О премии

Книжная премия Новой Англии - американская награда, присуждаемая за лучшие книги, посвященные Новой Англии или авторам, проживающим в Новой Англии.

Награда вручается с 2010 года Ассоциацией независимых книготорговцев Новой Англии (New England Independent Booksellers Association/NEIBA).

Первоначально премия имела три номинации, позже были добавлены еще три.

Члены Ассоциация независимых книготорговцев могут номинировать неограниченное количество книг. Желающие предложить к конкурсу книги, но не являющиеся членами NEIBA, должны заплатить взнос в размере 25 долларов и зарегистрироваться.

После завершения приема заявок Комитет книготорговцев выбирает по пять финалистов в каждой номинации. Затем все продавцы книг, являющиеся членами NEIBA, могут проголосовать за лучшую на их взгляд книгу. В ходе голосования побеждает книга, набравшая самое большое количество голосов.

Лауреаты объявляются на ежегодной осенней конференции - крупнейшем мероприятии, куда привлекается более 600 продавцов книг из шести штатов Новой Англии, а также некоторых районов Нью-Йорка и более 50 экспонентов от побережья до побережья. Участники собираются для того, чтобы встретиться с авторами, сотрудничать с партнерами-издателями, искать новых поставщиков, посещать учебные занятия и общаться со своими коллегами.

Лауреаты всех номинаций получают по 250 долларов.


Художественная литература для взрослых
Документальная литература

Номинация учреждена в 2020 году.

Детская литература
Children's Books
Книги для подростков
Middle Grade

Премия учреждена в 2020 году.

Молодежная литература
Young Adult

Номинация учреждена в 2017 году.

Художественная литература для вз...
Ребекка Куанг 4.0
В ночь смерти Афины Лю, автора нескольких нашумевших бестселлеров, ее коллега Джун Хэйворд крадет из дома погибшей черновик романа и, доработав, выдает за свой. Деньги, почести, премии — восторг от собственного вознесения на писательский Олимп кружит голову, ведь все, о чем грезила Джун, теперь сбывается на глазах, и никто никогда не узнает… Но на одной из встреч с читателями Джун видит то, чего не может быть. Это невозможно. Это противоречит здравому смыслу. Афина Лю жива? Или это ее мстительный призрак?
Документальная литература
Энни Пру 0.0
A lifelong acolyte of the natural world, Annie Proulx brings her witness and research to the subject of wetlands and the vitally important role they play in preserving the environment—by storing the carbon emissions that accelerate climate change. Fens, bogs, swamps, and marine estuaries are crucial to the earth’s survival, and in four illuminating parts, Proulx documents their systemic destruction in pursuit of profit.

In a vivid and revelatory journey through history, Proulx describes the fens of 16th-century England, Canada’s Hudson Bay lowlands, Russia’s Great Vasyugan Mire, and America’s Okeefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. She introduces the early explorers who launched the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, and writes of the diseases spawned in the wetlands—the Ague, malaria, Marsh Fever.

A sobering look at the degradation of wetlands over centuries and the serious ecological consequences, this is “an unforgettable and unflinching tour of past and present, fixed on a subject that could not be more important” (Bill McKibben).

“A stark but beautifully written Silent Spring –style warning from one of our greatest novelists.” — The Christian Science Monitor
Oliver de la Paz 0.0

For fans of Diane Seuss and Victoria Chang, a coruscating collection that eloquently invokes the perseverance and myth of the Filipino diaspora in America. In 1972, after Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law, Oliver de la Paz’s father, in a last fit of desperation to leave the Philippines, threw his papers at an immigration clerk, hoping to get them stamped. He was prepared to leave, having already quit his job and having exchanged pesos for dollars; but he couldn’t anticipate the challenges of the migratory lifestyle he and his family would soon adopt in America. Their search for a sense of “home” and boundless feelings of deracination are evocatively explored by award-winning poet de la Paz in this formally inventive collection of sonnets. Broken into three parts―“The Implacable West,” “Landscape with Work, Rest, and Silence,” and “Dwelling Music”― The Diaspora Sonnets eloquently invokes the perseverance and bold possibilities of de la Paz’s displaced family as they strove for stability and belonging. In order to establish her medical practice, de la Paz’s mother had to relocate often for residencies. As they moved from state to state his father worked to support the family. Sonnets thus flit from coast to coast, across prairies and deserts, along the way musing on shadowy dreams of a faraway country. The sonnet proves formally malleable as de la Paz breaks and rejoins its tradition throughout this collection, embarking on a broader conversation about what fits and how one adapts―from the restrained use of rhyme in “Diaspora Sonnet in the Summer with the River Water Low” and carefully metered “Diaspora Sonnet Imagining My Father’s Uncertainty and Nothing Else” to the hybridized “Diaspora Sonnet at the Feeders Before the Freeze.” A series of “Chain Migration” poems viscerally punctuate the sonnets, giving witness to the labor and sacrifice of the immigrant experience, as do a series of hauntingly beautiful pantoums. Written with the deft touch of a virtuoso and the compassion of a loving son, The Diaspora Sonnets powerfully captures the peculiar pangs of a diaspora “that has left and is forever leaving.”
Детская литература
Hannah Moushabeck 0.0
As bedtime approaches, three young girls eagerly await the return of their father who tells them stories of a faraway homeland—Palestine. Through their father's memories, the Old City of Jerusalem comes to the sounds of juice vendors beating rhythms with brass cups, the smell of argileh drifting through windows, and the sight of doves flapping their wings toward home. These daughters of the diaspora feel love for a place they have never been, a home they cannot visit. But, as their father’s story comes to an end, they know that through his memories, they will always return. A Palestinian family celebrates the stories of their homeland in this moving autobiographical picture book debut by Hannah Moushabeck. With heartfelt illustrations by Reem Madooh, this story is a love letter to home, to family, and to the persisting hope of people that transcends borders.
Книги для подростков
Matt Tavares 0.0
A work of fiction inspired by a true story, Matt Tavares’s debut graphic novel dramatizes the historic struggle for gender equality in high school sports.

It is 1975 in Indiana, and the Wilkins Regional High School girls’ basketball team is in their rookie season. Despite being undefeated, they practice at night in the elementary school and play to empty bleachers. Unlike the boys’ team, the Lady Bears have no buses to deliver them to away games and no uniforms, much less a laundry service. They make their own uniforms out of T-shirts and electrical tape. And with help from a committed female coach, they push through to improbable victory after improbable victory. Illustrated in full color, this story about the ongoing battle of women striving for equality in sports rings with honesty, bravery, and heart.
Молодежная литература
Саша Лэмб 5.0
For fans of “Good Omens”—a queer immigrant fairytale about individual purpose, the fluid nature of identity, and the power of love to change and endure.

Uriel the angel and Little Ash (short for Ashmedai) are the only two supernatural creatures in their shtetl (which is so tiny, it doesn't have a name other than Shtetl). The angel and the demon have been studying together for centuries, but pogroms and the search for a new life have drawn all the young people from their village to America. When one of those young emigrants goes missing, Uriel and Little Ash set off to find her.

Along the way the angel and demon encounter humans in need of their help, including Rose Cohen, whose best friend (and the love of her life) has abandoned her to marry a man, and Malke Shulman, whose father died mysteriously on his way to America. But there are obstacles ahead of them as difficult as what they’ve left behind. Medical exams (and demons) at Ellis Island. Corrupt officials, cruel mob bosses, murderers, poverty. The streets are far from paved with gold.
