Вручение 2003 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2003 г.

Книги для детей 9 - 11 лет

Дэвид Алмонд 4.2


Дэвид Алмонд пишет о детях и для детей. Пишет просто о самом сложном. О том, что так важно понять человеку в десять-двенадцать лет, о вопросах, которые бередят душу и на которые не знают ответа взрослые: правда ли, что лопатки нужны для того, чтобы к ним крепились крылья? Могут ли ожить глиняные фигурки, если очень постараться, когда их лепишь? Помогает ли любовь от болезней? Алмонд пишет так, что его читают дети и взрослые по всему миру — его книги переведены более чем на два десятка языков. В 2010 году он стал лауреатом премии имени Г. Х. Андерсена — высшей награды в мире детской литературы. Роман «Огнеглотатели» сразу после выхода в 2003 году принёс ему Уитбредовскую премию за лучшую детскую книгу и Золотую медаль Nestlé Smarties.
Тем летом мир Бобби стал трещать по швам. Отец почему-то зачастил в больницу. От новой школы, куда Бобби предстоит пойти в сентябре, ничего хорошего ждать не приходится. И как будто этого было мало, вдруг оказалось, что Земля того и гляди сгорит в пламени ужасной войны. Но именно тогда Бобби встретил Макналти, огнеглотателя. Он был странный. Он был пугающий. И он был единственной надеждой на чудо.
Элеанор Апдейл 0.0


1875: A small-time crook is rescued from death by an ambitious doctor. Released from prison, he uses the new London sewage system as a highway for crime. Above ground he creates a respectable image for himself, at the heart of high society. But which is the real Montmorency? Can he fight off the dangers that threaten both his lives?
Стив Огард 0.0


Abandoned with her eccentric uncle during the holidays, Midge discovers a band of earthily realistic fairies. They are strange, wild and sometimes even deadly, and have been a secret since the beginning of time, but clashing with humans they are now under threat.

Книги для детей 6-8 лет

С. Ф. Саид 0.0


Having saved the city cats from a fate worse than death, Varjak Paw finds himself the elected and popular leader of a new gang - a gang that supports freedom and kindness for all. But will the pressure take its toll on this brave yet sometimes naive cat?

Soon the city erupts in an all-out gang war as the evil Sally Bones attempts to control the lives of all cats. Horrified and outnumbered, Varjak and the others must fight for their freedom or die trying; can Jalal's Way really be the best way?

This is another thrilling adventure, eagerly awaited by all Varjak fans, both young and old.
Гарри Хорс 0.0


On holiday in Saltbottle, Grandfather and Roo discover the Unsinkable, the boat which took them to the North Pole in the first book, lying in a sadly dilapidated state and up for sale. At the auction, the short-sighted auctioneer accidentally sellsthe boat to Roo - sold to the old lady in the brown fur coat! Now they have to find the money and the Captain suggests a fishing trip to the Great Cod Banks in the Forgotten Sea. Off they go, but the trip ends in disaster when the boat sinks and Grandfather and Roo are cast away on a desert island. They find their own Man Friday (called Tuesday) but he turns out to be a film director staying in a luxury hotel. Meanwhile, the Captain has found the treasure and rescued the Unsinkable.
Салли Гарднер 0.0


This is the story of five little dolls that are left in a box, in a park, under a chair. Nobodyknows why they were left here, but one day, a couple of retired mice discover them, the box is blocking their doorway. Soon, the dolls and the mice become friends...except for the Countess, who's a little too hoity-toity to befriend any mice. But she doesn't have any choice and soon the dolls learn to stay away from the "legs" (humans), forage for food, and have a great deal of fun with the mice. The Countess's Calamity is the first in a series of four books about these lost dolls called Tales from the Box.

Книги для детей до 5 лет

Джинн Уиллис 0.0


Book Description Where the willow tree meets the water, a tadpole met a caterpillar. They gazed into each other's tiny eyes...and fell in love. "I love everything about you," said the caterpillar. "Promise you'll never change." And
Кристофер Уормелл 0.0


Two frogs are sitting on a lily pad and one of them has a stick. The stick, he says, is to beat off the dog. But there is no dog . . . yet. So begin the trials of this hapless pair whose adventures build to a brilliant conclusion. A unique book with all the qualities of a timeless fable.

Специальная награда сети детских клубов

Салли Гарднер 0.0
This is the story of five little dolls that are left in a box, in a park, under a chair. Nobodyknows why they were left here, but one day, a couple of retired mice discover them, the box is blocking their doorway. Soon, the dolls and the mice become friends...except for the Countess, who's a little too hoity-toity to befriend any mice. But she doesn't have any choice and soon the dolls learn to stay away from the "legs" (humans), forage for food, and have a great deal of fun with the mice. The Countess's Calamity is the first in a series of four books about these lost dolls called Tales from the Box.