Вручение 2011 г. — стр. 3

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Дженни Валентайн 0.0
An intriguing, compelling and moving new novel from the award-winning author of Finding Violet Park.

When the good-looking boy with the gentle voice presses the dropped negative into Rowan's hand, she's sure it's all a big mistake. But next moment he's gone, lost in the crowd of bustling shoppers. And she can't afford to lose her place in the checkout queue – after all, if she doesn't take the groceries home, nobody else will.

Rowan has more responsibilities than most girls her age. These days, she pretty much looks after her little sister single-handedly – which doesn't leave much time for friends or fun. So when she finds out that Bee from school saw the whole thing, it piques her curiosity. Who was the mysterious stranger? Why was he so insistent that the negative belonged to Rowan?

Bee invites Rowan to her house where they make a print of the negative. And the face that appears in front of Rowan's eyes is that of her dead brother Jack
Бернард Эшли 0.0
A dark, compelling novel about one girl's determination for the truth, addressing gangs, young deaths, and crime with sensitivity and realism
Amber is shocked when her brother falls to his death from a tower block. She's convinced it wasn't an accident, and so begins her journey to discover the truth and bring some kind of justice for Connor. Twists, turns, and a fabulous multi-layered plot create a thrilling and engrossing tale. Set in south east London, this gritty and absorbing novel will appeal to both boys and girls.
David Almond 3.2
Paul believes that the moon is not the moon, but is a great hole in the sky. It’s one of many strange ideas that he’s never told anyone (at school he was told that he had no ideas at all), until he meets Molly, his irrepressible neighbour, who begins to convince him that his theory might just change the world. Helped by a very long ladder, some highly irregular characters, two rather worried parents and a great deal of community spirit, Paul takes to the sky. But his astonishing discovery there can’t keep him away for long – what is waiting for him back at home is turning out to be better than he’d ever imagined…
Lucy Christopher 4.1
In this touching novel for teenagers, Lucy Christopher explores the remarkable bond between a young girl, a boy and a damaged wild bird - a relationship that will touch everyone who reads it.

While visiting her father in hospital, thirteen-year-old Isla meets Harry, the first boy to understand her and her love of the outdoors. But Harry is ill, and as his health fails, Isla is determined to help him in the only way she knows how. Together they watch a lone swan struggling to fly on the lake outside Harry's window. Isla believes that if she can help the damaged swan, somehow she can help Harry. And in doing so, she embarks upon a breathtakingly magical journey of her own.
Джиллиан Кросс 0.0
There are guns and bandits in this story. And supermodels. And there's drought and starvation too. Are you wondering how they can all come together? Well, that's how life is these days. Things don't happen neatly, in separate little places. We're all caught by the great spider's web of media that spans the world. That's where the story is set. The world. It's the story of Abdi and Khadija and Freya (that's me) and what happened to us becuase of Somalia...
Эмма Крейги 0.0
"My turn!" says Uncle Leader, who has been watching us. He wants his photograph taken with me too. "You, Helga Goebbels, are my favourite girl in the whole world," he says. "If only you were 20 years older!" He leans over me, his smell like the furniture in the servants' quarters. The photographer is laughing. Papa is laughing. But I don't take any notice. I turn right away and stare at the camera.

Chocolate Cake with Hitler tells the remarkable story of Helga Goebbels, twelve-year-old daughter of the Nazi Party's head of propaganda, who spent the last ten days of her life cooped up in Adolf Hitler's bunker in Berlin.

As defeat closes in on the Germans, life in the bunker becomes increasingly fraught. There's chocolate cake every day for tea with Uncle 'Leader', but Helga cannot help noticing that all is not well among the grown-ups. Her parents grow more and more distracted and tense, the bunker grows daily more empty and, as even the soldiers who have been guarding them take their leave, Helga is faced with a terrible truth. Perhaps her golden childhood has not been all that it seemed..
Зизу Кордер 0.0
Washed ashore as a baby in ancient Greece, Halo is discovered by a family of centaurs. Although her true identity remains a mystery, she is loved as one of their own. But when Halo is dragged away by fishermen, her wild adventure begins . . .

Halo soon realizes that if she is to survive then she must live in disguise - as a boy. A violent war is threatening to erupt and Halo is at the mercy of the mighty Spartan warriors. And as she battles to hide her secret, Halo never forgets her quest to find out who she is - and where she really came from.
Джим Каррингтон 0.0
Inside My Head tells the story of three very different teenagers: Gary, a young man struggling to control his anger under great provocation and unable to communicate. David - increasingly uncomfortable with allowing bullying to go on around him, but too scared to do anything about it. Zoë – independent, freethinking and brave, she is new to the school and the only one who seems to see Gary through fresh eyes.

Also featured are rampaging tractors, shotguns and cheese puffs.
Кэрол Энн Даффи 0.0
'In the world of British poetry, Carol Ann Duffy is a superstar' - "Guardian". This stellar edition of her poems brings together work from her four award-winning collections for children, and sprinkles in a generous helping of new poems to match. From her dazzlingly debut "Meeting Midnight" through to her newest, brightest poems, Carol Ann Duffy's writing for younger readers has always bubbled with wit and humour, intelligence and affection, and introduced us to many strange and wonderful characters along the way. Among the enchanting voices to be heard are those of the Loch Ness Monster's husband, the oldest girl in the world and a heard of cows on a shopping trip to Manchester.
Мэтт Хейг 3.5
Мэтт Хейг - своего рода анфан террибль в литературном мире Великобритании. Каждый его роман - событие, захватывающее, неординарное, веселое и немножко жуткое. Книги Хейга неизменно входят в списки бестселлеров, экранизируются, удостаиваются престижных наград и широко публикуются за рубежом. Герои его нового романа "Семья Рэдли" - типичные консервативные обыватели, отец, мать и двое детей, проживающие в благопристойной среднестатистической английской деревне. Если у них и есть странности, то совсем безобидные: слабое здоровье, легкая аллергия на… чеснок и солнечный свет. И нечего на них коситься, они - хорошие люди. Дети Рэдли, Роуэн и Клара, даже и не подозревают, что их родители уже семнадцать лет воздерживаются, подавляя свою истинную природу. Пока однажды в пятницу вечером не происходит роковой инцидент, влекущий за собой череду неотвратимых перемен. К лучшему или нет - время покажет…
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