Вручение 2011 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Премия детской книги «Waterstones»

Сита Брахмачари 0.0
Twelve-year-old Mira comes from a chaotic, artistic and outspoken family where it’s not always easy to be heard. As her beloved Nana Josie's health declines, Mira begins to discover the secrets of those around her, and also starts to keep some of her own. She is drawn to mysterious Jidé, a boy who is clearly hiding a troubled past and has grown hardened layers - like those of an artichoke - around his heart. As Mira is experiencing grief for the first time, she is also discovering the wondrous and often mystical world around her.
Кертис Джоблинг 4.2
Они носят гордое звание Верлордов и обладают необычайной силой. Они оборотни и правят в Семиземелье уже много веков. Однако благодатные времена давно миновали. Некогда могущественные кланы Медведей, Лисиц, Кабанов, Оленей теперь молча склоняются под гнетом власти жестокого короля-льва Леопольда. Но однажды на дороге, ведущей к королевскому замку, появляется тот, о ком постарались забыть, тот, чей клан был стерт с лица земли... Наследник Волка.
Ребекка Стед 4.3
Миранде двенадцать лет, и у нее, конечно, хватает проблем. Мама, которая не готовит завтраков и одевается как девочка, лучший друг, который больше не хочет быть другом, одноклассники, которые вдруг начинают вести себя не так, как раньше, полная опасностей дорога в школу и из школы. А тут еще непонятные записки, в которых говорится о том, что произойдет в будущем, и главное – о том, что она, Миранда, должна сделать, чтобы это произошло… Или не произошло

Книга Ребекки Стед «Когда мы встретимся», вышедшая в 2009 году, сразу же покорила читателей и критиков и попала в самые серьезные списки американских бестселлеров. А в 2010 году она получила престижную литературную премию Ньюбери за выдающийся вклад в американскую литературу для детей. Читатели любят этот роман за динамичный сюжет, живые характеры, легкий и ясный слог, а русскоязычные читатели, мы уверены, полюбят и за выдающиеся иллюстрации Виктории Тентлер.
Рут Истхем 0.0
Alex's grandfather keeps forgetting things. Desperate to help him remember, Alex starts collecting old photographs. But as Alex digs into his grandfather's past, he stumbles across secrets that have been buried since World War II. Uncovering the truth could save Grandad... but it might also tear Alex apart.
Gourlay, Candy 0.0
Be careful what you wish for . . . Andi is short. And she has lots of wishes. She wishes she could play on the school basketball team, she wishes for her own bedroom, but most of all she wishes that her long lost half brother, Bernardo, could come and live in London, where he belongs. Then Andi's biggest wish comes true and she's minutes away from becoming someone's little sister. As she waits anxiously for Bernardo to arrive from the Philippines, she hopes he'll turn out to be tall and just as mad as she is about basketball. When he finally arrives, he's tall all right. But he's not just tall ... he's a GIANT. In a novel packed with humour and quirkiness, Gourlay explores a touching sibling relationship and the clash of two very different cultures.
Дженис Харди 0.0
Nya has a secret she must never share…A gift she must never use…And a sister whose life depends on both.This astonishing debut novel is the first in the epic dystopian fantasy adventure trilogy, THE HEALING WARS.Fifteen-year-old Nya is one of Geveg’s many orphans; she survives on odd jobs and optimism, finding both in short supply in a city crippled by a failed war for independence. Then a bungled egg theft, a stupid act of compassion, and two eyewitnesses unable to keep their mouths shut exposes her secret to the two most powerful groups in the city: the pain merchants and the Healer’s League. They discover Nya is a Taker, a healer who can pull pain and injury from others.Trouble is, unlike her sister Tali and the other normal Takers who become league apprentices, she can’t dump that pain into pynvium, the enchanted metal used to store it. All she can do is shift it from person to person, a useless skill that’s kept her out of the league and has never once paid for her breakfast.When a ferry accident floods the city with injured, the already overwhelmed Takers start disappearing from the Healer’s League and Nya’s talent is suddenly in demand. But her principles and endurance are tested to the limit when her talent turns out to be the only thing that can save her sister's life.
Анна Кемп 0.0
When Frankie Blewitt brings home yet another F-for-failure school report it's the last straw for his overachieving parents and they decide to send him to the Crammar Grammar boarding school. At first he is just relieved to be away from home, but he soon realises that there's something really weird going on at Crammer Grammar.
Ирфан Мастер 0.0
An extraordinarily rich debut novel, set in India in 1947 at the time of Partition. Although the backdrop is this key event in Indian history, the novel is even more far-reaching, touching on the importance of tolerance, love and family. The main character is Bilal, a boy determined to protect his dying father from the news of Partition - news that he knows will break his father's heart. With great spirit and determination, and with the help of his good friends, Bilal persuades others to collude with him in this deception, even printing false pages of the local newspaper to hide the ravages of unrest from his father. All that Bilal wants is for his father to die in peace. But that means Bilal has a very complicated relationship with the truth...
Джон Мейхью 0.0
The sister is a knife-thrower in a magician's stage act, the brother an undertaker's assistant. Neither orphan knows of the other's existence. Until, that is, three terrible aunts descend on the girl's house and imprison her guardian, the Great Cardamom. His dying act is to pass the girl a note with clues to the secret he carries to his grave.