
Премия имени Андре Нортон
К. Темпест Брэдфорд 0.0
A backyard adventure-mystery.

Eleven-year-old Ruby is a Black girl who loves studying insects and would do just about anything to be an entomologist, much to the grossed-out dismay of her Gramma. Ruby knows everything there is to know about insects so when she finds the weirdest bug she's ever seen in her front yard, she makes sure no one is looking and captures it for further study.

But then Ruby realizes that the creature isn't just a regular bug. And it has promptly burned a hole through her window and disappeared. Soon, random things around the neighborhood go missing, and no one's heard from the old lady down the street for a week. Ruby and her friends will have to recover the strange bug before the feds do.

Ruby is the science hero we've all been waiting for!
Премия имени Андре Нортон
T. Kingfisher 4.0
Fourteen-year-old Mona isn’t like the wizards charged with defending the city. She can’t control lightning or speak to water. Her familiar is a sourdough starter and her magic only works on bread. She has a comfortable life in her aunt’s bakery making gingerbread men dance.

But Mona’s life is turned upside down when she finds a dead body on the bakery floor. An assassin is stalking the streets of Mona’s city, preying on magic folk, and it appears that Mona is his next target. And in an embattled city suddenly bereft of wizards, the assassin may be the least of Mona’s worries…
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Дарси Литтл Бэджер 0.0
Nina is a Lipan girl in our world. She's always felt there was something more out there. She still believes in the old stories.

Oli is a cottonmouth kid, from the land of spirits and monsters. Like all cottonmouths, he's been cast from home. He's found a new one on the banks of the bottomless lake.

Nina and Oli have no idea the other exists. But a catastrophic event on Earth, and a strange sickness that befalls Oli's best friend, will drive their worlds together in ways they haven't been in centuries.

And there are some who will kill to keep them apart.

Darcie Little Badger introduced herself to the world with Elatsoe. In A Snake Falls to Earth, she draws on traditional Lipan Apache storytelling structure to weave another unforgettable tale of monsters, magic, and family. It is not to be missed.
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Премия имени Андре Нортон
Фрэн Уайлд 0.0
When things go bad at home, sisters Eleanor and Mike hide in a secret place under Eleanor’s bed, telling monster stories. Often, it seems those stories and their mother’s house magic are all that keep them safe from both busybodies and their dad’s temper. But when their father breaks a family heirloom, a glass witch ball, a river suddenly appears beneath the bed, and Eleanor and Mike fall into a world where dreams are born, nightmares struggle to break into the real world, and secrets have big consequences. Full of both adventure and heart, Riverland is a story about the bond between two sisters and how they must make their own magic to protect each other and save the ones they love.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Томи Адейеми 3.7
Когда-то Ориша была страной, где счастливо жили люди, наделенные магией. Каждому из десяти кланов боги даровали способность управлять силами природы. Одни маги властвовали над водами, другие - над огнем. Встречались и те, кто умел читать мысли, и даже те, кто мог видеть будущее! Они использовали свои таланты, чтобы заботиться об оришанах, и были почитаемы народом. Но в одну ночь магия исчезла... По приказу жестокого короля Сарана многие колдуны были убиты - так Зели Адебола потеряла мать, а жители Ориши - надежду.

Спустя одиннадцать лет у Зели появился шанс свергнуть тиранию жестоких монархов и возродить магию. Но для этого она должна вступить в противоборство с принцем Инаном, который держит в страхе оришан.

Опасность таится на каждом шагу: свирепые леонэры рыскают по лесам, мстительные духи поджидают в темных водах, дворцовая стража ведет охоту. Но что, если самую большую опасность представляет сама Зели, пытающаяся взять под контроль пробудившуюся в ней древнюю силу.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Sam J. Miller 4.4
More Happy Than Not meets Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future in this gritty, contemporary YA debut about a bullied gay teen boy with an eating disorder who believes he’s developed super powers via starvation.

Matt hasn’t eaten in days.

His stomach stabs and twists inside, pleading for a meal. But Matt won’t give in. The hunger clears his mind, keeps him sharp—and he needs to be as sharp as possible if he’s going to find out just how Tariq and his band of high school bullies drove his sister, Maya, away.

Matt’s hardworking mom keeps the kitchen crammed with food, but Matt can resist the siren call of casseroles and cookies because he has discovered something: the less he eats the more he seems to have . . . powers. The ability to see things he shouldn’t be able to see. The knack of tuning in to thoughts right out of people’s heads. Maybe even the authority to bend time and space.

So what is lunch, really, compared to the secrets of the universe?

Matt decides to infiltrate Tariq’s life, then use his powers to uncover what happened to Maya. All he needs to do is keep the hunger and longing at bay. No problem. But Matt doesn’t realize there are many kinds of hunger… and he isn’t in control of all of them.

A darkly funny, moving story of body image, addiction, friendship, and love, Sam J. Miller’s debut novel will resonate with any reader who’s ever craved the power that comes with self-acceptance.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Дэвид Левин 0.0
18 век. Сто лет назад Англия колонизировала Марс. Здесь, в цветущей британской колонии на Марсе, живёт Арабелла Эшби. Но ремонт механизмов или ребяческие игры с младшим братом — это не то, чем должна заниматься английская леди. Поэтому мать отправляет её в Лондон — экзотическое место, где Арабелла ни разу не была. Но происходят события, которые угрожают безопасности её родного дома, и Арабелла решается на отчаянный поступок. Переодевшись в мальчика, она присоединяется к экипажу корабля «Диана». Теперь Арабелле предстоят тяжёлые испытания. Чтобы спасти свою семью, оставшуюся на Марсе, она должна выжить в войне между Англией и Францией, стать членом мятежного экипажа и... научиться плавать.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Fran Wilde 2.8
In a city of living bone rising high above the clouds, where danger hides in the wind and the ground is lost to legend, a young woman must expose a dangerous secret to save everyone she loves.

Welcome to a world of wind and bone, songs and silence, betrayal and courage.

Kirit Densira cannot wait to pass her wingtest and begin flying as a trader by her mother's side, being in service to her beloved home tower and exploring the skies beyond. When Kirit inadvertently breaks Tower Law, the city's secretive governing body, the Singers, demand that she become one of them instead. In an attempt to save her family from greater censure, Kirit must give up her dreams to throw herself into the dangerous training at the Spire, the tallest, most forbidding tower, deep at the heart of the City.

As she grows in knowledge and power, she starts to uncover the depths of Spire secrets. Kirit begins to doubt her world and its unassailable Laws, setting in motion a chain of events that will lead to a haunting choice, and may well change the city forever—if it isn't destroyed outright.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Alaya Dawn Johnson 0.0
Emily Bird was raised not to ask questions. She has perfect hair, the perfect boyfriend, and a perfect Ivy-League future. But a chance meeting with Roosevelt David, a homeland security agent, at a party for Washington DC's elite leads to Bird waking up in a hospital, days later, with no memory of the end of the night.

Meanwhile, the world has fallen apart: A deadly flu virus is sweeping the nation, forcing quarantines, curfews, even martial law. And Roosevelt is certain that Bird knows something. Something about the virus--something about her parents' top secret scientific work--something she shouldn't know.

The only one Bird can trust is Coffee, a quiet, outsider genius who deals drugs to their classmates and is a firm believer in conspiracy theories. And he believes in Bird. But as Bird and Coffee dig deeper into what really happened that night, Bird finds that she might know more than she remembers. And what she knows could unleash the biggest government scandal in US history.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Nalo Hopkinson 0.0
When Makeda and her twin sister Abby are born, they come into the world conjoined and sickly. The surgery to separate them weakens Abby so much that she will surely die-unless her parents make a bargain with the gods. For Makeda and Abby are not ordinary children, they are the offspring of Boysie, god of growing things, and his wife, a beautiful human woman. In exchange for Abby's life, Boysie agrees to live as a human, and his wife must spend her days as a monstrous sea creature.
Twenty years later...
Physically healthy but with no magical ability, Makeda has spent her whole life in the shadow of her sister Abby, who has twisted legs but an enchanted singing voice. By their magical relatives' standards, Makeda is just a "donkey"-a worthless human valuable only for her role in helping Abby survive. Tired of feeling second best, Makeda decides to move out on her own.
Makeda discovers that her new apartment building is also home to a talented rock band, and the band's leader, Brie, is a very cute boy with a distinct aura of magic about him. When Makeda's father goes missing, she must decide if she can trust Brie, or not...and her life may depend on the answer.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Е. С. Майерс 0.0

Epraim is horrified when he comes home from school one day to find his mother unconscious at the kitchen table, clutching a bottle of pills. Even more disturbing than her suicide attempt is the reason for it: the dead boy she identified at the hospital that afternoon--a boy who looks exactly like him. While examining his dead double's belongings, Ephraim discovers a strange coin that makes his wishes come true each time he flips it. Before long, he's wished his alcoholic mother into a model parent, and the girl he's liked since second grade suddenly notices him.

But Ephraim soon realizes that the coin comes with consequences --several wishes go disastrously wrong, his best friend Nathan becomes obsessed with the coin, and the world begins to change in unexpected ways. As Ephraim learns the coin's secrets and how to control its power, he must find a way to keep it from Nathan and return to the world he remembers. (For ages 12 & up)
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Delia Sherman 5.0
In 1960, thirteen-year-old Sophie slips through a maze into 19th century Louisiana and finds nothing is as she expected.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Терри Пратчетт 4.6
Это Роланд, сын старого барона, которому принадлежат все Меловые холмы. Ну, по крайней мере, принадлежат на бумаге… Роланд собирается жениться на прекрасной девушке по имени Летиция, и Тиффани Болен прилагает все силы для того, чтобы не слишком ехидничать на её счёт. Роланд никогда не был молодым человеком Тиффани, и его свадьба — не главная её проблема. Вот только их, проблем, внезапно становится слишком много. Как и таинственных знамений, которые просто кричат о том, чтобы юная ведьма обратила на них внимание. Тиффани чувствует: происходит нечто необычное — и смертельно опасное. Что-то, что может погубить не только её, но и многих, многих ведьм…
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Кэтрин М. Валенте 4.2
Скучно живется двенадцатилетней Сентябрь в родном городке Омахе. Как-то раз под окнами своей кухни она встречает господина в зеленом жакете по имени Зеленый Ветер, который приглашает девочку в путешествие. Сентябрь, не моргнув глазом, соглашается (а кто бы не согласился?). И вот они уже летят на Леопарде в Волшебную Страну, полную удивительных существ...
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Исабо С. Уилс 0.0
Flora Fyrdraaca wants nothing more than to be a ranger, and for that she must master the magickal—and dangerous—language of Gramatica. But before she can find the ideal teacher, her aspirations are put to the test. Would a true ranger be intimidated by a tentacle that reaches for her from the depths of a toilet? Be daunted by her best friend’s transformation into a notorious outlaw, thanks to a pair of sparkly stolen boots? Be cowed by the revelation that only she can rescue the city of Califa from the violent earthquakes that threaten its survival?
Never. Saving her city and her best friend are the least a Girl of Spirit can do—yet what Flora doesn’t expect are the life-altering revelations she learns about her family and herself.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
Лето перед последним курсом обучения Гарри в Хогвартсе. Раскол в волшебном мире произошёл окончательно, и сторонники Волан-де-Морта становятся всё сильнее. Служащие министерства магии один за другим подчиняются им, а новым директором Хогвартса стал Северус Снегг, убивший Дамблдора. Гарри Поттер пока скрывается от врагов, однако они подбираются к нему всё ближе. А ведь просто отсиживаться в безопасном месте он не может – необходимо найти крестражи, содержащие части души Волан-де-Морта, не уничтожив которые, нельзя надеяться на победу. Гарри принимает решение не возвращаться в школу и вместо этого вместе с друзьями отправляется на поиски.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Джастин Ларбалестьер 0.0

For fifteen years, Reason Cansino has lived on the run. Together with her mother, Sarafina, she has moved from one place to another in the Australian countryside, desperate not to be found by Reason's grandmother Esmeralda, a dangerous woman who believes in magic. But the moment Reason walks through Esmeralda's back door and finds herselfon a New York City street, she's confronted by an unavoidable truth--magic is real.
Премия имени Андре Нортон
Холли Блэк 3.8
Любое предательство ранит очень больно. А если его совершили лучшие подруги и, что еще ужаснее, родная мать, то... В общем, комментарии излишни.
Семнадцатилетняя Валери Рассел сбегает из родного городка в Нью-Йорк, чтобы начать там новую жизнь, и оказывается в компании бродяг, обитающих в лабиринтах городской подземки.
Однако вскоре выясняется, что они там далеко не одни. В самых укромных уголках бесчисленных туннелей прячутся фейри - сказочные существа, в реальность которых современному человеку трудно поверить.
Знакомство со страшным и в то же время необыкновенно благородным троллем по имени Равус ставит Валери перед нелегким выбором.