Вручение 1986 г.

Премия вручалась за 1985 год.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 1986 г.


Питер Акройд 3.5
Питер Акройд — один из самых титулованных английских писателей, член Королевского общества литературы, командор Ордена Британской Империи. Мировую известность приобрели его бестселлеры "Дом доктора Ди", "Чаттертон", "Процесс Элизабет Кри", "Журнал Виктора Франкенштейна" Исторический детектив "Хоксмур" получил сразу две награды: премию Уитбреда, одну из наиболее авторитетных литературных премий Великобритании, и премию "Гардиан". В начале ХVIII века архитектор Николас Дайер (прототип знаменитого зодчего, Николаса Хоксмура) возводит в Лондоне шесть церквей взамен пострадавших от Великого пожара. Он, последователь религиозного культа, в основания этих построек кладет обязательную жертву — невинного ребенка. Двести пятьдесят лет спустя детектив Скотланд-ярда Н. Хоксмур расследует серию убийств, совершенных в церквях Дайера. Между Дайером и Хоксмуром сущеcтвует определенная связь, но в чем она состоит? Автор заставляет читателя самостоятельно искать разгадку этой тайны.

Лучший первый роман

Jeanette Winterson 3.7
This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves. Innovative, punchy and tender, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a few days ride into the bizarre outposts of religious excess and human obsession. With a new introduction by the author.

Детская книга

Джанни Хоукер 0.0
It started out as a game. A game that Billy and his friend Mick play to take their minds off the fact that the mill might be closing and everyone could lose their jobs. They'll hunt down the Haverston Beast, that's killing sheep and hens and maybe even men, and kill it. So what if the farmers say it's just a dog – they know that it's real and they're out to prove it. But then Billy's dad finds out that the mill might close for ever, and suddenly the game doesn't seem so much fun any more – and the terrifying Beast might be closer to home than Billy imagined... An astonishing novel about the monster that is unemployment, and its devastating effects on a local community, The Nature of the Beast is as painfully truthful and relevant today as it was when it was first published, to critical acclaim, in 1985.



Книга названа КНИГОЙ ГОДА.

В антологии представлены крупнейшие английские поэты и поэтические школы, начиная с рубежа XX века и вплоть до современности (Т. Харди, А. Хаусмен, Р. Киплинг, Р. Олдингтон, Т. С. Элиот, У. Оден, 3. Сэссун, Р. Грейвз, Дилан Томас, Ф. Ларкин и др.), а также лучшие переводы, выполненные виднейшими советскими поэтами и переводчиками (К. Симоновым, М. Лозинским, С. Маршаком, М. Зенкевичем, И. Кашкиным, А. Сергеевым, П. Грушко и др.).
Издание сопровождается предисловием и комментариями.


Бен Пимлотт 0.0
Intellectual, crusader, patriot, bon viveur, bully, conspirator -- there were many sides to Hugh Dalton, one of the most effective, and strangest of modern political leaders.

The Torie called him a class traitor and they were right. Son of a tutor to royal princes, Dalton was educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge, where he was taught by Maynard Keynes, fell under the spell of Rupert Brooke, and learnt about socialism from Keir Hardie and Beatrice Webb.

Hardened by war and the tragic death of a young daughter, Dalton entered Parliament in 1924. For the next three decades his impact on government policy and on the leadership, organization and philosophy of the Labour Party was immense.

In 1940 Churchill put him in charge of the Special Operations Executive (S.O.E.), issuing the famous command:'Set Europe Ablaze!' In 1945 Dalton became the most socialist Chancellor of the Exchequer ever, making possible the setting up of the welfare state.

Richard Crossman admired Dalton for his 'sheer intellectual and physical power'. Michael Foot described how the song in Dalton's heart 'swelled to a socialist anthem'.

In this immensely readable biography of Dalton, the first to have been written, the author not only makes use of official records, interviews and private papers, but also of the hitherto unpublished Dalton Diaries.