Вручение июнь 2018 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Новый Орлеан Дата проведения: июнь 2018 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Джеральдин Маккорин 4.3
XVII век, Шотландия. Отдаленные небольшие острова, где люди живут своей собственной замкнутой жизнью. Каждое лето Куилла и других подростков отправляют на маленький остров в открытом море - стак - для охоты на морских птиц, чтобы потом, загруженными богатой добычей, забрать их назад. Но в этот раз за ними никто не приехал.

Конечно, ничем, кроме как концом света, не объяснить, почему их бросили - холодными, голодными и цепляющимися за жизнь в тисках смертоносного океана. Как они выживут?
Джордж Сондерс 3.5
Роман-шедевр в прогрессивном жанре трансреализма: большая часть событий происходит в бардо – пограничном месте-состоянии между жизнью и смертью (в буддизме). Сондерс, блестящий мастер короткой формы, написал трагическую семейную историю со сверхъестественной атмосферой, преодолевая все жанровые условности. Наследник Эдгара По и Германа Мелвилла, Сондерс в ""Линкольн в бардо"" соединил поэтичность и исторические реалии, взяв за основу реальный случай с американским президентом и его маленьким сыном. Этот роман действительно перенесет вас за грань реальности.
Джесмин Уорд 3.9
В этой истории три рассказчика. Леони, далеко не идеальная мать двоих детей, в вечном конфликте с собой и с окружающими. Ее тринадцатилетний сын Джоджо, который куда больше, чем Леони, заботится о своей пятилетней сестренке, учится у деда тому, что значит быть мужчиной. И еще один рассказчик — это погибший в тюрьме Парчман мальчик Ричи, ровесник Джоджо. Леони с детьми отправляется в ту самую тюрьму, забирать их только что освобожденного отца, Майкла. В пути по Миссисипи и сами герои, и читатели узнают многое и о тайнах семьи, и о тяготах жизни на американском Юге.
Daniel Ellsberg 3.9
From the legendary whistle-blower who revealed the Pentagon Papers, an eyewitness exposé of the dangers of America's Top Secret, seventy-year-long nuclear policy that continues to this day.

Here, for the first time, former high-level defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg reveals his shocking firsthand account of America's nuclear program in the 1960s. From the remotest air bases in the Pacific Command, where he discovered that the authority to initiate use of nuclear weapons was widely delegated, to the secret plans for general nuclear war under Eisenhower, which, if executed, would cause the near-extinction of humanity, Ellsberg shows that the legacy of this most dangerous arms buildup in the history of civilization--and its proposed renewal under the Trump administration--threatens our very survival. No other insider with high-level access has written so candidly of the nuclear strategy of the late Eisenhower and early Kennedy years, and nothing has fundamentally changed since that era.

Framed as a memoir--a chronicle of madness in which Ellsberg acknowledges participating--this gripping exposé reads like a thriller and offers feasible steps we can take to dismantle the existing "doomsday machine" and avoid nuclear catastrophe, returning Ellsberg to his role as whistle-blower. The Doomsday Machine is thus a real-life Dr. Strangelove story and an ultimately hopeful--and powerfully important--book about not just our country, but the future of the world.
David Grann 4.2
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.

Then, one by one, they began to be killed off. One Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, watched as her family was murdered. Her older sister was shot. Her mother was then slowly poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more Osage began to die under mysterious circumstances.
     In this last remnant of the Wild West—where oilmen like J. P. Getty made their fortunes and where desperadoes such as Al Spencer, “the Phantom Terror,” roamed – virtually anyone who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered. As the death toll surpassed more than twenty-four Osage, the newly created F.B.I. took up the case, in what became one of the organization’s first major homicide investigations. But the bureau was then notoriously corrupt and initially bungled the case. Eventually the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including one of the only Native American agents in the bureau. They infiltrated the region, struggling to adopt the latest modern techniques of detection. Together with the Osage they began to expose one of the most sinister conspiracies in American history.

In Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grann revisits a shocking series of crimes in which dozens of people were murdered in cold blood. The book is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, as each step in the investigation reveals a series of sinister secrets and reversals. But more than that, it is a searing indictment of the callousness and prejudice toward Native Americans that allowed the murderers to operate with impunity for so long. Killers of the Flower Moon is utterly riveting, but also emotionally devastating.
Anthony McGowan 4.6
A poignant, beautifully written novella about growing up and family. A companion piece to the hugely successful Brock and Pike, McGowan warms hearts once more with the adventures of Nicky and Kenny.

Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant and dyslexic readers aged 13+
Лисса Эванс 0.0
You're called Fidge and you're nearly eleven. You've been hurled into a strange world. You have three companions: two are unbelievably weird and the third is your awful cousin Graham.

You have to solve a series of nearly impossible clues.

You need to deal with a cruel dictator and three thousand Wimbley Woos (yes, you read that sentence correctly). And the whole situation - the whole, entire thing - is your fault.

Wed Wabbit is an adventure story about friendship, danger and the terror of never being able to get back home again.
Энджи Томас 4.3
Шестнадцатилетняя Старр Картер живет в бедном районе, но учится в престижной частной школе. Хрупкий мостик между двумя ее жизнями рушится, когда на глазах у Старр полицейский убивает Халиля — ее друга детства.

Совсем скоро смерть Халиля становится национальной сенсацией: одни называют его бандитом и наркоторговцем, другие устраивают шествие в его честь. Полиция и местный наркобарон угрожают Старр и ее семье. Все хотят выяснить одно: что на самом деле случилось той ночью?

Старр — единственная, кто знает ответ, и теперь в ее руках не только собственная жизнь, но и судьбы других людей.
Marcus Sedgwick 0.0
A potent, powerful and timely thriller about migrants, drug lords and gang warfare set on the US/Mexican border by prize-winning novelist, Marcus Sedgwick.

Anapra is one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the Mexican city of Juarez - twenty metres outside town lies a fence - and beyond it - America - the dangerous goal of many a migrant. Faustino is one such trying to escape from the gang he's been working for. He's dipped into a pile of dollars he was supposed to be hiding and now he's on the run. He and his friend, Arturo, have only 36 hours to replace the missing money, or they're as good as dead. Watching over them is Saint Death. Saint Death (or Santissima Muerte) - she of pure bone and charcoal-black eye, she of absolute loyalty and neutral morality, holy patron to rich and poor, to prostitute and narco-lord, criminal and police-chief. A folk saint, a rebel angel, a sinister guardian.
Lauren Wolk 4.0
From the author of the critically acclaimed Wolf Hollow comes a moving story of identity and belonging.

Twelve-year-old Crow has lived her entire life on a tiny, isolated piece of the starkly beautiful Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts. Abandoned and set adrift on a small boat when she was just hours old, Crow's only companions are Osh, the man who rescued and raised her, and Miss Maggie, their fierce and affectionate neighbor across the sandbar.

Crow has always been curious about the world around her, but it isn't until the night a mysterious fire appears across the water that the unspoken question of her own history forms in her heart. Soon, an unstoppable chain of events is triggered, leading Crow down a path of discovery and danger.

Vivid and heart wrenching, Lauren Wolk's Beyond the Bright Sea is a gorgeously crafted and tensely paced tale that explores questions of identity, belonging, and the true meaning of family.
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