
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Мэтт Хейг 4.1


Знакомьтесь, это наш герой Сэмюэль Блинк. Только он об этом не знает. О том, что он – герой и самый притом настоящий. Сэмюэль спас свою сестричку Марту из плена ужасно-ужасной злющей ведьмы, которая охотится за тенями и живет — а вы думали где? — в Тенистом лесу, где водятся одноглазые добрые тролли, правдивые пикси и опасные хульдры, которые потом передумали быть опасными и стали петь гимны солнцу.
Однако для того, чтобы выручить Марту, Сэмюэлю пришлось ненадолго стать белым кроликом, а преданному псу Ибсену удалось вернуть свой прежний – человеческий – облик.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Крис Ридделл 4.4


Представляем вам очаровательную мисс Оттолину Браун и ее помощника - волосатое существо по имени мистер Манро. Живут они в огромной квартире и занимаются тем, что присматривают за изысканными и богатыми коллекциями семьи Браун... Но это всего лишь прикрытие. На самом деле Оттолина и мистер Манро - юные сыщики и могут раскрыть любое преступление. Ведь они мастера перевоплощений!
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Шон Тейлор 4.0
When a monster is born, there are two possibilities—
Either it’s a faraway-in-the-forests monster, or . . .
it’s an under-your-bed monster.
If it’s a faraway-in-the-forests monster, that’s that.
But if it’s an under-your-bed monster, all sorts of comical things can happen.
Read it at bedtime and laugh your pajamas off . . .
or read it during the day and laugh your socks off!

Book Details: Format: Paperback Publication Date: 8/16/2011 Pages: 32 Reading Level: Age 3 and Up
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Julia Golding 0.0


Set in 1790's Covent Garden this book whisks you back to a bygone era, and to embark on an adventure about one hidden treasure, two bare-knuckle boxers, three enemies, and four hundred and thirty-eight rioters.

It is the tale of Cat Royal, an orphan, four foot four with long red hair and not a penny to call her own. She lives in the Theater Royal on Drury Lane, a place filled with dramatic characters, theatrical spectacles, and now, a secret treasure--which Cat has been asked to protect. Her new friend Pedro, a former slave and gifted violinist, is eager to help, and so is the theater prompter, Jonathan, who is hiding secrets of his own. But when the ruthless gang leader Billy Shepherd learns about the treasure, Cat thinks she's going to lose it for sure. She still doesn't know what the treasure is, so how can she keep it safe from Billy and his gang? Follow Cat into the streets of London, as she faces danger and adventure, racing to be the first to discover the diamond of Drury Lane!
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Даррен Кинг 0.0


When Paul Mouse overhears a customer in a restaurant ordering mouse noses on toast, he assumes it must be a joke. Mouse noses on toast is a myth, isn’t it? But when the waiter asks if that would be with or without whiskers, Paul knows it’s no joke. So begins a laugh-out-loud funny ride involving mouse activists and cheese addicts. Along with his friends— Sandra the Christmas tree ornament, Rowley Barker Hobbs, a shaggy sheepdog, and the Tinby, a sort of monster, Paul Mouse, who’s sadly allergic to cheese, campaigns to bring an end to this disgusting human eating habit. This inviting chapter book will keep young readers giggling.
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Cressida Cowell 0.0


Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Sally Gardner 4.3


In this exceptionally well-crafted tale, Coriander tells the story of her childhood in seventeenth-century London—and of her discovery that she has inherited magical powers from her mother, who was a fairy princess. But her mother's sudden death brings on a dark time for Coriander. And after mourning her beloved mother and dealing with the disappearance of her father and the wrath of her evil stepmother, Coriander finds herself locked in a chest with no hope of escape and no will to survive. But when a bright light beckons to her, it is then that Coriander's journey truly begins.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Ник Баттерворт 0.0


Two gangs of cats live in a scrap yard on the edge of the city. When they're not eating or sleeping, they're fighting, and that's just how The Whisperer likes it. He's a rat and if he can keep the cats going after each other, they'll leave him and his kind alone.

But just maybe, things in the scrap yard are about to change for the better, or, as The Whisperer says it ... for the worse ...
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Оливер Джефферс 0.0


Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Салли Гриндли 0.0


On the day that her uncle takes her to be sold to the highest bidder, eleven-year-old Lu Si-Yan learns what it really means to be born a girl in her culture: to be worth nothing more than a little spilled water. Torn from her family, she is taken to the smog-wrapped tower blocks and factories of the big city. There she is destined to become a servant to a wealthy family, and someday to marry their son. But Lu Si-Yan is not going to spend her life in servitude. Determined to return to her beloved mother and brother, she embarks on an epic journey to escape and find her way home.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Пол Стюарт, Крис Риддел 4.4


Настоящие мальчишки всегда мечтают о Большом Приключении, но когда оно начинается, все ли способны принять вызов? В этой книге вас ждут встречи с коварными пиратами, гениальными изобретателями, охота за алмазами… Вы готовы отправиться в это головокружительное путешествие вместе с Фергусом Крейном?
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Grey, Mini 0.0


When Horace bakes a biscuit in the shape of a bear, little does he know that his edible treat is going to turn into Biscuit Bear! For in the middle of the night, when all is quiet, that is exactly what happens, and Biscuit Bear decides that it is time he made some friends of his own. So, with flour, sugar and butter he does just that. In fact, he makes a whole circus of friends and the fun begins . . .
Специальная награда сети детских...
Пол Стюарт, Крис Риддел 4.4
Настоящие мальчишки всегда мечтают о Большом Приключении, но когда оно начинается, все ли способны принять вызов? В этой книге вас ждут встречи с коварными пиратами, гениальными изобретателями, охота за алмазами… Вы готовы отправиться в это головокружительное путешествие вместе с Фергусом Крейном?
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Дэвид Алмонд 4.2


Дэвид Алмонд пишет о детях и для детей. Пишет просто о самом сложном. О том, что так важно понять человеку в десять-двенадцать лет, о вопросах, которые бередят душу и на которые не знают ответа взрослые: правда ли, что лопатки нужны для того, чтобы к ним крепились крылья? Могут ли ожить глиняные фигурки, если очень постараться, когда их лепишь? Помогает ли любовь от болезней? Алмонд пишет так, что его читают дети и взрослые по всему миру — его книги переведены более чем на два десятка языков. В 2010 году он стал лауреатом премии имени Г. Х. Андерсена — высшей награды в мире детской литературы. Роман «Огнеглотатели» сразу после выхода в 2003 году принёс ему Уитбредовскую премию за лучшую детскую книгу и Золотую медаль Nestlé Smarties.
Тем летом мир Бобби стал трещать по швам. Отец почему-то зачастил в больницу. От новой школы, куда Бобби предстоит пойти в сентябре, ничего хорошего ждать не приходится. И как будто этого было мало, вдруг оказалось, что Земля того и гляди сгорит в пламени ужасной войны. Но именно тогда Бобби встретил Макналти, огнеглотателя. Он был странный. Он был пугающий. И он был единственной надеждой на чудо.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
С. Ф. Саид 0.0


Having saved the city cats from a fate worse than death, Varjak Paw finds himself the elected and popular leader of a new gang - a gang that supports freedom and kindness for all. But will the pressure take its toll on this brave yet sometimes naive cat?

Soon the city erupts in an all-out gang war as the evil Sally Bones attempts to control the lives of all cats. Horrified and outnumbered, Varjak and the others must fight for their freedom or die trying; can Jalal's Way really be the best way?

This is another thrilling adventure, eagerly awaited by all Varjak fans, both young and old.
Специальная награда сети детских...
Салли Гарднер 0.0
This is the story of five little dolls that are left in a box, in a park, under a chair. Nobodyknows why they were left here, but one day, a couple of retired mice discover them, the box is blocking their doorway. Soon, the dolls and the mice become friends...except for the Countess, who's a little too hoity-toity to befriend any mice. But she doesn't have any choice and soon the dolls learn to stay away from the "legs" (humans), forage for food, and have a great deal of fun with the mice. The Countess's Calamity is the first in a series of four books about these lost dolls called Tales from the Box.
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Филип Рив 3.8


В новом переводе — первый роман эпопеи «Хроники хищных городов». Действие этой фантастической саги происходит в будущем, после Шестидесятиминутной войны, когда экологические и техногенные катастрофы заставили города встать на колеса. Оторвавшись от земли, Лондон, Архангельск и прочие мегаполисы принялись путешествовать через постапокалиптический ландшафт, разыскивая артефакты Древних — и пожирая друг друга. Том Нэтсуорти, ученик в лондонской Гильдии Историков, и представить себе не мог, чем обернется для него случайная встреча с Эстер Шоу из только что проглоченного Лондоном шахтерского городка: Тому и Эстер становится известна тайна, способная изменить мировой порядок…

Возможно, самая ожидаемая премьера 2018 года — это экранизация «Хищных машин», выходящая на экраны в декабре 2018 года под названием «Хроники хищных городов». Исполнительным продюсером картины выступает Питер Джексон, постановщиком — Кристиан Риверс (мастер спецэффектов, работавший с Джексоном на съемках «Властелина колец», «Хоббита» и «Кинг-Конга»), в ролях Стивен Лэнг из «Аватара» и Хью Уивинг («Матрица», «Властелин колец»).
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Лорен Чайлд 0.0


Sometimes when I am tucked into my crisp packet, I look up at all the cosy windows and wonder what it would be like to live with creature comforts. To belong to somebody, to be an actual pet.

This is the funny, touching tale of how a pesky street rat finds home, sweet home!
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Люси Казенс 0.0


Meet Jazzy, the baby lemur, and his mama Jo Jo! Jazzy and his mama are playing hide and seek in the jungle, can you help Mama find Jazzy? Lift the leaves, peep through the tum tum trees and pull aside the fliff-fluff flowers for a riot of colour and disco
Специальная награда сети детских...
Лорен Чайлд 0.0
Sometimes when I am tucked into my crisp packet, I look up at all the cosy windows and wonder what it would be like to live with creature comforts. To belong to somebody, to be an actual pet.

This is the funny, touching tale of how a pesky street rat finds home, sweet home!
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Eva Ibbotson 4.0


It is 1910 and Maia, tragically orphaned at thirteen, has been sent from England to start a new life with distant relatives in Manaus, hundreds of miles up the Amazon. She is accompanied by an eccentric and mysterious governess who has secret reasons of her own for making the journey. Both soon discover an exotic world bursting with new experiences in this highly colourful, joyous adventure.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Эмили Смит 0.0


Ben spends the holidays with his nose in the sand and bottom in the air. It's not because he's shy - though some of his classmates do call him the Shrimp. It's because he's got a great idea for his wildlife project.

A competition is on! The class projects are going to be judged by a famous TV wildlife presenter, and the prize is irresistible. Ben would love to win it, but others have their eyes on the prize too...
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Лоуренс Анхольт, Кэтрин Анхольт 0.0


Chimp and Zee are a pair of impish banana-mongering monkeys who can't seem to keep themselves from monkeying around. One day they accompany "Mumkey" into Jungletown to shop for more bananas. In spite of their mother's warnings, the feisty twins promptly find themselves on a bigger adventure than they ever intended--one could almost say elephantine in proportion.
Catherine and Laurence Anholt have collaborated on more than 60 picture books, including Sophie and the New Baby, What Makes Me Happy?, and What I Like. Catherine Anholt's unusual illustrations, created by pasting cut-out pencil, ink, and watercolor images on colored paper, along with the hand-printed look of the type and the subject matter of the story-—are all faintly reminiscent of another jungle story: Jean De Brunhoff's The Story of Babar. Young readers will enjoy perusing the busy illustrations of Jungletown and picking out the three gray stones that turn out to be something quite different. Parents of simian-savvy children should prepare themselves to explain why these obviously tailed monkeys are named "Chimp and Zee," when they aren't chimpanzees! (Monkeys have tails; chimps don't.) Topsy-turvy taxonomy aside, this bright, oversized picture book is a fun, kid-tested read-aloud. (Ages 4 to 7) --Emilie Coulter
Специальная награда сети детских...
Лорен Чайлд 0.0
This book is mostly about me, Clarice Bean, and saving the planet of earth.

What happens is, my older brother Kurt rushes in. You can tell something is wrong because he is running. (Kurt never runs.)

He says, 'The tree in our street is going to be chopped to pieces.' (It's probably a hundred years old.)

Everyone goes a bit down in the mouth. Kurt says he's going to make a plan of action to stop all the destruction.

Dad mutters, 'It's a shame he doesn't take action over all the destruction in his bedroom.

Mum says, 'I'm just glad he's going to do something that involves the word action.'

But how c\an Kurt save the planet all on his own? If only I could help but I will be in BIG trouble with Mrs Wilberron if I am late even for one measly day of school.
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Уильям Николсон 0.0


The second book in William Nicholson’s award-winning epic fantasy series, Wind on Fire.Gloriously cinematic and completely enthralling’ Independent «I hate school! I hate ratings! I won't reach higher! I won't strive harder! I won't make tomorrow better than today!» In the walled city state of Aramanth, rules are everything. When Kestrel Hath dares to rebel, the Chief Examiner humiliates her father and sentences the whole family to the harshest punishment. Desperate to save them, Kestrel learns the secret of the wind singer, and she and her twin brother, Bowman, set out on a terrifying journey to the true source of evil that grips Aramanth …Fantasy books for children don’t get more spectacular than The Wind Singer. Since first publication, William Nicholson’s Wind on Fire trilogy has been translated into over 25 languages and won prizes including the Blue Peter Book Award and Smarties Prize Gold Award. One of the greatest writers of our time, William Nicholson’s has not only sold millions of children’s books worldwide, he also written for the screen and the stage, including the Oscar-winning film Gladiator and the BAFTA-winning play Shadowlands.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Jacqueline Wilson 0.0


Lizzie refuses to speak. She doesn't want to talk to Rory or Jake, her new stepbrothers. Or to Sam, their dad. Or even to her mum. She's completely fed up with having to join a new family, and nothing can convince her to speak to them. Not football, not pizza, not a new bedroom. That is, until she meets Great-Gran - a member of the new family who is even more stubborn than she is . . .
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Боб Грэм 0.0


Winner of the 2000 Smarties Prize Gold Medal. It's not easy being the son of legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. Max has a cape and a mask, but he doesn't fly. His parents can't understand it. It seems that Max is just an ordinary boy, until finally, to save a falling baby bird, Max discovers he can fly! He'll be a small hero, doing small deeds. "The world needs more of those," says his mum. A funny and touching tale about little Max, the reluctant superhero. Bob Graham has three times won the Australian Children's Book of the Year Award, in addition to the Smarties Book Prize Gold and Silver Awards and the Kate Greenaway Medal.
Специальная награда сети детских...
Jacqueline Wilson 4.0
Lizzie refuses to speak. It's as if she has a zip across her mouth. She doesn't want to talk to anyone, especially her new stepbrothers and their dad. She certainly doesn't feel like talking to her mum. Then one day a member of her new family turns out to be even more stubborn than Lizzie, and things begin to change...
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Джоан Роулинг 4.8


САМОЕ ИНТЕРЕСНОЕ ТОЛЬКО НАЧИНАЕТСЯ! Книга, покорившая мир, эталон литературы для читателей всех возрастов, синоним успеха. Книга, сделавшая Дж.К. Роулинг самым читаемым писателем современности. Книга, ставшая культовой уже для нескольких поколений. Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана – история продолжается.
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Лоуренс Анхольт 0.0
In this version of the classic fairy tale "Snow White," pop stardom is the sought-after prize, and seven singing aliens are Snow White's back-up singers.
Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет
Джоан Роулинг 4.7


В Школе чародейства и волшебства «Хогварц» происходят тревожные события. Кто-то нападает на учеников, и преподаватели подозревают, что это таинственное чудовище, которое скрывается в легендарной Тайной комнате. Гарри Поттер и его друзья пытаются разгадать загадку Комнаты секретов, и Гарри снова предстоит сразиться с лордом Вольдемортом. Кто победит на этот раз?

Знаменитый перевод Марии Спивак. Новое современное оформление.

Волшебство продолжается!
Книга, покорившая мир, эталон литературы для читателей всех возрастов, синоним успеха. Книга, сделавшая Дж.К. Роулинг самым читаемым писателем современности.
ГАРРИ ПОТТЕР И ТАЙНАЯ КОМНАТА - история продолжается.

"Перевод Маши Спивак... обладает всеми достоинствами, которых лишены книги издательства "Росмэн".

"На книгах Дж.К. Роулинг про Гарри Поттера выросло целое поколение. Самый известный волшебник этого столетия и его закадычные друзья Рон и Гермиона в книгах взрослели вместе со своими читателями".

"Книги о Гарри Поттере оторвали детей от компьютеров, а взрослые заново учились читать".
Новая газета
Книги для детей 6-8 лет
Гарри Хорс 0.0


Grandfather is off to Australia, on an expedition to find lost-lost Uncle Vincent, who ran away to seek his fortune years ago. Accompanying him is Roo, a remarkable little dog with strong views and a short attention span, and a golf cart full of equipment. Roo is worried about being upside down, but that turns out to be the least of their problems. After a tricky flight on Quality Airlines (featuring the only steam-powered plane in the world), our intrepid explorers land in Sidney, Australianot Sydney, as it turns outand must advance up the Snakey River to Gold Town. Grandfather and Roo endure blistering heat, a rebellious camel, and disreputable kangaroos, as they head off on foot to find the Gold Field, last known home of Uncle Vincent.
Книги для детей до 5 лет
Сью Хип 0.0


Sheriff Pa says it's bedtime. But Cowboy Baby won't go to bed without his toys, Texas Ted, Denver Dog and Hank the Horse. No sirree! So off he goes to find them. But when he's rounded up his gang, Cowboy Baby decides he doesn't want to go home...
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