Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Состав жюри: William Fiennes, Rachel Cooke, Мохсин Хамид (Mohsin Hamid), Э. М. Хоумз (A. M. Homes), Дебора Леви (Deborah Levy).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Премия Фолио

Akhil Sharma 2.5
Ajay, eight years old, spends his afternoons playing cricket in the streets of Delhi with his brother Birju, four years older. They are about to leave for shiny new life in America. Ajay anticipates, breathlessly, a world of jet-packs and chewing-gum.

This promised land of impossible riches and dazzling new technology is also a land that views Ajay with suspicion and hostility; one where he must rely on his big brother to tackle classroom bullies. Birju, confident, popular, is the repository of the family's hopes, and he spends every waking minute studying for the exams that will mean entry to the Bronx High School of Science, and reflected glory for them all.

When a terrible accident makes a mockery of that dream, the family splinters. The boys' mother restlessly seeks the help of pundits from the temple, while their father retreats into silent despair - and the bottle. Now Ajay must find the strength of character to navigate this brave new American world, and the sorrows at home, on his own terms.

By turns blackly funny, touching, raw and devastating, Family Life is a vivid and wrenching portrait of sibling relationships and the impact of tragedy on one family from a boy's eye view.
Колм Тойбин 3.6
1960-е. Ирландия, городок Эннискорти – тот самый, откуда уехала в Америку Эйлиш, героиня предыдущего романа Колма Тойбина «Бруклин». Тихая, размеренная, старомодная жизнь на фоне назревающей в соседней Северной Ирландии междоусобицы. Нора Вебстер недавно овдовела, ей надо привыкать к новой жизни, справляться с финансовыми и бытовыми трудностями, в одиночку растить сыновей. Обычная жизнь обычной женщины, давно растерявшей в тени мужа свою индивидуальность, забывшей, что такое мечты. В этом тихом, тонком романе, как и в «Бруклине», на первый взгляд мало что происходит, и в то же время он полон напряжения, даже страсти. Как полна их и Нора, которая учится быть одна, учится быть собой, порой раздражая и даже шокируя консервативную ирландскую глубинку. «Нора Вебстер» – виртуозно детализированная, тонкая, камерная история жизни ирландской семьи. Тойбин сплел затейливый гобелен, изобразив маленькую Ирландию, городок, где каждый знает каждого, где благожелательность может обернуться драмой. Нора Вебстер – один из самых запоминающихся женских образов современной литературы, вызывающий в памяти героинь Генрика Ибсена.

Один из самых известных романов Тойбина, "Бруклин", вырос как раз из "Норы Вебстер". В 2006-м году Колм Тойбин начал работать над "Норой", перечитывая первую главу, он зацепился в ней за небольшой эпизод, который показался ему достойным отдельной истории. Он подумывал написать рассказ, но в результате получился роман. Тойбин настолько увлекся, что отложил в сторону "Нору Вебстер", и сосредоточился над новым сюжетом. Так получилось, что хотя "Нору Вебстер" Колм Тойбин начал писать раньше "Бруклина", "Нора" появилась лишь через несколько лет.
Ben Lerner 2.9
In the last year, the narrator of 10:04 has enjoyed unlikely literary success, has been diagnosed with a potentially fatal medical condition, and has been asked by his best friend to help her conceive a child. In a New York of increasingly frequent superstorms and social unrest, he must reckon with his own mortality and the prospect of fatherhood in a city that might soon be underwater.

A writer whose work Jonathan Franzen has called “hilarious . . . cracklingly intelligent . . . and original in every sentence,” Lerner captures what it’s like to be alive now, during the twilight of an empire, when the difficulty of imagining a future is changing our relationship to both the present and the past.
Miriam Toews 4.8
Elf and Yoli are two smart, loving sisters.
Elf is a world-renowned pianist, glamorous, wealthy, happily married: she wants to die.
Yoli is divorced, broke, sleeping with the wrong men: she desperately wants to keep her older sister alive.
When Elf's latest suicide attempt leaves her hospitalised weeks before her highly anticipated world tour, Yoli is forced to confront the impossible question of whether it is better to let a loved one go.
Jenny Offill 3.5
They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation. They used to be young, brave, and giddy with hopes for their future. They got married, had a child, and skated through all the small calamities of family life. But then, slowly, quietly something changes. As the years rush by, fears creep in and doubts accumulate until finally their life as they know it cracks apart and they find themselves forced to reassess what they have lost, what is left, and what they want now. Written with the dazzling lucidity of poetry, Dept. of Speculation navigates the jagged edges of a modern marriage to tell a story that is darkly funny, surprising and wise.
Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor 5.0
When a young man is gunned down in the streets of Nairobi, his grief-stricken father and sister bring his body back to their crumbling home in the Kenyan drylands. But the murder has stirred up memories long since buried, precipitating a series of events no one could have foreseen. As the truth unfolds, we come to learn the secrets held by this parched landscape, hidden deep within the shared past of a family and their conflicted nation. Spanning Kenya’s turbulent 1950s and 1960s, Dust is spellbinding debut from a breathtaking new voice in literature.
Али Смит 3.9
Роман «Как быть двумя» — это две истории о любви и несправедливости, сплетенные в одну нить. Здесь время становится вечностью, знание — тайной, фантазия — правдой, а всему живому дается еще один шанс. Али Смит, один из самых блестящих мастеров британской прозы, исследует в своей книге любовь, одержимость, сексуальность и многоликий образ искусства. Ошеломляющее произведение, которое одновременно бросает вызов читателю — и вознаграждает его.
Rachel Cusk 3.9
A woman writer goes to Athens in the height of summer to teach a writing course. Though her own circumstances remain indistinct, she becomes the audience to a chain of narratives, as the people she meets tell her one after another the stories of their lives.

Beginning with the neighbouring passenger on the flight out and his tales of fast boats and failed marriages, the storytellers talk of their loves and ambitions and pains, their anxieties, their perceptions and daily lives. In the stifling heat and noise of the city the sequence of voice begins to weave a complex human tapestry. The more they talk the more elliptical their listener becomes, as she shapes and directs their accounts until certain themes begin to emerge: the experience of loss, the nature of family life, the difficulty of intimacy and the mystery of creativity itself.

Outline is a novel about writing and talking, about self-effacement and self-expression, about the desire to create and the human art of self-portraiture in which that desire finds its universal form.
Гермиона Айр 0.0
Venetia Stanley was the great beauty of her day, so dazzling she inspired Ben Jonson to poetry and Van Dyck to painting. But now she is married, the adoration to which she has become accustomed has curdled to scrutiny, and she fears her powers are waning. Her devoted husband, Sir Kenelm Digby—explorer, diplomat, philosopher, alchemist— refuses to prepare a beauty tonic for her, insisting on her continued perfection.

Venetia, growing desperate, secretly engages an apothecary to sell her “viper wine”—a strange potion said to bolster the blood and invigorate the skin. The results are instant, glorious, and addictive, and soon the ladies of the court of Charles I are looking unnaturally youthful. But there is a terrible price to be paid, as science clashes with magic, puritans rebel against the decadent monarchy, and England slides into civil war.

Based on real events and written with anachronistic verve, Viper Wine is an intoxicating brew of love, longing and vanity, where the 17th and 21st centuries mix and mingle in the most enchanting and mind-bending ways.
Joshua Ferris 3.3
Paul O'Rourke, 40 year-old slightly curmudgeonly dentist, runs a thriving practice in New York. Yet he is discovering he needs more in his life than a steady income and the perfect mochaccino. But what?

As Paul tries to work out the meaning of life, a Facebook page and Twitter account appear in his name. What's at first an outrageous violation of privacy soon becomes something more frightening: the possibility that the online "Paul" might be a better version of the man in the flesh. Who is doing this and will it cost Paul his sanity?
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