Вручение 23 февраля 2017 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 23 февраля 2017 г.

Литературная премия Вингейта

Айелет Гундар-Гошен 5.0
Каждый, кто любит магию печатного слова, должен прочитать роман «Просыпающиеся львы». Это мрачная история, полная жестокости, жадности и предательства, но пронизанная искуплением грехов и упорством. Гундар-Гошен заслужила мировую аудиторию, и этот великолепный роман вполне может стать залогом ее успеха.
Филипп Сэндс 4.5
Исследование собственных корней ведет автора от Львова-Лемберга в Нюрнберг, от Нюрнбергского процесса — в наши дни, ибо сами понятия человечности и бесчеловечности навеки окрашены Холокостом и приговором, прозвучавшим на Нюрнбергском процессе. И оттого что большая история так тесно переплетается с историей семьи, человеческое в ней — утверждается.
Анна Биконт 0.0
In July 1941, just weeks after the Germans invaded Russia, the Jewish population of a small Polish town – hundreds of men, women and children – were ordered out of their homes, and forced into a barn. The barn was then set on fire. Anyone attempting to escape, or found in hiding, was quickly killed.

The story soon spread that the massacre was organised and executed by Nazi paramilitary forces. It seemed to fit. Similar atrocities had taken place in nearby villages – although none of this scale. But the truth was very different. Over the course of the twentieth century fragments of the real story began to surface. It emerged that the perpetrators of the act were in fact the Polish villagers, who, on one afternoon, turned on and killed their Jewish neighbours. But why?

Part history, part memoir, part detective story, The Crime and the Silence is an award-winning journalist’s account of the events of July 1941: the true story of the massacre, a portrait of a town coming to terms with its dark past, and a vital contribution to Holocaust literature.
Дэвид Сезарани 0.0
David Cesarani’s Final Solution is a magisterial work of history that chronicles the fate of Europe’s Jews. Based on decades of scholarship, documentation newly available from the opening of Soviet archives, declassification of Western intelligence service records, as well as diaries and reports written in the camps, Cesarani provides a sweeping reappraisal that challenges accepted explanations for the anti-Jewish politics of Nazi Germany and the inevitability of the “final solution.” The persecution of the Jews, as Cesarani sees it, was not always the Nazis’ central preoccupation, nor was it inevitable. He shows how, in German-occupied countries, it unfolded erratically, often due to local initiatives. For Cesarani, war was critical to the Jewish fate. Military failure denied the Germans opportunities to expel Jews into a distant territory and created a crisis of resources that led to the starvation of the ghettos and intensified anti-Jewish measures. Looking at the historical record, he disputes the iconic role of railways and deportation trains. From prisoner diaries, he exposes the extent of sexual violence and abuse of Jewish women and follows the journey of some Jewish prisoners to displaced persons camps. David Cesarani’s Final Solution is the new standard chronicle of the fate of a heroic people caught in the hell that was Hitler’s Germany.
Вальтер Кемповски 0.0
In January 1945, the German army is retreating from the Russian advance. Germans are fleeing the occupied territories in their thousands, in cars and carts and on foot. But in a rural East Prussian manor house, the wealthy von Globig family seals itself off from the world.
Protected from the deprivation and chaos around them, they make no preparations to leave until a decision to harbour a stranger for the night begins their un