Вручение апрель 2015 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: апрель 2015 г.

Детская художественная книга

Дженнифер Доннелли 4.2
Глубоко под водой существует целый мир, очень похожий на наш, где моря и реки - это королевства,а жители в них - русалки. Юная Серафина - наследная принцесса трона Миромары, империи охватывающей несколько морей. Ей предстоит пройти важную церемонию, на которой она споет особое заклинание и докажет, что достойна возложенной на нее чести. Но судьба юной русалки навсегда изменилась в тот миг, когда на дворец напали неизвестные, тяжело ранили королеву - мать Серафины, убили отца, а саму ее превратили в скиталицу. Теперь принцессе, таясь от наемников, наводнивших моря, предстоит отправиться в опасное плавание, чтобы не только узнать, кто стоит за трагедией, разыгравшейся в Миромаре, но и разгадать секрет древнего пророчества, что являлось ей во снах. Ведь согласно пророчеству, Серафина должна разыскать пятерых, обладающих особыми силами русалок и с их помощью остановить уничтожение всего подводного мира...

Художественная литература для молодежи

Элиот Шрефер 0.0

When he was a boy, Luc's mother would warn him about the "mock men" living in the trees by their home -- chimpanzees whose cries would fill the night.

Luc is older now, his mother gone. He lives in a house of mistreated orphans, barely getting by. Then a man calling himself Prof comes to town with a mysterious mission. When Luc tries to rob him, the man isn't mad. Instead, he offers Luc a job.

Together, Luc and Prof head into the rough, dangerous jungle in order to study the elusive chimpanzees. There, Luc finally finds a new family -- and must act when that family comes under attack.

As he did in his acclaimed novel ENDANGERED, a finalist for the National Book Award, Eliot Schrefer takes us somewhere fiction rarely goes, introducing us to characters we rarely get to meet. The unforgettable result is the story of a boy fleeing his present, a man fleeing his past, and a trio of chimpanzees who are struggling not to flee at all.

Иллюстрированная книга

Никола Дэвис 0.0
On a mean street in a mean city, a thief tries to snatch an old woman’s bag. But she finds she can’t have it without promising something in return – to “plant them all”. When it turns out the bag is full of acorns, the young thief embarks on a journey that changes her own life and the lives of others for generations to come. Inspired by the belief that a relationship with nature is essential to every human being, and that now, more than ever, we need to renew that relationship, The Promise is the story of a magical discovery that will touch the heart and imagination of every reader, young and old. With poignant simplicity, honesty and lyricism, Nicola Davies evokes a powerful vision of a world where people and nature live in harmony. And Laura Carlin's delicate illustrations capture a young girl’s journey from a harsh, urban reality to the beauty and vitality of a changed world.

Документальная литература для детей

Patricia Newman 0.0
Three scientists are on a mission to study a massive accumulation of plastic in the Pacific Ocean, AKA the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The scientific method unfolds as they conduct their investigation. Their adventures introduce readers to the basics of ocean science and the hazards of plastics.
--Green Earth Book Award
--Junior Library Guild Selection
--AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books, finalist
--Banks Street College Best Children's Book of the Year
--Nerdy Book Club Award winner for middle-grade nonfiction
--Recommended by NSTA
--Authors for Earth Day Eco-Book of the Month

Документальная литература для молодежи

Пол Флейшман 0.0
Paul Fleischman offers teens an environmental wake-up call and a tool kit for decoding the barrage of conflicting information confronting them.

We're living in an Ah-Ha moment. Take 250 years of human ingenuity. Add abundant fossil fuels. The result: a population and lifestyle never before seen. The downsides weren't visible for centuries, but now they are. Suddenly everything needs rethinking – suburbs, cars, fast food, cheap prices. It's a changed world.

This book explains it. Not with isolated facts, but the principles driving attitudes and events, from vested interests to denial to big-country syndrome. Because money is as important as molecules in the environment, science is joined with politics, history, and psychology to provide the briefing needed to comprehend the 21st century.

Extensive back matter, including a glossary, bibliography, and index, as well as numerous references to websites, provides further resources.