Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Книги для подростков

Lisa Williamson 4.4
Two boys. Two secrets.

David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he’s gay. The school bully thinks he’s a freak. Only his two best friends know the real truth – David wants to be a girl.

On the first day at his new school Leo Denton has one goal – to be invisible. Attracting the attention of the most beautiful girl in year eleven is definitely not part of that plan.

When Leo stands up for David in a fight, an unlikely friendship forms. But things are about to get messy. Because at Eden Park School secrets have a funny habit of not staying secret for long…
Дженди Нельсон 4.3
Выход дебютного романа Дженди Нельсон ознаменовал появление в современной молодежной литературе нового и талантливого дарования.

Второй роман писательницы "Я подарю тебе солнце" моментально занял первые строчки в списках бестселлеров. Книга стала лидером продаж в 32 странах, была удостоена всех возможных наград и принесла Дженди Нельсон мировую известность, а права на экранизацию куплены задолго до выхода книги.

Ноа и Джуд. Брат и сестра, такие разные, но самые близкие друзья на свете. До тех пор, пока страшная семейная трагедия не разлучила их. Спустя три года они встретились снова. Какие испытания им предстоит пройти, чтобы научиться снова понимать друг друга?

Это роман о дружбе и предательстве, творчестве и поисках себя и конечно же о любви во всех ее проявлениях.
Мелинда Солсбери 3.7
Серия-бестселлер в 13 странах мира! Дебютное фентези, которое стало сенсационно успешным!

Твилла избранная. Ей предстоит стать женой принца и управлять королевством. Но подарки Богов имеют свою цену. В жилах девушки струится смертельно опасный яд. Любой, кто представляет угрозу трону, падет от одного ее прикосновения. Неудивительно, что Твиллу боятся и ненавидят. И лишь ее новый стражник Лейф увидел в ней не палача, а испуганную девушку, которая мечтает изменить свою судьбу. Но при дворе Лормира, где в чести коварство и ложь, не многим дано это право.
Мойра Фоули-Дойл 3.7
It's the accident season, the same time every year. Bones break, skin tears, bruises bloom.

The accident season has been part of seventeen-year-old Cara's life for as long as she can remember. Towards the end of October, foreshadowed by the deaths of many relatives before them, Cara's family becomes inexplicably accident-prone. They banish knives to locked drawers, cover sharp table edges with padding, switch off electrical items - but injuries follow wherever they go, and the accident season becomes an ever-growing obsession and fear.

But why are they so cursed? And how can they break free?
Лиза Хетфилд 0.0
Trust Us' the Kindreds tell Pearl and so she does.A thrilling story of life in a cult.Fifteen-year-old Pearl has lived her whole life protected within the small community at Seed, where they worship Nature and idolise their leader, Papa S. When some outsiders arrive, everything changes. Pearl experiences feelings that she never knew existed and begins to realise that there is darkness at the heart of Seed. A darkness from which she must escape, before it's too late.A chilling and heartbreaking coming-of-age story of life within a cult, Seed was shortlisted for the Waterstones' Children's Book Prize in 2016. Fans of Jennifer Niven's All The Bright Places and Lisa Williamson's The Art of Being Normal will love Lisa's haunting debut.'We are obsessed with Seed'
– YA Loves magazine‘Compelling and exciting … I would give it 5 stars’ – Guardian Children’s BooksLook out for Lisa's heartbreaking new title, Paper Butterflies.Lisa Heathfield launched her writing career with Seed, her stunning YA debut about a cult. Before becoming a mum to her three sons, she was a secondary school English teacher and loved inspiring teenagers to read. Paper Butterflies is her beautiful and heart-breaking second novel. Lisa lives in Brighton.
Лео Хант 0.0
When Luke Manchett’s estranged father dies unexpectedly, he leaves his son a dark inheritance: a Host of eight unique, powerful, and restless spirits. Unfortunately, Luke has no clue how to manage them, which the ghosts figure out pretty quickly. Armed with only his father’s indecipherable notes and a locked copy of The Book of Eight, Luke struggles to adapt to his new role as a necromancer. Meanwhile, the increasingly belligerent Host mutinies, possesses Luke’s mother, and forces him out of his own house.

Halloween, the night when ghosts reach the height of their power, is fast approaching, and Luke knows his Host is planning something far more trick than treat. With the help of school outcast Elza Moss, who knows a bit about ghosts herself, Luke has just thirteen days to uncover the closely guarded secrets of black magic and send his unquiet spirits to their eternal rest.

And if you thought it was going to be easy, you’d be dead wrong.

Книги для детей 5-12 лет

Дэвид Соломон 0.0

Абсолютный победитель.

Luke is a comic-mad eleven-year-old who shares a treehouse with his geeky older brother, Zach. Luke’s only mistake is to need a wee right at the wrong moment. While he’s gone, an alien gives his undeserving, never-read-a-comic-in-his-life brother superpowers, then tells him to save the universe. Luke is massively annoyed about this, but when Zach is kidnapped by his arch-nemesis, Luke and his friends only have five days to find him and save the world…

Super-exciting, laugh-out-loud funny, and with enough heart to fill an entire galaxy, this is perfect for fans of Frank Cottrell Boyce. David Solomons is a meteoric new voice in children’s fiction.
Кевин Сэндс 4.6
"Никому не рассказывай!" До этого загадочного предупреждения Кристофер Роу действительно был доволен своей жизнью ученика аптекаря. У него была крыша над головой, мастер Бенедикт Блэкторн учил его не только тому, как изготавливать средства от разных недугов, но и тому, как разгадывать зашифрованные послания. Но всё изменилось, когда Лондон потрясла серия таинственных покушений… Почти всегда жертвы – аптекари! Кристофер чувствует, что его учитель в большой опасности и у него мало времени, чтобы предотвратить катастрофу…
Кэтрин Вудфайн 4.1
Начало ХХ века. По дорогам ездят первые автомобили, в городах загораются электрические лампочки, леди вопреки традициям начинают делать карьеру. В Лондоне распахивает двери первый огромный универмаг - шикарный "Синклер".

Юная Софи устраивается на работу в это царство роскоши и в первый же день оказывается в центре головокружительной детективной интриги. Из "Синклера" украдена самая ценная вещь - драгоценный заводной воробей. События развиваются с невероятной скоростью, и вскоре любопытная Софи выясняет, что это не просто кража…
Кристал Чан 0.0
'Grandpa stopped speaking the day he killed my brother, John. His name was John until Grandpa said he looked more like a Bird with the way he kept jumping off things, and the name stuck. Bird's thick, black hair poked out in every direction, just like the head feathers of the blackbirds, Grandpa said, and he bet that one day Bird would fly like one too. Grandpa kept talking like that, and no one paid him much notice until Bird jumped off a cliff, the cliff at the edge of the tallgrass prairie, the cliff that dropped a good couple hundred feet to a dried-up riverbed below. From that day on, Grandpa never spoke another word. Not one.

The day that Bird tried to fly, the grown-ups were out looking for him - all of them except Mom and Granny. That's because that very day, I was born.'

Twelve-year-old Jewel never knew her brother, but all her life she has lived in his shadow. Then one night, on her birthday, she finds a mysterious boy sitting in her oak tree. His name is John. And he changes everything.
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