Вручение октябрь 2014 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Аннандейл-на-Гудзоне, округ Датчесс, штат Нью-Йорк. Дата проведения: октябрь 2014 г.

Литературная премия колледжа «Бард»

Беннет Симс 0.0
Mazoch discovers an unreturned movie sleeve, a smashed window, and a pool of blood in his father's house; the man has gone missing. So he creates a list of his father's haunts and asks Vermaelen to help track him down.

However, hurricane season looms over Baton Rouge, threatening to wipe out any undead not already contained, and eliminate all hope of ever finding Mazoch's father.

Bennett Sims turns typical zombie fare on its head to deliver a wise and philosophical rumination on the nature of memory and loss.