Вручение 2008 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2008 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Philip Reeve 0.0
Gwyna is just a small girl, a mouse, when she is bound in service to Myrddin the bard - a traveller and spinner of tales. But Myrdin transfroms her - into a lady goddess, a boy warrior, and a spy. Without Gwyna, Myrddin will not be able to work the most glorious transformation of all - and turn the leader of a raggle-tagglear-band into King Arthur, the greatest hero of all time.
Джинн Уиллис 0.0
What is magic? What is illusion? What is real? Step into the extraordinary world of Sam Khaan, who has just discovered a witch doctor's notebook in her attic. Convinced that it belongs to her long-lost father – the son of a witch doctor – she sets out on a journey to discover the answers to these questions. In her encounters with diviners and healers, conjurers and mystics, Sam learns the truth about magic the hard way. Here is your chance to take a far easier route.
Дэвид Гилман 0.0
WHEN AN ASSASSIN bursts from the shadows to try to kill him on the dark, windswept grounds of his boarding school in England, Max Gordon realizes his life is about to change forever.

After learning that his explorer father is missing, Max is determined to find him, no matter what dangers may lay in his path. A secret clue his father left behind leads Max to the inhospitable wilderness of Namibia, where he soon discovers a potentially massive ecological disaster masterminded by Shaka Chang, a very powerful and completely ruthless man—a man Max fears may have put his father in mortal danger. Max needs all the help he can get. Because whoever is behind his father’s disappearance is determined to get rid of Max, too. For good.
Charlie Fletcher 0.0
When George breaks the dragon's head outside the Natural History Museum he awakes an ancient power. This prehistoric beast, sentry-still for centuries, hunts him down with a terrifying wrath. And this is just the beginning... The taints and spits - statues with opposing natures - are warring forces; wreaking deadly havoc on the city landscape. The World War One gunner offers protection of sorts; and the wisdom of the Sphinx is legendary. But George and his companion Edie are trapped in a world of danger. And worse - they are quite alone. The rest of London is oblivious to their plight.
Элис Кейперс 4.0
Claire and her mother are running out of time, but they don't know it. Not yet. Claire is wrapped up with the difficulties of her bourgeoning adulthood—boys, school, friends, identity; Claire's mother, a single mom, is rushed off her feet both at work and at home. They rarely find themselves in the same room at the same time, and it often seems that the only thing they can count on are notes to each other on the refrigerator door. When home is threatened by a crisis, their relationship experiences a momentous change. Forced to reevaluate the delicate balance between their personal lives and their bond as mother and daughter, Claire and her mother find new love and devotion for one another deeper than anything they had ever imagined.
Heartfelt, touching, and unforgettable, Life on the Refrigerator Door is a glimpse into the lives of mothers and daughters everywhere. In this deeply touching novel told through a series of notes written from a loving mother and her devoted fifteen-year-old daughter, debut author Alice Kuipers deftly captures the impenetrable fabric that connects mothers and daughters throughout the world. Moving and rich with emotion, Life on the Refrigerator Door delivers universal lessons about love in a wonderfully simple and poignant narrative.

У Клэр и ее матери заканчивается время, но они не знают это. Пока ещё нет. Клэр сталкивается с трудностями ее расцветающей взрослой жизни — мальчики, школа, друзья, поиски своего я; мама Клэр, мать-одиночка, крутится как белка и на работе и дома. Они редко оказываются в одном месте одновременно, и часто кажется, что единственным, на что они могут рассчитывать, являются записки друг другу на двери холодильника. Когда дому угрожает кризис, их отношения серьезно меняются. Переоценив хрупкое равновесие между их личной жизнью и их связью как мама и дочь, Клэр и ее мама заново открывают любовь и преданность друг к другу, сильнее, чем они представляли.
Милая, трогательная, и незабываемая, книга "Жизнь на Двери Холодильника" - проблеск в жизни всех мам и дочерей. В этом очень трогательном романе, представленном серией записок, написанных от любящей мамы и ее преданной 15-летней дочери, автор Элис Кьюперс прекрасно передала то неуловимое, что соединяет матерей и дочерей во всем мире. Динамичный и эмоционально богатый, роман раскрывает перед читателями общечеловеческие уроки любви.
Chris Riddell 4.4
Introducing Miss Ottoline Brown, an exceptionally inquisitive Mistress of Disguise, and her partner in crime, Mr Munroe. No puzzle is ever too tricky for the two of them to solve . . .

Ottoline lives in a stylish apartment in Big City with a small hairy creature called Mr Munroe. Together they look after the Brown family's eclectic collections - and dabble in a spot of detective work. So they are the first to the scene of the crime when a string of high society dog-nappings and jewel thefts hits Big City. Ottoline (who luckily has a diploma from the Who-R-U Academy of Disguise) and Mr Munroe go undercover - and expose an ingenious scam masterminded by furry feline crook, the Yellow Cat.
Lauren St. John 5.0
Just as Martine is settling into life on the wildlife game reserve, she is whisked away on a school trip. She must leave her white giraffe, Jemmy, for 2 weeks! Her class is going on an ocean voyage to witness the Sardine Run, a spectacular natural phenomenon, off the coast of South Africa.

What begins as an exciting adventure quickly turns perilous when a storm blows up and Martine and her classmates are thrown overboard into shark-infested waters. They are save by a pod of dolphins, only to end up marooned on a deserted island. The castaways, at odds with one another, must figure out not only how to survive, but how to help the dolphins when a terrible danger threatens them.

In a gripping tale of courage, friendship and survival, Martine must use her healing gift and her wilderness training to save both humans and animals alike.
Bowler, Tim 0.0
A paranormal thriller from Carnegie Medal winner Tim Bowler!
It starts with a phone call. "I'm dying," a voice tells Dusty. Who is he and how has he gotten her cell number? Dusty wants no part of this strange boy . . . until he begins saying things that only someone who knows her intimately could say things that lead her to think he knows the whereabouts of her brother, who disappeared over a year ago. Suddenly drawn in, Dusty very much wants to save this boy. Trouble is, she cannot find him. Part human, part spirit, he won't let himself be found. He is too dangerous, he says. There are mobs of people who agree and who want to see this boy dead . . . and who will hurt anyone who stands in their way.

A gripping, hair-raising mystery about a boy not of this world, and a girl determined to protect him.
Шиван Доуд 3.8
Ted and Kat watched their cousin Salim board the London Eye, but after half an hour it landed and everyone trooped off—except Salim. Where could he have gone? How on earth could he have disappeared into thin air? Ted and his older sister, Kat, become sleuthing partners, since the police are having no luck. Despite their prickly relationship, they overcome their differences to follow a trail of clues across London in a desperate bid to find their cousin. And ultimately it comes down to Ted, whose brain works in its own very unique way, to find the key to the mystery.

This is an unput-downable spine-tingling thriller—a race against time.
Дженни Даунхэм 3.8
Шестнадцатилетняя героиня этой книги только начинает жить, и ей так много хочется успеть. Поэтому она пишет список всех своих желаний и берется за дело. Не все в этом списке так невинно, как может быть у ее сверстников. Но лишь потому, что она во многом на них непохожа.

А еще потому, что ей нужно успеть все сейчас!
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