Вручение 1977 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1977 г.

Медаль Джона Ньюбери

Милдред Тэйлор 4.2
Правдивая и увлекательная повесть современной американской писательницы о негритянской семье. Действие происходит в 30-е годы, однако проблемы, которые в ней раскрываются, актуальны и сегодня. Написанная от лица девятилетней девочки, повесть отстаивает право черных на человеческое достоинство и равные со всеми права.
Нэнси Бонд 0.0
In an ideal blend of absorbing fantasy and realistic fiction, A String in the Harp tells the story of 12-year-old Pete Morgan who, on a visit to Wales, finds a harp key that shows him scenes from the life of the ancient bard Taliesin. Set in both present-day and ancient Wales, this Newbery Honor title has become a contemporary classic.
William Steig 0.0
Abel's place in his familiar, mouse world has always been secure; he had an allowance from his mother, a comfortable home, and a lovely wife, Amanda. But one stormy August day, furious flood water carry him off and dump him on an uninhabited island. Despite his determination and stubborn resourcefulness--he tried crossing the river with boats and ropes and even on stepping-stones--Abel can't find a way to get back home. Days, then weeks and months, pass. Slowly, his soft habits disappear as he forages for food, fashions a warm nest in a hollow log, models clay statues of his family for company, and continues to brood on the problem of how to get across the river--and home. Abel's time on the island brings him a new understanding of the world he's separated from. Faced with the daily adventure of survival in his solitary, somewhat hostile domain, he is moved to reexamine the easy way of life he had always accepted and discovers skills and talents in himself that hold promise of a more meaningful life, if and when he should finally return to Mossville and his dear Amanda again.