Вручение 2009 г.

Премия вручена за 2008 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Лос-Анджелес Дата проведения: 2009 г.

Лучший детектив.

Шон Черковер 0.0
Still suffering the physical and emotional consequences of going up against the Chicago Outfit, PI Ray Dudgeon needs an easy gig. A routine investigation of an open-and-shut case sounds perfect. The job is a loser, but the pay is good, and maybe Ray will bring some peace to a grieving father who yearns to learn the truth about the daughter he never really knew.

But what begins as routine soon spirals out of control. The victim was not simply a quiet, shy, unassuming single woman whose luck ran out. She lived a double life, working in the shadowy realm of covert intelligence. In a world built on secrets and lies, she fought bravely for truth - and gave her life in the fight.

Suddenly, Ray finds himself caught in a war between private contractors and the darkest sectors of our own government - a war that stretches from the closed-door hearings of Congress to the frontlines of Iraq.

Ensnared in a conspiracy of darkness that weaves its way through the very fabric of the nation, Ray must discover who's really pulling the strings before he becomes collateral damage in America's war on terror.No peril Ray Dudgeon has faced in the past could've prepared him for this. The stakes couldn't be any higher, and no enemy could be more powerful. Ray is in way over his head.

And his greatest enemy may be himself.
Том Роб Смит 3.8
1933 год, разгар голодомора. Братья Павел и Андрей ловят кота, чтобы хоть чем-то набить пустые желудки. Старший из них домой не вернется, а младший…лучше бы он умер! Ведь спустя годы 44 ребенка, нарушив простое правило никогда не разговаривать с незнакомцами, станут жертвами его жестокости!
Дон Уинслоу 3.8
"Конвоиры зари" - не только история запутанного расследования, но и окно в увлекательный и опасный мир серфинга. Бун Дэниелс - частный детектив, но работа для него лишь средство к существованию, а истинное его призвание - покорять гигантские волны. Как раз такие волны ожидаются со дня на день в городке Пасифик-Бич, но успеет ли на них лучший серфер побережья? Ведь красавица-адвокат привлекла Буна к поискам пропавшей стриптизерши, важной свидетельницы в деле о поджоге. И тут же соответствующую ее описанию женщину кто-то выбросил из окна дешевого мотеля. Простая на первый взгляд задача усложняется с каждым шагом и, точно коварное течение, затягивает следователя в темную бездну.
Christopher Fowler 4.0
One night, Arthur Bryant witnesses a drunk middle-aged lady coming out of a pub in a London backstreet. The next morning, she is found dead at the exact spot where their paths crossed. Even more disturbing, there's a twist: the pub has vanished and the street itself has changed. Bryant is convinced that he saw them as they looked over a century before, but the elderly detective has already lost the funeral urn of an old friend. Could he be losing his mind as well?
Then it becomes clear that a number of women have met their ends in London pubs. It seems a silent, secret killer is at work, striking in full view...and yet nobody has a clue how, or why - or where he'll attack next. The likeliest suspect seems to be a mental patient with a reason for killing. But knowing who the killer is and catching him are two very different propositions. As their new team at the Peculiar Crimes Unit goes in search of a madman, the octogenarian detectives ready themselves for the pub crawl of a lifetime, and come face to face with their own mortality...
Deanna Raybourn 0.0
Lady Julia returns home to Sussex to find her father's estate crowded with family and friends— but dark deeds are afoot at the deconsecrated abbey, and a murderer roams the ancient cloisters.
Much to her surprise, the one man she had hoped to forget—the enigmatic and compelling Nicholas Brisbane—is among her father's houseguests… and he is not alone. Not to be outdone, Julia shows him that two can play at flirtation and promptly introduces him to her devoted, younger, titled Italian count.