Вручение 26 января 2021 г.

Премия вручена за 2020 год.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 26 января 2021 г.


Моник Рофи 3.7

Книга названа также Книгой Года.

Жертва древнего проклятья русалка Айкайя вынуждена вечно скитаться в океане и быть всегда одинокой. Однако встреча с молодым рыбаком Дэвидом зажигает в ее душе свет. Неужели благодаря страстному чувству она снова сможет стать полноценной женщиной?

Захватывающие и вместе с тем трепетные романы Моник Рофи высоко оцениваются читателями по всему миру, и она не раз становилась лауреатом престижных премий.

Лучший первый роман

Ингрид Персо 0.0
An electrifying novel of an unconventional family in Trinidad mended by their individual, and collective, quests for love

After Betty Ramdin's husband dies, she invites a colleague, Mr. Chetan, to move in with her and her son, Solo. Over time, the three become a family, loving each other deeply and depending upon one another. Then, one fateful night, Solo overhears Betty confiding in Mr. Chetan and learns a secret that plunges him into torment.

Solo flees Trinidad for New York to carve out a lonely existence as an undocumented immigrant, and Mr. Chetan remains the singular thread holding mother and son together. But soon, Mr. Chetan's own burdensome secret is revealed, with heartbreaking consequences. Love After Love interrogates love and family in all its myriad meanings and forms, asking how we might exchange an illusory love for one that is truly fulfilling.

In vibrant, addictive Trinidadian prose, Love After Love questions who and how we love, the obligations of family, and the consequences of choices made in desperation.
Кейт Сойер 3.8
Ник и Рут живут на берегу океана в остове кита. Их прежняя жизнь – с супермаркетами, авиаперелетами, круассанами и понятными проблемами – закончилась вместе со всем миром. Они не знаю, выжил ли кто-то еще после глобальной катастрофы, и теперь, в мире ПОСЛЕ им остается только выживать, и вспоминать о мире ДО. В мире ДО у Рут была лучшая подруга и любимые родители, но еще – чувство одиночества, неустроенности и сложные отношения с разведенным мужчиной. Стала ли ее жизнь после катастрофы хуже? Или, наоборот, смерть старого мира подарила им с Ником шанс действительно начать все с чистого листа…

«Остов» – тонкий, медитативный роман о том, что жизнь и любовь не кончаются, даже когда гибнет мир.

Детская книга

Наташа Фаррант 0.0
In the aftermath of World War One, everyone is trying to rebuild their lives. If Ben is to avoid being sent back to the orphanage, he needs to find his brother Sam, wounded in action and is now missing. Lotti's horrible aunt and uncle want to send her away to boarding-school (when she has just so successfully managed to get expelled from her last one!) And Clara, their young teacher, is waiting for news of her missing fiance.

Just as they think they've found their feet in the new order, disaster strikes, and Lotti and Ben must get away. And so they hatch a plan - to cross the Channel on Ben's narrowboat and find Sam. And there's something in France that Lotti is looking for, too...

Buffeted by storms, chased by the police, Lotti, Ben, Clara and a growing number of dogs set out on an epic journey, on the search for lost loved ones and a place to call home.
Даррен Чарлтон 4.0

Named one of The Times & The Observer's Best Children's Books of 2020.

The islands of Lake Wranglestone are a safe haven in a world filled with the Restless Dead. But as the lake freezes over, there’s nothing to stop them from crossing the ice.

Peter’s has never really felt at home in a place where practicality and grit are valued above all else. He’s nothing like rancher, Cooper, the boy he’s always watched from afar. But when he’s is ordered to join him out on the mainland to help herd the Dead from their shores, they find more than just each other.

There they unearth a dark secret about Wranglestone’s past. One that forces the pair to question everything they’ve ever known.

An action-packed and thought-provoking debut, for fans of Patrick Ness, Marcus Sedgwick, DREAD NATION and The Walking Dead.


Эаван Боланд 0.0
Throughout her nearly sixty-year career, acclaimed poet Eavan Boland came to be known for her exquisite ability to weave myth, history, and the life of an ordinary woman into mesmerizing poetry. She was an essential voice in both feminist and Irish literature, praised for her "edgy precision, an uncanny sympathy and warmth, an unsettling sense of history" (J. D. McClatchy). Her final volume, The Historians, is the culmination of her signature themes, exploring the ways in which the hidden, sometimes all-but-erased stories of women’s lives can powerfully revise our sense of the past.

Two women burning letters in a back garden. A poet who died too young. A mother’s parable to her daughter. Boland listens to women who have long had no agency in the way their stories were told; in the title poem, she writes: "Say the word history: I see / your mother, mine. / … / Their hands are full of words." Addressing Irish suffragettes in the final poem, Boland promises: "We will not leave you behind," a promise that animates each poem in this radiant collection. These extraordinary, intimate narratives cling to the future through memory, anger, and love in ways that rebuke the official record we call history.


Ли Лоуренс 0.0
What would you do if the people you trusted to uphold the law committed a crime against you? Who would you turn to? And how long would you fight them for?

On 28th September 1985, Lee Lawrence's mother Cherry Groce was wrongly shot by police during a raid on her Brixton home. The bullet shattered her spine and she never walked again. In the chaos that followed, 11-year-old Lee watched in horror as the News falsely pronounced his mother dead. In Brixton, already a powder keg because of the deep racism that the community was experiencing, it was the spark needed to trigger two days of rioting that saw buildings brought down by petrol bombs, cars torched and shops looted.

But for Lee, it was a spark that lit a flame that would burn for the next 30 years as he fought to get the police to recognise their wrongdoing. His life had changed forever: he was now his mother's carer, he had seen first-hand the prejudice that existed in his country, and he was at the mercy of a society that was working against him. And yet that flame - for justice, for peace, for change - kept him going.

The Louder I Will Sing is a powerful, compelling and uplifting memoir about growing up in modern Britain as a young Black man. It's a story both of people and politics, of the underlying racism beneath many of our most important institutions, but also the positive power that hope, faith and love can bring in response.