Вручение 3 мая 2011 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Колумбийский университет, Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 3 мая 2011 г.

Книжная премия Дж. Энтони Лукаса

Элиза Грисволд 0.0
The tenth parallel - the line of latitude seven hundred miles north of the equator - is the front line where Christianity and Islam collide. Here, from Nigeria, Sudan and Somalia to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, both religions are experiencing huge and sometimes violent reawakenings.

Award-winning journalist Eliza Griswold has spent the past seven years travelling this area and meeting its people, asking where belief ends and secular conflict begins; and examining how encounters between faiths will shape the future.
Джефферсон Коуи 0.0
An epic account of how middle-class America hit the rocks in the political and economic upheavals of the 1970s, this wide-ranging cultural and political history rewrites the 1970s as the crucial, pivotal era of our time. Jefferson Cowie’s edgy and incisive book—part political intrigue, part labor history, with large doses of American musical, film, and TV lore—makes new sense of the 1970s as a crucial and poorly understood transition from New Deal America (with its large, optimistic middle class) to the widening economic inequalities, poverty, and dampened expectations of the 1980s and into the present.

Stayin’ Alive takes us from the factory floors of Ohio, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, to the Washington of Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Cowie also connects politics to culture, showing how the big screen and the jukebox can help us understand how America turned away from the radicalism of the 1960s and toward the patriotic promise of Ronald Reagan. Cowie makes unexpected connections between the secrets of the Nixon White House and the failings of George McGovern campaign; radicalism and the blue-collar backlash; the earthy twang of Merle Haggard’s country music and the falsetto highs of Saturday Night Fever. Like Jeff Perlstein’s acclaimed Nixonland, Stayin’ Alive moves beyond conventional understandings of the period and brilliantly plumbs it for insights into our current way of life.
Пол Гринберг 0.0
This book is available in another title with the same text - Four Fish: A journey from the ocean to your plate(ISBN 9781846140020) We eat more fish than ever before. But what's the story behind the fish on your plate? Where did it come from? Which fish can we buy without worrying? What's the difference between wild, farmed and organic? What does overfishing mean - and should humans just stop eating fish altogether?

Paul Greenberg takes us on an eye-opening culinary journey from trawler to table, travelling to fair trade Eskimo fisheries, Norwegian mega salmon farms and rough South Pacific seas in search of wild tuna. Along the way he gives us the facts about fish, showing how the choices we make when we're faced with a seafood menu or supermarket shelf affect the whole world.
Сиддхартха Мукерджи 4.6
Книга "Царь всех болезней. Биография рака" переведена на 33 языка и удостоена:
- пулитцеровской премии;
- премии Пен-клуба как лучшее научно-популярное произведение;
- премии за исследования в области онкологии;
- премии "New York Times" как лучшая книга 2010 года;
- премии журнала "Time" как лучшая книга 2010 года.
Номинирована на:
- книжную премию "Los Angeles Times";
- национальную премию литературных критиков США.