О премии

Премия Джона Н. Коула - американская награда за лучшую документальную книгу (включая мемуары и научно-популярные антологии) о штате Мэн.

Джон Коул (1923–2003) был одним из первых журналистов-экологов, начавшим региональные дебаты о промышленном загрязнении. Он много писал для газет и журналов Новой Англии, был соучредителем Maine Times и World Paper , а также редактором нескольких газет штата Мэн, включая The Times Record. Джон написал 13 документальных книг. Он также обучал и наставлял молодых писателей как на курсах письма в Боудин-колледже, так и на писательских семинарах по всему штату.

В память о том, что Джон Коул всю свою жизнь был предан молодым писателям и их стремлениям к будущему, в 2014 году семья Коул и Альянс писателей и издателей штата Мэн учредили премию Джона Н. Коула.

В настоящее время лауреату вручается денежный приз в размере 1000 долларов США. Если победителей несколько, каждый из них получает 500 долларов США.

Другие названия: John N. Cole Award for Maine Nonfiction Жанры: Документальная литература, Научно-популярная литература, Биографии и мемуары Страны: США Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2014 г. Последнее вручение: 2023 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.mainewriters.org/events/mlas-john-cole-award


Премия Джона Коула
The John N. Cole Award
Премия Джона Коула
Gretchen Legler 0.0
“Woodsqueer” is sometimes used to describe the mindset of a person who has taken to the wild for an extended period of time. Gretchen Legler is no stranger to life away from the rapid-fire pace of the twenty-first century, which can often lead to a kind of stir-craziness. Woodsqueer chronicles her experiences intentionally focusing on not just making a living but making a life―in this case, an agrarian one more in tune with the earth on eighty acres in backwoods Maine.

Building a home with her partner, Ruth, on their farm means learning to live with solitude, endless trees, and the wild animals the couple come to welcome as family. Whether trying to outsmart their goats, calculating how much firewood they need for the winter, or bartering with neighbors for goods and services, they hone life skills brought with them (carpentry, tracking and hunting wild game) and other skills they learn along the way (animal husbandry, vegetable gardening, woodcutting).

Legler’s story is at times humbling and grueling, but it is also amusing. A homage to agrarian American life echoing the back-to-the-land movement popularized in the mid-twentieth century, Woodsqueer reminds us of the benefits of living close to the land. Legler unapologetically considers what we have lost in America, in less than a century―individually and collectively―as a result of our urban, mass-produced, technology-driven lifestyles.

Illustrated with rustic pen-and-ink illustrations, Woodsqueer shows the value of a solitary sojourn and both the pathway to and possibilities for making a sustainable, meaningful life on the land. The result, for Legler and her partner, is an evolution of their humanity as they become more physically, emotionally, and even spiritually connected to their land and each other in a complex ecosystem ruled by the changing seasons.
Премия Джона Коула
Nearly 70 famous New England writers and food activists share their writing on food and its greater meaning in our lives

A collection of essays by New England's literary greats, chefs, and food activists, Breaking Bread covers an enormous range of themes from examinations of favorite local foods like scallops and lobster, to broader food related topics including family, class, hunger, intergenerational trauma, nutrition, body image, and more.

Altogether, nearly 70 authors, including major literary figures, including Lily King, Johanthan Lethem, Susan Minot, Rick Russo, Roxanna Robinson, Lee Smith, Jenny Boylan, Christina Baker Kline, as well as nationally known food writers such as Kathy Gunst, Nancy Harmon Jenkins, Sandy Oliver, and dynamic new and established BIPOC writers like Phuc Tran, Alana Dao, Kifah Abdulla, and Reza Jalali, appear in this vibrant collection.

Profits from this collection will benefit Blue Angel, a nonprofit combatting food insecurity by geting healthy food from local farmers to those in need.
