Вручение 6 мая 2004 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 6 мая 2004 г.

Художественная литература

Давид Гроссман 4.4
Шестнадцатилетний Асаф на каникулах подрабатывает в мэрии. Ему поручают найти хозяев потерявшейся собаки. Сломя голову несется он вслед за ней по улицам родного Иерусалима. И постепенно оказывается втянут в загадочную историю, связанную с исчезновением Тамар, девочки с необыкновенным голосом. Во время поисков Асаф находит новых друзей, переходит дорогу уличной мафии, попадет в полицию. Но чем больше людей, знавших Тамар, встречает на своем пути Асаф, тем сильнее ему хочется с ней познакомиться. Грядущая встреча страшит неуверенного в себе юношу, и в тоже время он понимает, что поиски Тамар ведут его не только к ней, но и к его собственному настоящему "я". "С кем бы побегать" - роман о подростках, о любви, о дружбе, о страхе и творчестве.
Дэнни Абс 0.0
Dannie Abse's career as a poet spans more than fifty years and this volume comprises both a distinguished collection of his past work and a generous section of new poems.
A. B. Yehoshua 0.0
Book Description Yohanan Rivlin, a professor at Haifa University, is a man of boundless and often naive curiosity. His wife, Hagit, a district judge, is tolerant of almost everything but her husband's faults and prevarications. Frequent

Документальная литература

Амос Элон 0.0
The Pity of It All is a passionate and poignant history of German Jews, tracing the journey of a people and their culture from the mid eighteenth century to the eve of the Third Reich.

As it is usually told, the story of the Jews in Germany starts at the end, overshadowed by their tragic demise in Hitler's Reich. Now, in this important work of historical restoration, the acclaimed historian and social critic Amos Elon takes us back to the beginning, chronicling a 150-year period of achievement and integration that at its peak produced a golden age second only to the Renaissance.
Марк Гланвилл 0.0
From football hooligan to opera singer, from the Cockney Reds to Catullus, from a hectic household to tranquility of spirit, Mark Glanville has travelled many paths, been many people – this is his remarkable story.The story of Mark Glanville’s journey from violently bullied Jewish boy (Goldberg is the real family name) at Pimlico comprehensive to Principal Bass with the Lisbon Opera via a period travelling the country as a member of the Cockney Reds, the notorious Manchester United-supporting hooligans.Throughout all these vastly opposed phases and worlds, Glanville’s driving force is his search for self-knowledge. His home life is overshadowed by the larger-than-life character of his famous father and his extensive philandering, his mother’s obsession with psychotherapy and hostile relationships with his siblings. He fights to defend his Jewishness at school, only to be told by his father that he has no right to call himself one. A bookish teenager Glanville is obsessed with jazz and opera but he spends his weekends with a group of hooligans who are unsure whether to accept him or beat him up because of his posh accent. Then reading Classics at Oxford (explaining his absence away to the Cockney Reds as a four-year prison sentence for manslaughter) he is simultaneously drawn to and repelled by the Oxbridge ‘society set’. The story of his struggle towards equilibrium, to learn from his own and his family’s mistakes, and to find his own identity, eventually re-embracing Judaism and music, is both gripping and inspiring.An impressive new voice, Mark Glanville writes with refreshing honesty, humour and a complete lack of sentimentality. The utterly opposing aspects of his life make for a sometimes controversial but always fascinating read.
Игаль Сарна 0.0
This volume features portraits of Israeli men and women, it shows how they struggle to hold on to their identity, their sanity and their hope in the face of brutal and desperate conditions.