Вручение 2009 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Эдинбург, Шотландия Дата проведения: 2009 г.

Художественное произведение

А. С. Байетт 4.2
От автора удостоенного Букеровской премии романа «Обладать» и кавалерственной дамы Ордена Британской империи — столь же масштабный труд, хроника жизни нескольких семей на рубеже веков. В этом многослойном произведении с невероятным тщанием воспроизводится жизнь, которую перечеркнет Первая мировая война. Подобно Прусту в его эпопее «В поисках утраченного времени» или Голсуорси в «Саге о Форсайтах», Байетт удивительно подробно описывает время, утраченное уже навсегда: и костюмированный праздник в усадьбе, и всемирная выставка в Париже, и секреты прикладного искусства, и сложные повороты любовных отношений…
Хилари Мантел 4.2
Англия, двадцатые годы XVI века. Страна на грани бедствия: если Генрих VIII умрет, не оставив наследника, неизбежна гражданская война. На сцену выступает Томас Кромвель, сын кузнеца-дебошира, политический гений, чьи орудия - подкуп, угрозы и лесть. Его цель - преобразовать Англию сообразно своей воле и желаниям короля, которому он преданно служит.
В своем неподражаемом стиле Хилари Мантел показывает общество на переломе истории, общество, в котором каждый с отвагой и страстью идет навстречу своей судьбе.
Reif Larsen 4.1
A boundary-leaping debut tracing a gifted young map maker’s attempt to understand the ways of the world

When twelve-year-old genius cartographer T. S. Spivet receives an unexpected phone call from the Smithsonian announcing he has won the prestigious Baird Award, life as normal—if you consider mapping dinner table conversations normal—is interrupted and a wild cross-country adventure begins, taking T. S. from his family home just north of Divide, Montana, to the museum’s hallowed halls.

There are some answers here on the road from Divide and some new questions, too. How does one map the delicate lessons learned about family or communicate the ebbs and flows of heartbreak, loneliness, and love?
Кадзуо Исигуро 3.8
Первый сборник рассказов в блистательном послужном списке нобелевского лауреата по литературе 2017 года. Складываясь в изысканное масштабное полотно, эти пять поразительных историй о волшебной силе музыки и сгущающихся сумерках объединены не только тематически и метафорически, но и сквозными героями. Здесь неудачливый саксофонист ложится на пластическую операцию в расчете, что это сдвинет с мертвой точки его карьеру, звезда эстрады поет в Венеции серенады собственной жене, с которой прожил не один десяток лет, а молодой виолончелист находит себе в высшей степени оригинальную наставницу.
Anita Brookner 0.0
Paul Sturgis is a retired banker manager who lives alone in a dark little flat. He walks alone and dines alone, seeking out and taking pleasure in small exchanges with strangers: the cheerful Australian girl who cuts his hair, the lady at the drycleaners. His only relative, and only acquaintance, is a widowed cousin by marriage - herself a virtual stranger - to whom he pays ritualistic visits on a Sunday afternoon. Trying to make sense of his current solitary state, and fearing that his destiny may be to die among strangers, Sturgis trawls through memories of his failed relationships and finds himself longing for companionship, or at the very least a conversation.

But then a chance encounter with a stranger - a recently divorced and demanding younger woman - shakes up his routine and when an old girlfriend appears on the scene, Sturgis is forced to make a decision about how (and with whom) he wants to spend the rest of his days . . .

Биографическое сочинение

Джон Кэри 0.0
William Golding was born in 1911 and educated at his local grammar school and Brasenose College, Oxford. He published a volume of poems in 1934 and during the war served in the Royal Navy. Afterwards he returned to being a schoolmaster in Salisbury. Lord of the Flies, his first novel, was an immediate success, and was followed by a series of remarkable novels, including The Inheritors, Pincher Martin and The Spire. He won the Booker Prize for Rites of Passage in 1980, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983, and was knighted in 1988. He died in 1993
Мартин Стэннард 0.0
Born in 1918 into a working-class Edinburgh family, Muriel Spark ended her life as the epitome of literary chic, one of the great writers of the 20th century. This book tells her story.
Роберт Моррисон 0.0
Author of the famed and scandalous Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, Thomas De Quincey (1785-1859) has long lacked a full-fledged biography. His friendships with leading poets and men of letters in the Romantic and Victorian periods—including William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle—have long placed him at the center of nineteenth century literary studies. He was a man who engaged with nearly every facet of literary culture, including the roles played by publishers, booksellers, and journalists in literary production, dissemination and evaluation. His writing was a tremendous influence on Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, and William Burroughs.

De Quincey is a fascinating (and topical) figure for other reasons, too: a self-mythologizing autobiographer whose attitudes to drug-induced creativity and addiction strike highly resonant chords for a contemporary readership. Robert Morrison’s biography passionately argues for the critical importance and enduring value of this neglected icon of English literature.
Янн Пэрри 0.0
Kenneth MacMillan's ballets are in constant demand by world-famous companies, particularly Romeo and Juliet, Manon and Mayerling. However, MacMillan was tormented by an acute sense of being an outsider, and often at odds with the institutions in which he worked.

A real-life Billy Elliot from a Scottish working class family, MacMillan demonstrated a prodigious talent for dancing from an early age. Following the premature death of his mother, the young MacMillan sought an escape, and despite his father's disapproval, secured a place at Sadler's Wells. Paradoxically he found himself crippled by stage-fright during the height of his professional career, leaving him with only one option - choreography. He went on to produce ballets which defied convention and became renowned for challenging audiences. Despite criticism, MacMillan achieved international acclaim, becoming artistic director of both the Berlin Ballet and the Royal Ballet. On a personal level he found unexpected happiness with his wife and daughter in the later stages of his life, making it all the more tragic when he died suddenly at the age of 62.

This stunning biography reveals a complex artist who fiercely guarded his own privacy, whilst his ballets communicated his darkest and most intimate thoughts.
Блейк Бэйли 0.0
John Cheever spent much of his career impersonating a perfect suburban gentleman, the better to become one of the foremost chroniclers of postwar America. Written with unprecedented access to essential sources—including Cheever’s massive journal, only a fraction of which has ever been published—Bailey’s Cheever is a stunning example of the biographer’s art and a brilliant tribute to an essential author.