Вручение 2017 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2017 г.

Книги для школьников 7-9 классов

Katie Alender 3.8

Delia's new house isn't just a house. Long ago, it was the Piven Institute for the Care and Correction of Troubled Females -- an insane asylum nicknamed "Hysteria Hall." However, many of the inmates were not insane, just defiant and strong willed. Kind of like Delia herself.

But the house still wants to keep "troubled" girls locked away. So, in the most horrifying way, Delia becomes trapped. And that's when she learns that the house is also haunted.

Ghost girls wander the hallways in their old-fashioned nightgowns. A handsome ghost boy named Theo roams the grounds. Delia learns that all the spirits are unsettled and full of dark secrets. The house, too, harbors shocking truths within its walls -- truths that only Delia can uncover, and that may set her free.

And she'll need to act quickly -- before the house's power overtakes everything she loves.

Katie Alender brings heart-pounding suspense, gorgeous writing, and a feminist twist to this tale of memories and madness.
Jake Halpern, Peter Kujawinski 3.0
On Marin’s island, sunrise doesn’t come every twenty-four hours—it comes every twenty-eight years. Now the sun is just a sliver of light on the horizon. The weather is turning cold and the shadows are growing long.

Because sunset triggers the tide to roll out hundreds of miles, the islanders are frantically preparing to sail south, where they will wait out the long Night.

Marin and her twin brother, Kana, help their anxious parents ready the house for departure. Locks must be taken off doors. Furniture must be arranged. Tables must be set. The rituals are puzzling—bizarre, even—but none of the adults in town will discuss why it has to be done this way.

Just as the ships are about to sail, a teenage boy goes missing—the twins’ friend Line. Marin and Kana are the only ones who know the truth about where Line’s gone, and the only way to rescue him is by doing it themselves. But Night is falling. Their island is changing.

And it may already be too late.
Joelle Charbonneau 5.0
What do you really need?

One by one, the teens in Nottawa, Wisconsin, join the newest, hottest networking site and answer one question: What do you need? A new iPhone? Backstage passes to a concert? In exchange for a seemingly minor task, the NEED site will fulfill your request. Everyone is doing it. So why shouldn’t you?

Kaylee Dunham knows what she needs—a kidney for her sick brother. She doesn’t believe a social networking site can help, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

Or could it?

After making her request, Kaylee starts to realize the price that will have to be paid for her need to be met. The demands the site makes on users in exchange for their desires are escalating, and so is the body count. Will Kaylee be able to unravel the mystery of who created the NEED network before it destroys them all?

Книги для школьников 10 - 12 классов

Сара Дж. Маас 4.3
Могла ли знать девятнадцатилетняя Фейра, что огромный волк, убитый девушкой на охоте, — на самом деле преображенный фэйри. Расплата не заставила себя ждать. Она должна или заплатить жизнью, или переселиться за стену — волшебную невидимую преграду, отделяющую владения смертных от Притиании, королевства фэйри. Фейра выбирает второе. Тамлин, владелец замка, куда девушка попадает, не простой фэйри, он — верховный правитель Двора весны, одного из могущественных Дворов, на которые поделено королевство. Однажды Фейра узнает тайну: на Двор весны и на Тамлина, ее покровителя, злые силы наложили заклятье, снять которое способна только смертная девушка…
Ли Бардуго 4.6
Кеттердам — шумный центр международной торговли, где по сходной цене можно купить все, и лучше других это знает юный гений преступного мира Каз Бреккер. Ему выпадает шанс на похищение века, которое может сделать его невообразимо богатым. Но один он не справится…
Узник, обуреваемый жаждой мести. Стрелок, который любит испытывать судьбу. Беглец из высших слоев общества. Шпионка, известная под кличкой Призрак. Девушка из магического ордена гришей с необычным даром. Вор с талантом выходить сухим из воды.
Шесть опасных изгоев. Одно невозможное похищение.
Робин Бенуэй 4.2
Oliver's absence split us wide open, dividing our neighborhood along a fault line strong enough to cause an earthquake. An earthquake would have been better. At least during an earthquake, you understand why you're shaking.
Emmy and Oliver were going to be best friends forever, or maybe even more, before their futures were ripped apart. But now Oliver is back, and he's not the skinny boy-next-door that used to be Emmy's best friend. Now he's the boy who got kidnapped. A stranger - a totally hot stranger! - with a whole history that Emmy knows nothing about.
But is their story still meant to be? Or are they like the pieces of two different puzzles - impossible to fit together?