Вручение 2004 г.

Страна: Италия Место проведения: город Гринцане-Кавур, регион Пьемонт, провинция Кунео Дата проведения: 2004 г.

Итальянская художественная литература

Зарубежная проза

Петер Эстерхази 3.7
Книга Петера Эстерхази "Harmonia caelestis" ("Небесная гармония") для многих читателей стала настоящим сюрпризом. "712 страниц концентрированного наслаждения", "чудо невозможного" - такие оценки звучали в венгерской прессе. Эта книга - прежде всего об отце. Но если в первой ее части, где "отец" выступает как собирательный образ, господствует надысторический взгляд, "небесный" регистр, то во второй - земная конкретика. Взятые вместе, обе части романа - мистерия семьи, познавшей на протяжении веков рай и ад, высокие устремления и несчастья, обрушившиеся на одну из самых знаменитых венгерских фамилий. Книга в целом - плод художественной фантазии, содержащий и подлинные события из истории Европы и семейной истории Эстерхази последних четырехсот лет, грандиозный литературный опус, побуждающий к размышлениям о судьбах романа как жанра. Со времени его публикации (2000) роман был переведен на восемнадцать языков и неоднократно давал повод авторитетным литературным критикам упоминать имя автора как возможного претендента на Нобелевскую премию по литературе.
Наташа Радойчич 0.0
When Halid, a Muslim war hero, returns home after the Bosnian War, he finds that his own battles have just begun. Although his village was spared from heavy combat, it is a panorama of scarcity and decay. Over the course of three days, Halid wanders in search of those who remain. Altered, disoriented, and confused, he experiences his town as a shifting landscape of new alliances and old grievances. There is no room for error in this time of upheaval, and Halid's missteps threaten to pull him into a spiral of insanity and tragedy. This vivid, lyrical debut novel resonates with the timeless folktale voice of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the psychological intensity of Jerzy Kosinski's The Painted Bird.
Andrea Vitali 0.0
Di Arrigoni Giuseppe ce ne sono tanti a Bellano, un paese sul lago di Como. Impossibile conoscerli tutti. Anche nella vita di Eraldo Bonomi, operaio tessile del locale cotonificio, ce ne sono troppi. E sarà proprio un Arrigoni Giuseppe a segnare il suo destino, dove brillano l'amore per la bella Elena e la militanza nel PSIUP. Il colpo di fulmine per Elena fa del Bonomi un uomo pericoloso, che sfiora segreti, scopre altarini, esuma scheletri nascosti negli armadi di una provincia che sembra monotona, in quei paesi dove l'omonimia può essere fonte di equivoci ma anche, a volte, il viatico verso la libertà.
Mirabilmente costruito, Una finestra vistalago è un appassionante romanzo corale e polifonico. L'avidità sessuale e la religione del denaro accendono passioni e lotte, moltiplicando chiacchiere, pettegolezzi e bugie. Seguendo l'evoluzione di questo paese microcosmo popolato di gente comune, Andrea Vitali ci fa assaporare la storia del nostro paese dagli anni Cinquanta ai turbolenti Settanta. Sulla scia di Piero Chiara e Mario Soldati, si conferma narratore seducente, maestro dell'antica arte del racconto italiano: trame ricche di azione ma dagli indugi sapienti, intrighi dove spesso al burla sfiora la tragedia, vicende che, attraverso la superficie, raccontano la profondità.
Эдуар Глиссан 0.0
The Fourth Century tells of the quest by young Mathieu Béluse to discover the lost history of his country, Martinique. Aware that the officially recorded version he learned in school omits and distorts, he turns to a quimboiseur named Papa Longoué. This old man of the forest, a healer, seer, and storyteller, knows the oral tradition and its relation to the powers of the land and the forces of nature. He tells of the love-hate relationship between the Longoué and Béluse families, whose ancestors were brought as slaves to Martinique. Upon arrival, Longoué immediately escaped and went to live in the hills as a maroon. Béluse remained in slavery. The intense relationship that had formed between the two men in Africa continued and came to encompass the relations between their masters, or, in the case of Longoué, his would-be master, and their descendants. The Fourth Century closes the gap between the families as Papa Longoué, last of his line, conveys the history to Mathieu Béluse, who becomes his heir.