Вручение 2 ноября 1994 г.

Страна: Франция Место проведения: город Париж, Елисейские поля, дворец Крийона Дата проведения: 2 ноября 1994 г.

Премия «Фемина»

Оливье Ролен 3.4
Роман-воспоминание (1994), удостоенный премии "Femina" (третья по престижности литературная премия Франции), присуждаемой жюри, состоящим из писателей-женщин. Герой получает известие о смерти покончившего с собой друга, с которым расстался

Премия "Фемина" зарубежному автору

Rose Tremain 0.0
From the author of The Gustav Sonata

At the age of six, Mary Ward, the child of a poor farming family in Suffolk, has a revelation: she isn't Mary, she's a boy. So begins Mary's heroic struggle to change gender, while around her others also strive to find a place of safety and fulfilment in a savage and confusing world.

Over a million Rose Tremain books sold

‘A writer of exceptional talent ... Tremain is a writer who understands every emotion’ Independent I

‘There are few writers out there with the dexterity or emotional intelligence to rival that of the great Rose Tremain’ Irish Times

‘Tremain has the painterly genius of an Old Master, and she uses it to stunning effect’ The Times

‘Rose Tremain is one of the very finest British novelists’ Salman Rushdie

‘Tremain is a writer of exemplary vision and particularity. The fictional world is rendered with extraordinary vividness’ Marcel Theroux, Guardian