Вручение 2001 г.

Страна: Италия Место проведения: город Гринцане-Кавур, регион Пьемонт, провинция Кунео Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Итальянская художественная литература

Диего Марани 3.0
One night at Trieste in September 1943 a seriously wounded soldier is found on the quay. The doctor, of a newly arrived German hospital ship, Pietri Friari gives the unconscious soldier medical assistance. His new patient has no documents or anything that can identifying him. When he regains consciousness he has lost his memory and cannot even remember what language he speaks. From a few things found on the man the doctor, who is originally from Finland, believes him to be a sailor and a fellow countryman, who somehow or other has ended up in Trieste. The doctor dedicates himself to teaching the man Finnish, beginning the reconstruction of the identity of Sampo Karjalainen, leading the missing man to return to Finland in search of his identity and his past.

Зарубежная проза

Амин Маалуф 3.7
...1666 год.
Европа, истерзанная бесконечными войнами, с ужасом ждет прихода... кого? Мессии - или Зверя?
Мир, по которому генуэзский торговец древностями Бальдасар Эмбриако, человек, принадлежащий в равной степени Западу и Востоку, начинает свой мистический путь - поиски Книги, что, согласно легенде, способна принести испуганным, растерявшим ориентиры людям Спасение...

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Chaim Potok 0.0
David Lurie learns that all beginnings are hard. He must fight for his place against the bullies in his Depression-shadowed Bronx neighborhood and his own frail health. As a young man, he must start anew and define his own path of personal belief that diverges sharply with his devout father and everything he has been taught...
Antonio Skármeta 4.0
"La amistad insólita entre un sencillo e ingenuo cartero de provincia y el poeta Pablo Neruda. El mutuo deslumbramiento por la libertad y la creación".

Mario Jiménez, un joven pescador, decide abandonar su oficio para convertirse en cartero de Isla Negra, donde la única persona que recibe y envía correspondencia es el poeta Pablo Neruda. Jiménez admira a Neruda y espera pacientemente que algún día el poeta le dedique un libro, o que se produzca algo más que un brevísimo cruce de palabras y el pago de la propina. Su anhelo se verá finalmente recompensado y entre ambos se entablará una relación muy peculiar. Sin embargo, la enrarecida atmósfera que se vive en el Chile de aquellos años precipitará un dramático desenlace
Amin Maalouf 0.0
An ambitious novel set in 1665, the tumultuous eve of the Year of the Beast, when the world was supposed to come to an end. Antiquarian merchant and sage Balthasar must go on an odyssey in search of a book that holds the secret of God's hundredth name, which is the key to the survival of the world.