
Премия «Феникс» за детскую литер...
Тим Тингл 0.0
In Walking the Choctaw Road , Tingle reaches far back into tribal memory to offer this deeply personal collection of stories woven from the supernatural, mythical, historical and oral accounts of Choctaw people living today. Native American
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Julie Otsuka 4.2
It is four months after Pearl Harbour and overnight signs appear all over the United States instructing Japanese Americans to report to internment camps for the duration of the war. For one family it proves to be a nightmare of oppression and alienation. Explored from varying points of view - the mother receiving the order to evacuate; the daughter on the long train journey; the son in the desert encampment; the family's return home; and the bitter release of their father after four years in captivity - it tells of an incarceration that will alter their lives for ever. Based on a true story, Julie Otsuka's powerful, deeply humane novel tells of an unjustly forgotten episode in America's wartime history.
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Алисса Бругман 0.0
Rachel has just left school, so she knows everything. Well, at least she's not short of opinions! Then she gets a job looking after Grace, who is brain-damaged, has a lovely house, greedy relatives, unfinished business - and a lot to teach Rachel.
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Кэролин Коман 0.0
Berry Morgan's older sister left home to become a school volunteer in Capetown, South Africa, and in a nightmare ripped from the headlines was brutally murdered. A year and a half later, Berry's father arranges a trip to South Africa for a memorial service--a trip that will transform them both.
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Louise Erdrich 0.0
This is one of those children's books with a magical, tender quality that seizes the imagination. It is the first children's book, and the first in a cycle of novels, by the distinguished novelist Louise Erdrich, who draws on her own family history to evoke the lives of Native Americans forced from their ancestral lands. It is the story of a little girl, Omakayas, who lives with her family on an island in Lake Superior in the 1840s. It is the story of a loving family of adults and children, and the tribulations and joys they experience, in the course of a year that sees the decimation of the tribe by the white man's disease, smallpox.. Omakayas herself, with her affinity for animals - she has a pet crow, and makes friends with the bears - is a wonderful character who learns only at the end who she really is, and what her role in the tribe will be. The detail of daily life among the Ojibwa, so close to the land and to animals, is beautifully described and the characters are realized with a delightful warmth - not just Omakayas but the new baby she adores, her annoying little brother Pinch, the strange, tough, masculine Auntie, and the grandmother with her healing powers. It is an immensely charming and moving book on a subject that is always fascinating to young readers.
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Элизабет Партридж 0.0
Dorothea Lange's desperate and beautiful pictures of migrant workers in California and her heartbreaking photographs of Japanese Americans interned during World War II put human faces on some of the darkest episodes in America's history. Restless Spirit is an intimate portrait of a woman who struggled to balance her passion for her career and her love for her family, all while producing some of the most celebrated, powerful photographic works of their time. Told by Lange's goddaughter, National Book Award finalist, Elizabeth Partridge, Restless Spirit is a testament to this brilliant photographer's work.
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Джеймс Хенеган 0.0
While on an ocean voyage to Canada to escape the air raids in his Liverpool home, twelve-year-old Jaimie Monaghan faces another kind of life-threatening situation.
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Эндрю Клементс 4.5
From bestselling and award-winning author Andrew Clements, a quirky, imaginative tale about creative thought and the power of words that will have readers inventing their own words.

Is Nick Allen a troublemaker? He really just likes to liven things up at school -- and he's always had plenty of great ideas. When Nick learns some interesting information about how words are created, suddenly he's got the inspiration for his best plan ever...the frindle. Who says a pen has to be called a pen? Why not call it a frindle? Things begin innocently enough as Nick gets his friends to use the new word. Then other people in town start saying frindle. Soon the school is in an uproar, and Nick has become a local hero. His teacher wants Nick to put an end to all this nonsense, but the funny thing is frindle doesn't belong to Nick anymore. The new word is spreading across the country, and there's nothing Nick can do to stop it.
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Киоко Мори 4.2
Из семьи пятнадцатилетней Мегуми уходит мать. По японским обычаям теперь девочка разлучена с ней до своего совершеннолетия - на целых семь лет. Мегуми остается с равнодушным отцом, редко бывающим дома, и сварливой бабушкой, от которой не дождешься ласкового слова. Ершистый, умный и принципиальный подросток остро переживает свое одиночество. Но тут случай сталкивает ее с доктором Мидзутани - молодой женщиной, содержащей клинику для больных диких птиц. Девочка начинает ходить к ней и ухаживать за пернатыми пациентами...
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Гари Сото 0.0
In his first novel for young adults, Gary Soto paints a moving portrait of two sweet, ambitious Mexican American brothers who hope junior college will help them escape their heritage of tedious physical labor. Their struggles are humorous, true to life, and deeply affecting, and young adults will sympathize with them as they work through their problems and eventually come to terms with what is possible in an imperfect world. "Readers looking for a finely written, contemplative narrative will appreciate this work."--"School Library Journal"
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Gaye Hicyilmaz 0.0
Twelve-year-old Selda and her family move from Turkey to Switzerland, where Selda has to cope with a strange country and language. With determination she sets about the task of embracing a new culture, and to her surprise she forms two new friendships, neither of which proves easy to pursue.
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Карен Гессе 0.0
In letters to her cousin, a young Jewish girl chronicles her family's flight from Russia in 1919 and her own experiences when she must be left in Belgium for a while when the others immigrate to America.
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Вирджиния Эйвер Вольф 0.0
"Remember, what's down inside you, all covered up—the things of your soul. The important, secret things . . . The story of you, all buried, let the music caress it out into the open."

When Allegra was a little girl, she thought she would pick up her violin and it would sing for her—that the music was hidden inside her instrument.
Now that Allegra is twelve, she believes the music is in her fingers, and the summer after seventh grade she has to teach them well. She's the youngest contestant in the Ernest Bloch Young Musicians' Competition.
She knows she will learn the notes to the concerto, but what she doesn't realize is she'll also learn—how to close the gap between herself and Mozart to find the real music inside her heart.

The Mozart Season includes an interview with author Virginia Euwer Wolff.
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Розмэри Сатклиф 0.0
'I saw riders with black eyesockets in glimmering mail where their faces should have been, grey wolfskins catching a bloom of light from the mist and the moon; a shining company indeed, not quite mortal-seeming.' Many years after King Arthur defeated the Saxons, the tribes of Britain are again threatened by invaders. Prosper and his loyal bondsman, Conn, answer the call of King Mynydogg to join a highly skilled army - the Shining Company. Led by the gallant Prince Gorthyrn, the company embark on
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Франческа Лиа Блок 0.0
In 1989 Francesca Lia Block made a dazzling entrance into the literary scene with what would become one of the most talked-about books of the decade; Weetzie Bat. This poetic roller coaster swoop has a sleek new design to match its new sister and brother books, Goat Girls and Beautiful Boys. Rediscover the magic of Weetzie Bat, Ms. Block's sophisticated, slinkster-cool love song to L.A., the book that shattered the standard, captivated readers of all generations, and made Francesca Lia Block one of the most heralded authors of the last decade.

This could be a book about cheap cheese and bean burritos, slinkster dogs, lanky lizards and rubber chickens ...Or strawberry sundaes with marshmallow toppings, surfing, stage-diving and sleeping on the beach ...It could even be a book about magic. But what it's definitely about is Weetzie Bat, her best friend Dirk and their search across L.A. for the most dangerous angel of all ...true love.
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Питер Дикинсон 0.0
THIRTEEN-YEAR OLD EVA wakes up in the hospital unable to remember anything since the picnic on the beach. Her mother leans over the bed and begins to explain. A traffic accident, a long coma . . .

But there is something, Eva senses, that she’s not being told. There is a price she must pay to be alive at all. What have they done, with their amazing medical techniques, to save her?
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Маргарет Махи 4.2
Много ли мы знаем новозеландских писателей? Знакомьтесь: Маргарет Махи. Пишет большей частью для подростков (лауреат премии Андерсена, 2007), но этот роман – скорее для взрослых. Во вступлении известная переводчица Нина Демурова объясняет, почему она обратила внимание на автора. Впрочем, можно догадаться: в тексте местами присутствует такая густая атмосфера Льюиса Кэррола… Но при этом еще помноженная на Франца Кафку и замешенная на психоаналитических рефлексиях родом из Фрейда. Убийственная смесь. Девятнадцатилетний герой пытается разобраться в подробностях трагедии, случившейся пять лет назад с его сестрой (она погибла, сорвавшись у него на глазах в пропасть). И реконструкция памяти заводит его в какие-то совершенно непредсказуемые бездны и закоулки сознания. Здесь не всегда понятно, находимся ли мы внутри грандиозного сновидения или все-таки в реальности: повествование эффектно балансирует между двумя сферами. Но если про сознание главного героя все не вполне ясно, то память его загадочной и случайной подруги, старушки Софи, поражена недугом вполне конкретным – болезнью Альцгеймера. И это местами превращает текст в нескончаемый макабрический анекдот, в котором смех смешивается с жалостью и печалью. Действительно горький коктейль.
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Диана Уинн Джонс 4.5
Книги английской писательницы Дианы У.Джонс настолько ярки, что так и просятся на экран. По ее бестселлеру "Ходячий замок" знаменитый мультипликатор Хаяо Миядзаки ("Унесенные призраками"), обладатель "Золотого льва" - высшей награды Венецианского фестиваля, снял анимационный фильм, побивший в Японии рекорд кассовых сборов.

Софи живет в сказочной стране, где ведьмы и русалки, семимильные сапоги и говорящие собаки - обычное дело. Поэтому, когда на нее обрушивается ужасное проклятие коварной Болотной Ведьмы, Софи ничего не остается, как обратиться за помощью к таинственному чародею Хоулу, обитающему в Ходячем замке. Однако, чтобы освободиться от чар, Софи предстоит разгадать немало загадок и прожить в замке у Хоула гораздо дольше, чем она рассчитывала. А для этого нужно подружиться с огненным демоном, поймать падающую звезду, подслушать пение русалок, отыскать мандрагору и многое, многое другое.
Премия «Феникс» за детскую литер...
Маргарет Махи 0.0
Angela and Tycho seem an unlikely pair -- she is beautiful and confident, he is awkward and quietly intellectual. They have long shared a passion for deciphering the universe outside their own personal struggles. Like the great philosophers they study, to Angela and Tycho it seems the universe can be ordered; their own lives cannot.As their family struggles swirl around them, they are suddenly desperate to discover where they fit in. Their answer comes in a way they never imagined -- a way so unexpected, and so wonderful, that the world on every level seems to fall into place.
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Берли Догерти 0.0
Teenage Jeannie unfolds the triumphs and tragedies of her close-knit family as they face violent changes on their isolated Derbyshire farm.
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Айвен Саутолл 0.0
In 1941, fleeing from the terrors of Hitler and the Second World War, a hundred people set sail from Australia for a remote island in the Pacific. They are led by the astonishing Brigadier Palmer, founder of S.W.O.R.D., the Society for World Order Under Divine Rule. The effect he is to have on the five teenagers in the group is devastating. Despite the ever-present fear of invasion by the Japanese, each one of them has private and personal hopes for the future - but they soon find that the Brigadier see a very different purpose for all their lives...

This is both a story of war and of a struggle for power, written with all the skill and originality for which this award-winning author is deservedly famous.
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Zibby Oneal 0.0
"Sixteen-year-old Anne arrives home from the private school her mother had chosen--her mother who has been dead just over a year. How can everyone act as if everything is all right? How could Dad marry again so soon?"--School Library Journal. A New York Times Best Book of the Year.
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Питер Дикинсон 0.0
In a bungled attempt to kidnap an ambassador's son, four revolutionaries make hostages of a hundred children rehearsing an opera.
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Моника Хьюз 0.0
It was her tenth birthday on Isis. By Earth years, she would be sixteen. But Olwen Pendennis had never been to Earth. She had been born on Isis. And since her parents' death, she had lived there alone, manning the Isis Light -- a "lighthouse" in space designed to aid ships, and to bring settlers from Earth. And now, on the day of her tenth year, the settlers are coming at last. Olwen is ready to welcome them, but are they ready for her? She was once human, like them. But the harsh climate of the alien planet has changed her, transformed her into something else -- something the settlers could never be prepared for...
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Элейн Лобл Конигсбург 0.0
Five short stories are told in the first person, all crisp and compactly tailored in setting forth their common theme of self-awareness.--Booklist.
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