Вручение 24 июня 2017 г.

Также премию получили в номинациях:
Публицистика - Кэмерон Хёрли "The Geek Feminist Revolution"
Редактор - Эллен Датлоу
Ellen Datlow
Журнал - Tor.com
Издательство- Tor Books
Художник - Джулия Диллон

Страна: США Место проведения: Сиэтл, штат Вашингтон Дата проведения: 24 июня 2017 г.

Лучший научно-фантастический роман

Лю Цысинь 4.4
Эра Устрашения, приход которой описан во второй части трилогии, не покончила с драматическим противостоянием Земли и Трисоляриса. Однако опасность ещё более грозная нависла над земной цивилизацией — с тех пор, как из Солнечной Системы и её окрестностей во Вселенную несколько раз отправлены были кодированные сигналы, означающие наличие в этом регионе космоса высокоразвитого разума. Ибо Мироздание — это Тёмный Лес, населённый непримиримыми врагами, прячущимися друг от друга и уничтожающими всякого, кто имел неосторожность дать знать о своём существовании ближним и дальним соседям. Получив недвусмысленное практическое подтверждение этой концепции, объединённое человечество начинает напряжённую подготовку к отражению возможной атаки, вступая в так называемую Эру Бункера. Удастся ли землянам сделать всё, что было в их силах? Все ли полученные предупреждения учли и разгадали учёные Солнечной Системы? Об этом читатель узнает, прочитав заключительный роман трилогии «В память о прошлом Земли», так же, как и две предыдущие её книги, полный удивительных свершений, побед и трагедий, потрясающих открытий и прозрений.
Джеймс Кори 4.2
Назревавшая десятилетиями революция Пояса началась в огне. Окончится она кровью. Свободный флот - радикальная группа астеров - нанес непоправимый ущерб Земле и теперь ведет пиратскую войну среди внешних планет Солнечной системы. Направляющиеся в тысячи новых миров за вратами колонисты становятся легкой добычей, и не осталось кораблей, достаточно сильных, чтобы их защитить. Команда Джеймса Холдена лучше других знает преимущества и слабости Свободного флота. Уступающие ему в числе и мощи остатки старых политических сил взывают к «Росинанту», поручая ему отчаянную миссию: достичь станции Медина в сердце сети колец-врат. Однако и новый альянс уязвим, а борьба за власть только начинается.
Colson Whitehead 3.9
Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hell for all the slaves, but especially bad for Cora; an outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is coming into womanhood—where even greater pain awaits. When Caesar, a recent arrival from Virginia, tells her about the Underground Railroad, they decide to take a terrifying risk and escape. Matters do not go as planned—Cora kills a young white boy who tries to capture her. Though they manage to find a station and head north, they are being hunted.
Леви Тидхар 3.3
250 000 мигрантов остались жить у подножия гигантского космического вокзала. Культуры сплавились вместе, как реальность и виртуальность. Город вокруг продолжает расти, словно сорняк. Жизнь дешева, а инфа ничего не стоит. Борис Чонг возвращается домой с Марса. Многое изменилось. У него появился ауг — марсианский симбионт, меняющий восприятие. Бывшая любовница воспитывает странного ребенка, способного «касаться» сознанием потоков данных. Двоюродная сестра влюблена в роботника — поврежденного киборга, ветерана войн, о которых уже никто не помнит. Отец неизлечимо болен раком памяти. А следом за Борисом тайно прилетает инфо-вампир. Над ними всеми возвышается Центральная станция, межпланетный узел между Землей и космическими колониями, куда человечество во всем своем многообразии ушло, чтобы избежать войн и бедствий. Все связано с Иными, могущественными сущностями, которые через Разговор, глобальную сеть потока сознания, вызывают безвозвратные изменения. Люди и машины Центральной станции продолжают приспосабливаться, процветать и эволюционировать...
Мэдлин Эшби 3.5
New Arcadia is a city-sized oil rig off the coast of the Canadian Maritimes, now owned by one very wealthy, powerful, byzantine family: Lynch Ltd.

Hwa is of the few people in her community (which constitutes the whole rig) to forgo bio-engineered enhancements. As such, she's the last truly organic person left on the rig--making her doubly an outsider, as well as a neglected daughter and bodyguard extraordinaire. Still, her expertise in the arts of self-defense and her record as a fighter mean that her services are yet in high demand. When the youngest Lynch needs training and protection, the family turns to Hwa. But can even she protect against increasingly intense death threats seemingly coming from another timeline?

Meanwhile, a series of interconnected murders threatens the city's stability and heightens the unease of a rig turning over. All signs point to a nearly invisible serial killer, but all of the murders seem to lead right back to Hwa's front door. Company Town has never been the safest place to be--but now, the danger is personal.

A brilliant, twisted mystery, as one woman must evaluate saving the people of a town that can't be saved, or saving herself. (Amazon.com)
C. J. Cherryh 0.0
The seventeenth novel in Cherryh’s Foreigner space opera series, a groundbreaking tale of first contact and its consequences…

The human and atevi inhabitants of Alpha Station, orbiting the world of the atevi, have picked up a signal from an alien kyo ship telling them that the ship is inbound toward Alpha. Five thousand of the inhabitants of Alpha are human refugees from the now derelict Reunion Station. They have seen this scenario before, when a single kyo ship swooped into the Reunion system and, without a word, melted a major section of Reunion Station with a single pass. These refugees, who were rescued through the combined efforts of an allied group of humans and atevi and brought to safety at Alpha, are now desperate with fear.

Bren Cameron—brilliant human emissary of Tabini-aiji, the powerful atevi political leader on the mainland below, and also the appointee of the human president of the island nation of Mospheira—is the obvious choice of representative to be sent up to deal with both the panicked refugees and the incoming alien ship.

As a member of the spacefaring delegation who rescued the refugees, Bren has talked to kyo before—and even won their trust by saving one of their kind from a Reunioner prison. Because of his remarkable diplomatic and linguistic abilities, Bren managed to communicate with that grateful kyo individual on a limited basis, and he has evidence that that same kyo is on the ship heading to defenseless Alpha Station.

But no one can predict what an alien race might do, or what their motivations could be.

And Bren Cameron, the only human ever to be accepted into atevi society, is now the one individual with a hope of successfully interacting with the crew of the incoming ship. But Bren knows it will take putting himself in the hands of the kyo.

Can Bren count on the gratitude of one individual alien to save his life and the lives of thousands on Alpha Station?
Стивен Бакстер, Аластер Рейнольдс 3.5
Inspired by Sir Arthur C. Clarke's short story A Meeting with Medusa, this novel, with permission from the Clarke Estate, continues the story of Commander Howard Falcon over centuries of space-exploration, interaction with AI, first contact and beyond. All brought to life by two of our greatest SF authors, Stephen Baxter and Alastair Reynolds.

Howard Falcon almost lost his life in an accident . . . and a combination of human ingenuity and technical expertise brought him back. Not as himself, but as an augmented human: part man, part machine, and exceptionally capable.

The Medusa Chronicles charts his journey through time, the changing interaction between humanity and our universe, and combined moments of incredible action with unparalleled exploration of and expansion into space.
Emma Newman 4.7
Gov-corp detective Carlos Moreno was only a baby when Atlas left Earth to seek truth among the stars. But in that moment, the course of Carlos’s entire life changed. Atlas is what took his mother away; what made his father lose hope; what led Alejandro Casales, leader of the religious cult known as the Circle, to his door. And now, on the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Atlas’s departure, it’s got something to do why Casales was found dead in his hotel room—and why Carlos is the man in charge of the investigation.

To figure out who killed one of the most powerful men on Earth, Carlos is supposed to put aside his personal history. But the deeper he delves into the case, the more he realizes that escaping the past is not so easy. There’s more to Casales’s death than meets the eye, and something much more sinister to the legacy of Atlas than anyone realizes...
Robert Charles Wilson 4.0
Two events made September 1st a memorable day for Jesse Cullum. First, he lost a pair of Oakley sunglasses. Second, he saved the life of President Ulysses S. Grant. It's the near future, and the technology exists to open doorways into the past but not our past, not exactly. Each "past" is effectively an alternate world, identical to ours but only up to the date on which we access it. And a given "past" can only be reached once. After a passageway is open, it's the only road to that particular past; once closed, it can't be reopened. A passageway has been opened to a version of late 19th century Ohio. It's been in operation for most of a decade, but it's no secret, on either side of time. A small city has grown up around it to entertain visitors from our time, and many locals earn a good living catering to them. But like all such operations, it has a shelf life; as the "natives" become more sophisticated, their version of the "past" grows less attractive as a destination. Jesse Cullum is a native. And he knows the passageway will be closing soon. He's fallen in love with a woman from our time, and he means to follow her back - no matter whose secrets he has to expose in order to do it.
Greg Bear 0.0
The conclusion to an epic interstellar trilogy of war from master of science fiction, Greg Bear.

Marooned beneath the icy, waxy crust of Saturn's moon, Titan, Skyrine Michael Venn and his comrades face double danger from Earth and from the Antagonists, both intent on wiping out their growing awareness of what the helpful alien Gurus are really doing in our solar system.

Haunted by their dead and by the ancient archives of our Bug ancestors, the former combatants must now team up with their enemies, forget their indoctrination and their training, and journey far beyond Pluto to the fabled Planet X, the Antagonists' home world, a Sun-Planet in the comet-generating Kuiper belt. It's here that Master Sergeant Venn will finally understand his destiny and the destiny of every intelligent being in the solar system-including the enigmatic Gurus.
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