heroes sniffed out a sniper 1,000 yards away.
Some war heroes stood tall . . . on four legs!

DOGS OF WAR is a graphic novel that tells the stories of the canine military heroes of World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. This collection of three fictional stories was inspired by historic battles and real military practice. Each story tells the remarkable adventures of a soldier and his service dog and is rendered with fascinating and beautiful detail, bringing to life the faithful dogs who braved bombs, barrages, and battles to save the lives of countless soldiers.

Based on the real-life roles of military dogs that served as Red Cross rescuers, messengers, scouts, search-and-rescue teams, sentries, and mascots, DOGS OF WAR captures both the adventure and the devastation brought on by war, as well as the celebrations of life and friendship between boys and their dogs.
Джонатан Оксье 4.2
«Ночной садовник» - это история в духе классических романов Эдгара По, от которой сложно оторваться.

Молли и Кип – двое одиноких и брошенных детей поступают на службу в поместье Виндзоров. Они прислуживают хозяевам старинного особняка, но вскоре понимают, что поместье и его обитатели вовсе не те, кем кажутся… По ночам в дом наведывается загадочный гость в чёрной шляпе. Он обходит комнату за комнатой, оставляя следы грязи, а потом исчезает. Детям предстоит побороть древнее проклятье и раскрыть загадку тайной комнаты, которая всегда заперта на ключ… Но возможно, секрет, спрятанный за зеленой дверью, сделает их заложниками дома навеки.

Окунитесь в невероятную мистическую атмосферу и разгадайте все тайны викторианского поместья с книгой «Ночной садовник» Джонатана Оксье.
Мэг Медина 0.0

In Meg Medina’s compelling new novel, a Latina teen is targeted by a bully at her new school — and must discover resources she never knew she had.

One morning before school, some girl tells Piddy Sanchez that Yaqui Delgado hates her and wants to kick her ass. Piddy doesn’t even know who Yaqui is, never mind what she’s done to piss her off. Word is that Yaqui thinks Piddy is stuck-up, shakes her stuff when she walks, and isn’t Latin enough with her white skin, good grades, and no accent. And Yaqui isn’t kidding around, so Piddy better watch her back. At first Piddy is more concerned with trying to find out more about the father she’s never met and how to balance honors courses with her weekend job at the neighborhood hair salon. But as the harassment escalates, avoiding Yaqui and her gang starts to take over Piddy’s life. Is there any way for Piddy to survive without closing herself off or running away? In an all-too-realistic novel, Meg Medina portrays a sympathetic heroine who is forced to decide who she really is.
Э. Локхарт 3.8
Богатство. Красота. Молодость. Каденс Синклер имеет все, о чем другие только мечтают. Вместе с братьями и лучшим другом она отправляется на прекрасный остров, но даже не догадывается, что вскоре ее жизнь навсегда изменится.

Ложь. Тайны. Прошлое. Одно лето перевернет судьбы четырех неразлучных друзей. Что случилось? Кто виноват? Какие секреты припрятаны за ширмой роскоши?

Каденс найдет ответы, и она готова рассказать вам правду. Вот только, может, лучше... соврать?
E. K. Johnston 3.5
Listen! For I sing of Owen Thorskard: valiant of heart, hopeless at algebra, last in a long line of legendary dragon slayers. Though he had few years and was not built for football, he stood between the town of Trondheim and creatures that threatened its survival. There have always been dragons. As far back as history is told, men and women have fought them, loyally defending their villages. Dragon slaying was a proud tradition. But dragons and humans have one thing in common: an insatiable appetite for fossil fuels. From the moment Henry Ford hired his first dragon slayer, no small town was safe. Dragon slayers flocked to cities, leaving more remote areas unprotected. Such was Trondheim's fate until Owen Thorskard arrived. At sixteen, with dragons advancing and his grades plummeting, Owen faced impossible odds armed only with a sword, his legacy, and the classmate who agreed to be his bard. Listen! I am Siobhan McQuaid. I alone know the story of Owen, the story that changes everything. Listen!
Трейси Хольчер 0.0
Twelve-year-old Grace and her mother have always been their own family, traveling from place to place like gypsies. But Grace wants to finally have a home all their own. Just when she thinks she's found it her mother says it's time to move again. Grace summons the courage to tell her mother how she really feels and will always regret that her last words to her were angry ones.

After her mother's sudden death, Grace is forced to live with a grandmother she's never met. She can't imagine her mother would want her to stay with this stranger. Then Grace finds clues in a mysterious treasure hunt, just like the ones her mother used to send her on. Maybe it is her mother, showing her the way to her true home.

Lyrical, poignant and fresh, The Secret Hum of a Daisy is a beautifully told middle grade tale with a great deal of heart.
Лен Влахос 0.0

In his college application essay, Harry Jones goes beyond the word limit and gives a full account of his life. First defining moment: the day the neighbourhood goons tied him to a tree during a lightning storm when the tree was struck and caught fire. Harry was badly burned and has had to live with the physical and emotional scars. Second defining moment: a boy called Johnny rescues him from bullies and suggests they start a band. Harry discovers that playing music transports him out of his nightmare of a world and finally compels people to look beyond his physical appearance.
Marcus Sedgwick 4.5
Have you ever had the feeling that you've lived another life? Been somewhere that has felt totally familiar, even though you've never been there before, or felt that you know someone well, even though you are meeting them for the first time? It happens. In 2073 on the remote and secretive island of Blessed, where rumour has it that no one ages and no children are born, a visiting journalist, Eric Seven, and a young local woman known as Merle are ritually slain. Their deaths echo a moment ten centuries before, when, in the dark of the moon, a king was slain, tragically torn from his queen. Their souls search to be reunited, and as mother and son, artist and child, forbidden lovers, victims of a vampire they come close to finding what they've lost. In a novel comprising seven parts, each influenced by a moon - the flower moon, the harvest moon, the hunter's moon, the blood moon - this is the story of Eric and Merle whose souls have been searching for each other since their untimely parting.
Кэт Уинтерс 4.0
Сан-Диего, 1918 год.
Грипп-убийца, «испанка», и Первая мировая война собирают урожай погибших. Мир оказывается на грани апокалипсиса. Американцы бродят по улицам в марлевых масках, а правительство отправляет молодых парней на передовые линии фронта. Царит атмосфера страха и растерянности.
Шестнадцатилетняя Мэри Шелли Блэк видит, как люди, потерявшие близких, пытаются найти ответы и утешение в спиритических сеансах. Девушка не верит в призраков, доверяя научным фактам. Все меняется, когда погибший на войне любимый возвращается к Мэри... как дух. Бесплотный отголосок человека, которого любила девушка. Чего он хочет от нее? Что происходит в этом городе? Неужели призраки действительно существуют? Мэри должна понять, зачем ее любимый вернулся с того света и какую участь сулит ей его загадочное и жуткое возвращение...
A.S. King 4.5
In this masterpiece about freedom, feminism, and destiny, Printz Honor author A.S. King tells the epic story of a girl coping with devastating loss at long last--a girl who has no idea that the future needs her, and that the present needs her even more.
Кэндес Флеминг 0.0
Here is the tumultuous, heartrending, true story of the Romanovs—at once an intimate portrait of Russia's last royal family and a gripping account of its undoing. Using captivating photos and compelling first person accounts, award-winning author Candace Fleming (Amelia Lost; The Lincolns) deftly maneuvers between the imperial family’s extravagant lives and the plight of Russia's poor masses, making this an utterly mesmerizing read as well as a perfect resource for meeting Common Core standards.
Gregory Maguire 5.0
Gregory Maguire, bestselling author of Wicked, combines fairy tale and folklore in this irreverent re-imagining of the classic story of mistaken identity - The Prince and the Pauper. Described by School Library Journal as "a beautiful reminder that fairy tales are at their best when they illuminate the precarious balance between lighthearted childhood and the darkness and danger of adulthood", this book will appeal to readers both young and old. Elena Rudina lives in the impoverished Russian countryside. Her father is dead and her mother dying, while her brother has been conscripted into the Tsar's army. Elena's future is as bleak as the wastelands surrounding her village of Miersk. That is until the night of a freak storm when a majestic steam train is forced to stop at the village's abandoned station. The train carries a fabulous Faberge egg and Ekaterina, a girl whose fate is now entwined with Elena's. When their lives collide, a complex, funny and engrossing adventure begins. An adventure that features the mythical Firebird, a prince travelling incognito, the awesome city of Saint Petersburg, the glacial lands of the north, and - in a starring role - Baba Yaga, the enigmatic witch of Russian folklore, and her shapeshifting house, Dumb Doma, perched on chicken legs.
Стефани Куэн 4.0
Trust nothing and no one as you race toward the explosive conclusion of the gripping psychological thriller Complicit from Stephanie Kuehn, the William C. Morris Award--winning author of Charm & Strange.

Two years ago, sixteen-year-old Jamie Henry breathed a sigh of relief when a judge sentenced his older sister to juvenile detention for burning down their neighbor's fancy horse barn. The whole town did. Because Crazy Cate Henry used to be a nice girl. Until she did a lot of bad things. Like drinking. And stealing. And lying. Like playing weird mind games in the woods with other children. Like making sure she always got her way. Or else. But today Cate got out. And now she's coming back for Jamie.

Because more than anything, Cate Henry needs her little brother to know this one simple truth: She's not the crazy one and never has been.

When reading Complicit, trust nothing and no one as you race toward the explosive conclusion of this gripping psychological thriller from the William C. Morris Award - winning author of Charm & Strange.
Жаклин Вудсон 3.6
«Мечты темнокожей девочки» — невероятные по своей силе мемуары знаковой американской поэтессы и писательницы Жаклин Вудсон. Идеальная книга для тех, кому интересна Америка 60-х годов, а также жизнь (внутренняя жизнь и проблемы) писателей. Вдохновляющее произведение, которое советуют к прочтению всем, кто хочет связать свою жизнь с литературой.

В своей книге Вудсон расскажет о том, каково это — быть афроамериканкой и расти в Америке 1960-х и 1970-х годов. Каждая строка в этом произведении — проблеск надежды в душе ребенка, ищущего свое место в мире.

Жаклин Вудсон родилась в стране, где люди делились на черных и белых, в год, когда, по ее словам, «Юг взорвался». Она проделала огромный путь от маленькой девочки из Огайо, испытывающей трудности в обучении, до свободной женщины, нашедшей в себе смелость писать.
Элизабет Эльберг 3.6
Могут ли парень и девушка быть лучшими друзьями? Леви и Макаллан знают ответ на этот вопрос. Они неразлучны с седьмого класса, и ничто не разрушит их идеальную дружбу.

Но наступает момент, когда такие отношения начинают мешать в старшей школе. Леви уделяет мало времени своей девушке, а Макаллан никто не приглашает на свидания.

Так могут ли парень и девушка быть лучшими друзьями? А что, если на самом деле их связывает настоящая любовь, для которой нужно только сделать первый шаг?
Дженни Хаббард 0.0
Senior Paul Wagoner walks into his school with a stolen gun, threatens his girlfriend, Emily Beam, and then takes his own life. Soon after, angry and guilt-ridden Emily is sent to a boarding school in Amherst, Massachusetts, where two quirky fellow students and the spirit of Emily Dickinson offer helping hands. But it is up to Emily Beam to heal her own damaged self, to find the good behind the bad, hope inside the despair, and springtime under the snow.