
Книга на английском языке
David Alexander Robertson 0.0
A picture book celebrating Indigenous culture and traditions. The Governor General Award--winning team behind When We Were Alone shares a story that honors our connections to our past and our grandfathers and fathers.

A boy and Moshom, his grandpa, take a trip together to visit a place of great meaning to Moshom. A trapline is where people hunt and live off the land, and it was where Moshom grew up. As they embark on their northern journey, the child repeatedly asks his grandfather, Is this your trapline? Along the way, the boy finds himself imagining what life was like two generations ago -- a life that appears to be both different from and similar to his life now. This is a heartfelt story about memory, imagination and intergenerational connection that perfectly captures the experience of a young child's wonder as he is introduced to places and stories that hold meaning for his family.
Книга на английском языке
Терри Фан, Эрик Фан, Devin Fan 0.0
In a world built for Perfect Pets, Barnabus is a Failed Project, half mouse, half elephant, kept out of sight until his dreams of freedom lead him and his misfit friends on a perilous adventure. A stunning picture book from international bestsellers The Fan Brothers, joined by their brother Devin Fan.

Deep underground beneath Perfect Pets, where children can buy genetically engineered "perfect" creatures, there is a secret lab. Barnabus and his friends live in this lab, but none of them is perfect. They are all Failed Projects. Barnabus has never been outside his tiny bell jar, yet he dreams of one day seeing the world above ground that his pal Pip the cockroach has told him about: a world with green hills and trees, and buildings that reach all the way to the sky, lit with their own stars. But Barnabus may have to reach the outside world sooner than he thought, because the Green Rubber Suits are about to recycle all Failed Projects . . . and Barnabus doesn't want to be made into a fluffier pet with bigger eyes. He just wants to be himself. So he decides it's time for he and the others to escape. With his little trunk and a lot of cooperation and courage, Barnabus sets out to find freedom -- and a place where he and his friends can finally be accepted for who they are.

This suspenseful, poignant and magical story about following your dreams and finding where you truly belong will draw readers into a surreal, lushly detailed world in which perfection really means being true to yourself and your friends.
Книга на французском языке
Vigg 0.0
«Ébranlé par cet atterrissage brutal, je m’avance au tableau noir. Tout le monde me regarde. J’ouvre la bouche. Rien ne sort. Rien du tout. Cette fable que je récitais comme on respire il y a à peine une heure, voilà qu’il ne m’en reste pas même une seule syllabe. Je regarde partout dans la classe pour essayer de trouver le début d’une phrase. Il y a tellement d’élèves, de meubles et d’objets… Tant de choses qui tournent autour de moi… C’est la pagaille.»

Au retour d’une sortie au cinéma, Vincent peut raconter le film à sa maman dans les moindres détails. Mais lorsqu’il doit réciter devant sa classe une fable apprise par cœur… rien ne lui vient. C’est que sa maison-tête est si vaste que souvent il s’y perd !
Vincent arrivera-t-il à en comprendre les détours ?
Книга на английском языке
Julie Flett 0.0
When a young girl moves to her new home far away from the sea, she feels lonely and out of place. But soon she meets an elderly woman next door, who shares her love of nature and art.

As the seasons change, can the girl navigate the failing health of her new friend?
Книга на французском языке
Jacques Goldstyn 0.0
Книга на английском языке
Хизер Смит 0.0
One summer,
after a long plane ride
and a rotten bad year
I went to Grandma Jo's.
It was my mother's idea.
Jett, what you need is a change of scenery.
I think she needed a change of scenery, too.
One without me.
Because that rotten bad year?
That was my fault.

Thus begins the poignant story, told in free verse, of eleven-year-old Jett. Last year, Jett and his mother had moved to a new town for a fresh start after his father went to jail. But Jett soon learned that fresh starts aren't all they're cracked up to be. When he befriended a boy with a difficult home life, Jett found himself in a cycle of bad decisions that culminated in the betrayal of a friend - a shameful secret he still hasn't forgiven himself for. Will a summer spent with his unconventional grandmother help Jett find his way to redemption?

Writing in artfully crafted free-verse vignettes, Heather T. Smith uses a deceptively simple style to tell a powerful and emotionally charged story. The engaging narrative and the mystery of Jett's secret keep the pages turning and will appeal to both reluctant and avid readers. This captivating book offers a terrific opportunity for classroom discussions about the many ways to tell a story and how a small number of carefully chosen words can have a huge impact. It also showcases the positive character traits of empathy resilience, courage, and responsibility.
Книга на французском языке
Stéphanie Boulay 0.0
«Anatole est inconsolable. Rien ni personne ne peut soulager sa peine. Jusqu’à ce que sa grande soeur Régine se donne pour mission de comprendre ce qui le rend si malheureux…

Pour sa première incursion en littérature jeunesse, Stéphanie Boulay met en lumière une profonde quête identitaire. Un récit charmant et percutant sur la différence et l’acceptation de soi.»
Книга на английском языке
Джоан Шварц 5.0
A young boy wakes up to the sound of the sea, visits his grandfather’s grave after lunch and comes home to a simple family dinner with his family, but all the while his mind strays to his father digging for coal deep down under the sea. Stunning illustrations by Sydney Smith, the award-winning illustrator of Sidewalk Flowers, show the striking contrast between a sparkling seaside day and the darkness underground where the miners dig.

With curriculum connections to communities and the history of mining, this beautifully understated and haunting story brings a piece of Canadian history to life. The ever-present ocean and inevitable pattern of life in a Cape Breton mining town will enthrall children and move adult readers.
Книга на французском языке
Марианна Дюбюк 4.6
Tous les dimanches ensoleillés, Madame Blaireau emprunte le sentier qui mène au sommet de la montagne. Au cours du trajet, elle salue ses amis, contemple la nature environnante et récolte champignons et autres trouvailles. Un matin, elle rencontre Lulu qui aimerait bien, lui aussi, voir le sommet du monde.
Книга на английском языке
Ян Торнхилл 0.0
For hundreds of thousands of years Great Auks thrived in the icy seas of the North Atlantic, bobbing on the waves, diving for fish and struggling up onto rocky shores to mate and hatch their fluffy chicks. But by 1844, not a single one of these magnificent birds was alive.

In this stunningly illustrated non-fiction picture book, award-winning author and illustrator Jan Thornhill tells the tragic story of these birds that “weighed as much as a sack of potatoes and stood as tall as a preteen’s waist.” Their demise came about in part because of their anatomy. They could swim swiftly underwater, but their small wings meant they couldn’t fly and their feet were so far back on their bodies, they couldn’t walk very well. Still the birds managed to escape their predators much of the time … until humans became seafarers.

Great Auks were pursued first by Vikings, then by Inuit, Beothuk and finally European hunters. Their numbers rapidly dwindled. They became collectors’ items — their skins were stuffed for museums, to be displayed along with their beautiful eggs. (There are some amazing stories about these stuffed auks — one was stolen from a German museum during WWII by Russian soldiers; another was flown to Iceland and given a red-carpet welcome at the airport.)

Although undeniably tragic, the final demise of the Great Auk led to the birth of the conservation movement. Laws were eventually passed to prevent the killing of birds during the nesting season, and similar laws were later extended to other wildlife species.
Книга на французском языке
Ларри Трамбле, Guillaume Perreault 5.0
Si vous demandez à ma mère ce qu'elle pense de moi, elle vous répondra que j'exagère tout le temps. Si vous demandez à mon père, il dira la même chose. Et si ma petite soeur parlait, je suis presque sûr que ce serait pareil. Tout ça parce que je parle dans un micro imaginaire. Ça m'amuse, moi, de transformer ma vie ne reportage. Pourquoi c'est un problème?
Книга на английском языке
Мелани Флоренс 0.0
A young mother, one of the many missing indigenous women, watches over her small daughter as she grows up without her nimama, experiencing important milestones - her first day of school, first dance, first date, wedding, first child - from afar.

A free verse story of love, loss, and acceptance told in alternating voices. Missing Nimama shows the human side of a tragic set of circumstances.

An afterword by the author provides a simple, age-appropriate context for young readers. Includes a glossary of Cree terms.
Книга на французском языке
Jacques Goldstyn 0.0
Quand on est un petit garçon pas comme les autres et que cette différence ne nous embête pas, on peut très bien se lier d'amitié avec un arbre et l'appeler Bertolt. Il est un chêne très vieux et son immense feuillage est non seulement une cachette mais aussi une maison, un labyrinthe ou une forteresse. Un jour, un nouveau printemps arrive et Bertolt meurt. Quand un chat ou un oiseau décèdent, on sait quoi faire, mais pour un arbre, on fait quoi?

Nouveau titre de Jacques Goldstyn à La Pastèque, L'arbragan est un récit d'une amitié hors du commun.
Книга на английском языке
Джонатан Оксье 4.2
«Ночной садовник» - это история в духе классических романов Эдгара По, от которой сложно оторваться.

Молли и Кип – двое одиноких и брошенных детей поступают на службу в поместье Виндзоров. Они прислуживают хозяевам старинного особняка, но вскоре понимают, что поместье и его обитатели вовсе не те, кем кажутся… По ночам в дом наведывается загадочный гость в чёрной шляпе. Он обходит комнату за комнатой, оставляя следы грязи, а потом исчезает. Детям предстоит побороть древнее проклятье и раскрыть загадку тайной комнаты, которая всегда заперта на ключ… Но возможно, секрет, спрятанный за зеленой дверью, сделает их заложниками дома навеки.

Окунитесь в невероятную мистическую атмосферу и разгадайте все тайны викторианского поместья с книгой «Ночной садовник» Джонатана Оксье.
Книга на французском языке
Марианна Дюбюк 0.0
Ce jour-là, quand Clara prend l'autobus pour se rendre chez sa grand-mère, elle ne se doute pas que le voyage sera aussi palpitant ! À chaque arrêt, de nouveaux passagers montent à bord: un gros ours brun, deux écolières turbulentes, une famille de hérissons, un apprenti chasseur, un renard un peu fin finaud. Toute une galerie de voyageurs hauts en couleur, et des folles aventures ! Clara aura tant d'histoires à raconter lorsqu'elle descendra de l'AUTOBUS ! Marianne Dubuc propose un album avec plusieurs niveaux de lecture. Un autobus fourmillant de détails, de personnages et de clins d'oeil. Une lecture à partager entre parents et enfants !
Книга на английском языке
Kathy Stinson 0.0
Who is playing that beautiful music in the subway? And why is nobody listening? This gorgeous picture book is based on the true story of Joshua Bell, the renowned American violinist who famously took his instrument down into the Washington D.C. subway for a free concert. More than a thousand commuters rushed by him, but only seven stopped to listen for more than a minute. In The Man with the Violin, bestselling author Kathy Stinson has woven a heart-warming story that reminds us all to stop and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Dylan is someone who notices things. His mom is someone who doesn’t. So try as he might, Dylan can’t get his mom to listen to the man playing the violin in the subway station. With the beautiful music in his head all day long, Dylan can’t forget the violinist, and finally succeeds in making his mother stop and listen, too. Vividly imagined text combined with illustrations that pulse with energy expertly demonstrate the transformative power of music. With a postscript explaining Joshua Bell’s story, and afterword by Joshua Bell himself
Книга на французском языке
Andrée Poulin 0.0
Thomas a peu de souvenirs de sa mère. Il se rappelle seulement que pour ses cinq ans, elle lui a fait la meilleure poutine au monde. Le lendemain, elle n’était plus là. Elle n’est jamais revenue. Pour souligner ses quatorze ans, Thomas décide de soumettre une idée aux livre Guinness des records. Aidé de son meilleur ami Samuel et de son équipe de soccer, il va cuisiner la plus grosse poutine au monde. Si son record fait le tour de la planète, sa mère le saura et elle reviendra. Il se met alors en quête de commanditaires. La fromagère accepte de l’aider, à condition qu’il prenne sa fille Élie à bord du projet. Il tente ensuite de convaincre la mairesse que l’aréna est l’endroit idéal pour préparer les 600 kilos de poutine et servir les consommateurs. Mme Tartatcheff n’est pas enchantée à l’idée d’y faire entrer de la malbouffe. Thomas et ses amis échafaudent les plans les plus fous pour surmonter ces obstacles, mais des révélations viennent remettre en question le projet « Prodigieuse Poutine ».
Книга на английском языке
Полли Хорват 0.0
Readers rejoice—Primrose Squarp is back! The wise and curious heroine of the Newbery Honor Book Everything on a Waffle is facing another adventure-filled year in Coal Harbor.

Even though her parents, once lost at sea, are home, there’s a whole slew of problems and mysteries to keep Primrose—and eager fans—busy. There’s Uncle Jack and Kate Bowzer, who may (or may not) be in love. There’s Ked, a foster child who becomes Primrose’s friend. And there’s the new development on the outskirts of town that threatens the Coal Harbor Primrose knows and treasures.

From National Book Award–winning author Polly Horvath comes a masterful sequel to a beloved novel, sure to please old fans and gain new ones.
Книга на французском языке
Мишель Ноэль 0.0
Wapush est un jeune Amérindien marqué par le sort. Né en période de disette, orphelin et infirme, il aura néanmoins un destin fabuleux, puisqu’il partira à la recherche du bout du monde. Au cours d’une extraordinaire quête identitaire sur fond de paysage glacé, il devra combattre de nombreux adversaires afin de survivre et d’atteindre son but.

Ce palpitant récit d’aventures, à la fois poétique et métaphorique, aborde avec respect les valeurs traditionnelles des peuples de la taïga et de la toundra.
Книга на английском языке
Трилби Кент 0.0
Corlie Roux’s farm life in South Africa is not easy: the Transvaal is beautiful, but it is also a harsh place where the heat can be so intense that the very raindrops sizzle. When her beloved father dies, she is left with a mother who is as devoted to her sons as she is cruel to her daughter. Despite this, Corlie finds solace in her friend, Sipho, and in Africa itself and in the stories she conjures for her brothers.

But Corlie’s world is about to vanish: the British are invading and driving Boer families like hers from their farms. Some escape into the bush to fight the enemy. The unlucky ones are rounded up and sent to internment camps.

Will Corlie’s resilience and devotion to her country sustain her through the suffering and squalor she finds in the camp at Kroonstad? That may depend on a soldier from faraway Canada and on inner resources Corlie never dreamed she had….
Книга на французском языке
Mario Brassard 0.0
« C’est normal d’être triste. Papa comptait énormément pour nous. Il était au début de toutes nos phrases.
Au bout de tous nos regards. Maintenant, il faudra apprendre à lui faire une place à l’intérieur de nous. Une maison juste à côté de notre coeur. »
Книга на английском языке
Erin Bow 1.0
A debut novel that's as sharp as a knife's point.

Plain Kate lives in a world of superstitions and curses, where a song can heal a wound and a shadow can work deep magic. As the wood-carver's daughter, Kate held a carving knife before a spoon, and her wooden charms are so fine that some even call her "witch-blade" -- a dangerous nickname in a town where witches are hunted and burned in the square.
Книга на французском языке
Linda Amyot 0.0
Élaine se rend quotidiennement à l'hôpital auprès de son amie Lena qui se trouve dans le coma. Elle lui parle, sachant qu'elle ne l'entend pas. Elle se révèle, se met à nue.

Cette absence de pudeur qui s'installe dépeint avec justesse la douleur que peut parfois prendre l'amitié, surtout lors de cette période de questionnements qu'est l'adolescence. La vérité sort-elle mieux quand on ne peut être entendu?
Книга на английском языке
Артур Слэйд 4.0
The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues Modo, a child in a traveling freak show. Modo is a hunchback with an amazing ability to transform his appearance, and Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an agent for the Permanent Association, a spy agency behind Brittania’s efforts to rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the streets of London to fend for himself. When he encounters Octavia Milkweed, another Association agent, the two uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild behind the murders of important men. Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning orphan children into automatons to further the goals of the Guild. Modo and Octavia journey deep into the tunnels under London and discover a terrifying plot against the British government. It’s up to them to save their country.
Книга на французском языке
Mélanie Tellier 0.0
Philippe-Aubert est un grand-père extraordinaire qui a eu une vie haute en couleurs. Son rêve était de devenir millionnaire. Il a été postier à Coal Harbour, pompiste au Brésil et vendeur de crème glacée à Port-au-persil, aquarelliste et danseur soufiste. Fin collectionneur de porte-clés en forme de pattes de lapin il a vécu partout dans le monde et a fait tous les métiers. Il est tombé follement amoureux de Santina qui signifie petite sainte en italien. Historiquement Santina était la première Montréalaise à porter des shorts sur la voie publique en 1940. Son short était vert comme l'Irlande. Mais Santina était indifférente à son amour. Pour l'amadouer il lui donnait chaque jour un cadeau : des castagnettes en bois de marronnier, un petit bonzaï japonais, un paquet de pâtes sèches en forme de mini-radiateurs (radiatore). Il lui disait : N'ayez crainte mademoiselle, je suis une éponge qui absorbe toutes les peurs, avec moi vous connaitrez le bonheur. Mais Santina acceptera-t-elle son amour?
Книга на английском языке
Nicola I. Campbell 0.0
When they arrive at school, Shi-shi-etko reminds Shinchi, her six-year-old brother, that they can only use their English names and that they can't speak to each other. For Shinchi, life becomes an endless cycle of church mass, school, and work, punctuated by skimpy meals. He finds solace at the river, clutching a tiny cedar canoe, a gift from his father, and dreaming of the day when the salmon return to the river — a sign that it’s almost time to return home. This poignant story about a devastating chapter in First Nations history is told at a child’s level of understanding.
Книга на французском языке
Anne Villeneuve, Kees Vanderheyden 0.0
Inspiré de la vie de Kees Vanderheyden, auteur de La guerre dans ma cour, publié chez Boréal, ce livre raconte sa jeunesse sous l'occupation allemande. Tantôt drôle, tantôt choquant, le livre relate surtout la confrontation de ce jeune garçon avec l'ennemi qui deviendra humain, puis finalement ami. Et la fin, authentique, vous rappellera qu'elle est parfois imprévisible.
Ce livre majeur oblige à se mettre à la place de l'autre.
Книга на английском языке
Christopher Paul Curtis 5.0
Eleven-year-old Elijah is the first child born into freedom in Buxton, Canada, a settlement of runaway slaves just over the border from Detroit. He’s best known in his hometown as the boy who made a memorable impression on Frederick Douglass. But things change when a former slave steals money from Elijah’s friend, who has been saving to buy his family out of captivity in the South. Elijah embarks on a dangerous journey to America in pursuit of the thief, and he discovers firsthand the unimaginable horrors of the life his parents fled—a life from which he’ll always be free, if he can find the courage to get back home.
Книга на французском языке
Gilles Vigneault 0.0
This vibrant, engaging assortment offers children an entertaining introduction to the French language. From stories of friendship, family, discovery, and self-esteem to silly, snappy songs of one-of-a-kind barnyard animals, lullabies, and segments of classical music, children tune in to a variety of musical styles and multicultural experiences. The accompanying CDs provide children an opportunity to hear the pronunciation of the words and sing along as they learn the language.

In this touching, poetic story set by the seaside, Old Man Tom teaches Sophie and Emilio the importance of seeing the world through their hearts. In addition to a production of the narrated story, the CD offers nine songs ranging from "Un ami que j'aime" (A Friend That I Like) and "C'est dans la nature des choses" (It's in the Nature of Things) to "J'en ai plein le nid" (I Have a Nest Full) and "La maison du Bonhomme" (The Old Man's House).
Книга на английском языке
Сара Эллис 0.0
Kip is spending the summer with his grandmother and his five eccentric girl cousins, including Emily, who thinks she’s a dog. Gran’s house is about to be demolished, so anything goes, whether it’s drawing maps on the wall or sawing off the banister for a smoother ride. When Kip bashes through an old closet, he discovers the binder his late father kept as a teenager. He’s bewildered by what he finds: puzzling lists, hair samples, old newspaper clippings, and business cards — all accompanying a confidential report written by a mysterious young operative who is carrying out a secret plan to infect teenagers with a cell-altering virus. When the cousins tell Kip he needs to think up something to do for Talent Night, he panics — until he remembers the binder. But Kip's literary reading has frightening consequences that reveal even more strange secrets about his beloved father. This wonderful new novel has all the Sarah Ellis hallmarks — quirky characters, insight, wit — underpinned by resonant themes of family, memory, and the creative imagination.
Книга на французском языке
André LeBlanc 0.0
À travers de magnifiques photos d'archives, et grâce à des souvenirs familiaux, l'auteur retrouve la trace des enfants au travail dans les campagnes, au bord de la mer, dans les usines, vers la fin du 19e et le début du 20e siècle. Le livre se termine sur des images d'actualité : 300 millions d'enfants dans le monde travaillent, souvent dans des situations dangereuses.
Книга на английском языке
Памела Портер 0.0
It is 1965, and twelve-year-old Emaline lives on a wheat farm in southern Saskatchewan. Her family has fallen apart. When her beloved dog, Prince, chased a hare into the path of the tractor, she chased after him, and her dad accidentally ran over her leg with the discer, leaving her with a long convalescence and a permanent disability. But perhaps the worst thing from Emaline's point of view is that in his grief and guilt, her father shot Prince and then left Emaline and her mother on their own.

Despite the neighbors' disapproval, Emaline's mother hires Angus, a patient from the local mental hospital, to work their fields. Angus is a red-haired giant whom the local kids tease and call the gorilla. Though the small town's prejudice creates a cloud of suspicion around Angus that nearly results in tragedy, in the end he becomes a force for healing as Emaline comes to terms with her injury and the loss of her father.

In the tradition of novels such as Kevin Major's Ann and Seamus and Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust, novelist and poet Pamela Porter uses free verse to tell this moving, gritty story that is accessible to a wide range of ages and reading abilities.
Книга на английском языке
Marthe Jocelyn 0.0
In the spirit of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES comes this delightful turn-of-the-century journal of a feisty, imaginative young girl who is finding her voice and the courage to make it heard.

It’s the year 1901, and fourteen-year-old aspiring writer Mable Riley is on her way to fulfilling her dreams, or so she hopes. She’s sure that moving with her sister to a faraway town will bring adventures full of peril and romance to write about! At first, it seems that life in the new town is as humdrum as the one she left behind. But then Mable meets a real writer, one who wears daring fashions and enjoys shocking the townsfolk by sharing her opinions. And Mrs. Rattle has a few shocking secrets as well, including a dangerous plan that may soon bring Mable more peril and romance than she bargained for! Designed as a vintage journal including diary entries, letters, poems, and Mable’s own "Romantic Novel," MABLE RILEY is a reliable record of a young girl’s coming of age at a time of women’s early struggles for independence - a charmingly told tale that is as funny as it is inspiring.
Книга на французском языке
François Barcelo 0.0