Победители — стр. 2

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Jill G. Morawski 0.0
Explores how science can accommodate feminist inquiry and how feminism can make use of science.
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Дэниел Шектер 0.0
Memory. There may be nothing more important to human beings than our ability to enshrine experience and recall it. While philosophers and poets have elevated memory to an almost mystical level, psychologists have struggled to demystify it. Now, according to Daniel Schacter, one of the most distinguished memory researchers, the mysteries of memory are finally yielding to dramatic, even revolutionary, scientific breakthroughs. Schacter explains how and why it may change our understanding of everything from false memory to Alzheimer's disease, from recovered memory to amnesia with fascinating firsthand accounts of patients with striking—and sometimes bizarre—amnesias resulting from brain injury or psychological trauma.
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Earl Hunt 0.0
The American workforce and the American workplace are rapidly changing—in ways that make them increasingly incompatible. Advances in automation and telecommunications have eliminated many jobs based on routine tasks and muscle power and fueled the demand for employees who can understand and apply new technologies. But, as Earl Hunt convincingly demonstrates in Will We Be Smart Enough?, such “smart” employees will be in dangerously short supply unless fundamental changes are made to our educational and vocational systems.

Will We Be Smart Enough? combines cognitive theory, demographic projections, and psychometric research to measure the capabilities of tomorrow’s workforce against the needs of tomorrow’s workplace. Characterized by sophisticated machinery, instant global communication, and continuous reorganization, the workplace will call for people to fuse multiple responsibilities, adapt quickly to new trends, and take a creative approach to problem solving. Will Americans be able to meet the difficult and unprecedented challenges brought about by these innovations? Hunt examines data from demographic sources and a broad array of intelligence tests, whose fairness and validity he judiciously assesses. He shows that the U.S. labor force will be increasingly populated by older workers, who frequently lack the cognitive flexibility required by rapid change, and by racial and ethnic minorities, who have so far not fully benefitted from the nation’s schools to develop the cognitive skills necessary in a technologically advanced workplace.

At the heart of Will We Be Smart Enough? lies the premise that this forecast can be altered, and that cognitive skills can be widely and successfully taught. Hunt applies psychological principles of learning and cognitive science to a variety of experimental teaching programs, and shows how the information revolution, which has created such rapid change in the workplace, can also be used to transform the educational process and nurture the skills that the workplace of the future will require. Will We Be Smart Enough? answers naysayers who pronounce so many people “cognitively disadvantaged” by suggesting that new forms of education can provide workers with enhanced skills and productive employment in the twenty-first century.
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David C. Rubin 0.0
Long studied by anthropologists, historians, and linguists, oral traditions have provided a wealth of fascinating insights into unique cultural customs that span the history of humankind. In this groundbreaking work, cognitive psychologist David C. Rubin offers for the first time an accessible, comprehensive examination of what such traditions can tell us about the complex inner workings of human memory. Focusing in particular on their three major forms of organization—theme, imagery, and sound pattern—Rubin proposes a model of recall, and uses it to uncover the mechanisms of memory that underlie genres such as counting-out rhymes, ballads, and epics. The book concludes with an engaging discussion of how conversions from oral to written communication modes can predict how cutting-edge computer technologies will affect the conventions of future transmissions. Throughout, Rubin presents the results of important original research as well as new perspectives on classical subjects. Splendidly written and farsighted, Memory in Oral Traditions will be eagerly read by students and researchers in areas as diverse as cognitive psychology, literary studies, classics, and cultural anthropology.
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Michael I. Posner, Marcus E. Raichle 0.0
What happens in the brain when we speak? Learn? Recall memories? Until recently, it was hard to tell. But positron emission tomography (PET) and other brain imaging techniques are radically transforming scientists' ability to see the brain at work and measure the changes that occur. Images of Mind explores the latest applications and future potential of the dynamic field of cognitive neurosciences.
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Стивен Пинкер 3.9
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя книга известного американского психолога и лингвиста Стивена Пинкера содержит увлекательный и многогранный рассказ о том феномене, которым является человеческий язык, рассматривая его с самых разных точек зрения: собственно лингвистической, биологической, исторической и т.д. "Существуют ли грамматические гены?", "Способны ли шимпанзе выучить язык жестов?", "Контролирует ли наш язык наши мысли?" - вот лишь некоторые из бесчисленных вопросов о языке, поднятые в данном исследовании.
Книга объясняет тайны удивительных явлений, связанных с языком, таких как "мозговитые" младенцы, грамматические гены, жестовый язык у специально обученных шимпанзе, "идиоты"-гении, разговаривающие неандертальцы, поиски праматери всех языков. Повествование ведется живым, легким языком и содержит множество занимательных примеров из современного разговорного английского, в том числе сленга и языка кино и песен.

Книга будет интересна филологам всех специальностей, психологам, этнографам, историкам, философам, студентам и аспирантам гуманитарных факультетов, а также всем, кто изучает язык и интересуется его проблемами.
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Scott Plous 0.0
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING offers a comprehensive introduction to the field with a strong focus on the social aspects of decision making processes. Winner of the prestigious William James Book Award, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING is an informative and engaging introduction to the field written in a style that is equally accessible to the introductory psychology student, the lay person, or the professional. A unique feature of this volume is the Reader Survey which readers are to complete before beginning the book. The questions in the Reader Survey are drawn from many of the studies discussed throughout the book, allowing readers to compare their answers with the responses given by people in the original studies. This title is part of The McGraw-Hill Series in Social Psychology.
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George Armitage Miller 0.0
This text entertains and enlightens readers about the relations between words, languages, thought, and the human brain.
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Irving I. Gottesman 0.0
Sorting out fact from fiction, one of the world's leading experts presents an absorbing account of what is actually know about the complex subject of schizophrenia.
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Robyn M. Dawes, Reid Hastie 0.0
In Rational Choice in an Uncertain World, renowned authors Hastie and Dawes compare the basic principles of rationality with actual behavior in making decisions. They describe theories and research finding from the field of judgement and decision making in a non-technical manner, using anecdotes as a teaching device. Intended as an introductory textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, the material not only is of scholarly interest but is practical as well.
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Vera John-Steiner 0.0
How do creative people think? Do great works of the imagination originate in words or in images? Is there a rational explanation for the sudden appearance of geniuses like Mozart or Einstein? Such questions have fascinated people for centuries; only in recent years, however, has cognitive
psychology been able to provide some clues to the mysterious process of creativity. In this revised edition of Notebooks of the Mind, Vera John-Steiner combines imaginative insight with scientific precision to produce a startling account of the human mind working at its highest potential.
To approach her subject John-Steiner goes directly to the source, assembling the thoughts of experienced thinkers--artists, philosophers, writers, and scientists able to reflect on their own imaginative patterns. More than fifty interviews (with figures ranging from Jessica Mitford to Aaron
Copland), along with excerpts from the diaries, letters, and autobiographies of such gifted giants as Leo Tolstoy, Marie Curie, and Diego Rivera, among others, provide illuminating insights into creative activity. We read, for example, of Darwin's preoccupation with the image of nature as a branched
tree while working on his concept of evolution. Mozart testifies to the vital influence on his mature art of the wondrous bag of memories he retained from childhood. Anais Nin describes her sense of words as oppressive, explaining how imagistic free association freed her as a writer.
Adding these personal accounts to laboratory studies of thought process, John-Steiner takes a refreshingly holistic approach to the question of creativity. What emerges is an intriguing demonstration of how specific sociocultural circumstances interact with certain personality traits to
encourage the creative mind. Among the topics examined here are the importance of childhood mentor figures; the lengthy apprenticeship of the talented person; and the development of self- expression through highly individualistic languages, whether in images, movement or inner speech.
Now, with a new introduction, this award-winning book provides an uniquely broad-based study of the origins, development and fruits of human inspiration.
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Джером Каган 0.0
The world-famous Harvard psychologist challenges many of psychology's most deeply held assumptions about human development—arguing, for example, that early experience does not inexorably shape our lives and that the influence of the family is more subtle than has been supposed.
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