Вручение 27 мая 2016 г.

Премия вручалась за 2015 год.

Специальная Премия Гранд-мастер (Grand Master) вручена Eric Wright.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 27 мая 2016 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Питер Кирби 0.0
A Guatemalan journalist is kidnapped, and the only message from her kidnappers is the murder of her lawyer. In a race against time, Luc Vanier sets about reconstructing her life, through the sordid world of human trafficking, the secretive underbelly of a multinational mining corporation, and the hiding places of desperate refugees. When Vanier is brutally warned off the investigation, he throws away the rule book and goes after the villains with a vengeance.
Пегги Блэр 0.0
Inspector Ricardo Ramírez investigates a string of dead prostitutes from Cuba to Canada in this carefully constructed mystery from award-winning author Peggy Blair.

Murders always multiply when there’s a full moon, Inspector Ricardo Ramírez knows. As he’s investigating a vandal in the art world, a ghost appears by Ramírez’s side…a sure sign that another murder victim is on the way. Ramírez’s fears are confirmed when a dead prostitute is found in Havana with nylons wrapped tightly around her neck, an MO that connects to his only cold case.

When another woman’s body is discovered in a similar condition on a First Nation reserve in Northern Ontario, Detective Charlie Pike struggles to determine whether the murder is a standalone crime or if the Highway Strangler has struck again. Before long, both detectives find themselves tracking a killer whose reach extends further than they could have imagined.

As the pressure mounts, Inspector Ramírez has to piece together the clues and track down an international serial killer before his government silences him.
Джон Фэрроу 0.0
City of Ice, John Farrow's first book in his acclaimed Emile Cinq-Mars series, which has been hailed by Booklist as "one of the best series in crime fiction," has been published in over 17 countries. Now with The Storm Murders, the series continues.

On the day after a massive blizzard, two policemen are called to an isolated farm house sitting all by itself in the middle of a pristine snow-blanketed field. Inside the lonely abode are two dead people. But there are no tracks in the snow leading either to the house or away. What happened here? Is this a murder/suicide case? Or will it turn into something much more sinister?

John Farrow is the pen name of Trevor Ferguson, a Canadian writer who has been named Canada's best novelist in both Books in Canada and the Toronto Star. This is the first of a trilogy he is writing for us called The Storm Murders trilogy. Each book features Emile Cinq-Mars, the Hercule Poirot of Canada, and extreme weather conditions.
Эндрю Хант 0.0
After a high-profile case thrusts deputy Art Oveson into the spotlight, Salt Lake City's mayor taps him to head the city's Anti-Polygamy Squad. As a Mormon ashamed that his own ancestors played a part in the church's polygamist past, Art's eager to do his part to remove the extremists still practicing plural marriage. But after one of the polygamist patriarchs is murdered and a shell-shocked young woman found at the scene of the crime, Art finds himself drawn further into this society of extremists than he ever expected.

Historian and Hillerman award-winner, Andrew Hunt returns to 1930s Salt Lake City in a mystery that shows a city and religion struggling to grow and shake off a notorious history that has not yet become a thing of the past
Inger Ash Wolfe 0.0
Michael Redhill's new Hazel Micallef mystery, written under the pen name of Inger Ash Wolfe, is his strongest yet. For readers of crime fiction who enjoy such writers as Giles Blunt, Linwood Barclay, Lee Child, Louise Penny, Peter Robinson.

The fourth novel in this acclaimed series is brilliantly paced, addictively suspenseful--the author's best yet. Hazel Micallef (played by Suzanne Sarandon in the recent film of the series' debut, The Calling) has become one of crime writing's most memorable detectives. Port Dundas, Ontario, is portrayed vividly in the series as the quintessential Canadian town. The Night Bell moves between the past and the present, as two mysteries converge. A discovery of the bones of murdered children is made on land that was once a county foster home. Now it's being developed as a brand new subdivision whose first residents are already railing against broken promises and corruption. But when three of their number are murdered after the find, their frustration turns to terror. While trying to stem the panic and solve two crimes at once, Hazel finds her memory stirred back to the fall of 1959, when the disappearance of a girl from town was blamed on her adopted brother. Although he is long dead, she begins to see the present case as a chance to clear her brother's name, something that drives Hazel beyond her own considerable limits and right into the sights of an angry killer.

Лучший дебютный роман

Аусма Зеханат Хан 0.0
A complex and provocative story of loss, redemption, and the cost of justice that will linger with readers long after turning the final page.

Despite their many differences, Detective Rachel Getty trusts her boss, Esa Khattak, implicitly. But she's still uneasy at Khattak's tight-lipped secrecy when he asks her to look into Christopher Drayton's death. Drayton's apparently accidental fall from a cliff doesn't seem to warrant a police investigation, particularly not from Rachel and Khattak's team, which handles minority-sensitive cases. But when she learns that Drayton may have been living under an assumed name, Rachel begins to understand why Khattak is tip-toeing around this case. It soon comes to light that Drayton may have been a war criminal with ties to the Srebrenica massacre of 1995.

If that's true, any number of people might have had reason to help Drayton to his death, and a murder investigation could have far-reaching ripples throughout the community. But as Rachel and Khattak dig deeper into the life and death of Christopher Drayton, every question seems to lead only to more questions, with no easy answers. Had the specters of Srebrenica returned to haunt Drayton at the end, or had he been keeping secrets of an entirely different nature? Or, after all, did a man just fall to his death from the Bluffs?

In her spellbinding debut, Ausma Zehanat Khan has written a complex and provocative story of loss, redemption, and the cost of justice that will linger with readers long after turning the final page.
Дж. Марк Коллинз 0.0
Jack Wright is a veteran detective with a tragic past, an uncertain future, and a passion for solving puzzles. As a member of the Toronto Police Service Hold-Up Squad, Jack is tired of always having to clean up after the fact. When the blueprints of a robbery that has yet to take place land on his desk, there's only one problem...he can't read a word of them. The details of the heist are contained on a computer hard drive, protected by an unbreakable security code, seized in an explosive police raid on a suspected gunrunner.

Katherine Sharpe, beautiful, brilliant and ambitious, is the head of a cutting-edge computer research firm on the verge of introducing an earth-shattering technological breakthrough, something she's been working on her whole adult life. But Theodore Sumner, the Chairman of the Board and her nemesis at ComTech, has other ideas. When he threatens to bring her dreams crashing down around her, Katherine sets in motion a plan to stop him that quickly spirals out of control. Now, as their worlds collide, Jack has to rely on two unlikely partners, old-fashioned legwork, and the ability of a thirteen-year-old hacker to help help him solve the most difficult puzzle of his life... before Katherine's Plan destroys them all.

Hard Drive, a fast-paced thrill ride through the world of high-tech espionage, asks a very basic question: What would you do to make your dreams come true? If you said, -I'd kill for that!-, you're not alone.
Алексис Кёттинг 0.0
When television turned stage actress Bella James relocates to the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake to perform at the renowned Shaw Festival theatre, she is only looking to step out of the spotlight of television celebrity and onto the stage. What she finds instead are long buried human remains in the yard of her seasonal rental. Upon learning that hers is the same house where a woman was brutally attacked thirty years earlier, Bella becomes convinced the two events are inextricably linked and that a deeper story was buried along with the bones. With the help of a detective desperate to prove his worth, Bella begins asking questions that should have been asked decades earlier about a victim no one seems to have missed. In doing so, she soon finds herself embroiled in a dangerous drama both on and off the stage.

Encore is a fast-paced cozy mystery that combines humor, heartbreak, and plenty of suspense. Set in the picturesque town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Encore offers a backstage look at life in the theatre along with plot twists that will surprise and delight even the best armchair sleuth.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Люк Чартран 0.0
Paul Carpentier a-t-il vraiment profané la mémoire du Second Temple de Jérusalem? A-t-il basculé dans l’antisémitisme, comme veulent le faire croire ceux qui cherchent à l’éliminer?

Carpentier, un ancien journaliste, vit en Israël avec sa femme, Rachel, et leur fils, David. Alors que celui-ci découvre ses racines juives, il entre en révolte profonde contre son père, qu’il accuse de trahir son sang en frayant avec des Palestiniens.

Un meurtre dans la bande de Gaza vient catalyser la crise qui couvait. Et si cette mort avait pour but d’étouffer une enquête sur un crime de guerre?

Une trépidante chasse à l’homme se met en branle. Paul Carpentier se retrouve rapidement seul contre une formidable machine de renseignement et de propagande et, tandis que se profile une lutte féroce pour le pouvoir en Israël sur fond de complicités politiques au Canada, il tentera de connaître la vérité… et de sauver sa vie.
Жан-Луи Флери 0.0
Deux jours après un passage remarqué à l'émission Tout le monde en parle, René Kahn, professeur à la Sorbonne et spécialiste de l'oeuvre du célèbre auteur Louis-Ferdinand Céline, a trouvé la mort au Crique-à-la-Roche, à une quinzaine de kilomètres de Ripon, dans l'Outaouais. De fait, c'est dans les restes calcinés d'une voiture volée au village que le cadavre de celui qui cherchait des preuves de l'accointance de Céline avec l'extrême droite québécoise pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale a été formellement identifié. Que s'est-il donc passé pour que le professeur Kahn périsse de manière aussi tragique ? C'est Aglaé Boisjoli, docteure en psychologie et capitaine aux Projets spéciaux de la Sûreté du Québec, qui a été chargée de l'enquête. Mais ce qu'elle croyait être un banal - quoique sordide - meurtre se transforme rapidement en une troublante affaire ayant des ramifications politiques, et dont la moindre des révélations n'est pas l'identité du mystérieux personnage aperçu près de la voiture incendiée. Or, si Aglaé a été surprise par ses découvertes, c'est l'indignation qui l'a submergée quand ses supérieurs lui ont mis des bâtons dans les roues afin d'étouffer l'affaire. C'est pourquoi elle leur a transmis une lettre de démission... qui a été refusée ! Choquée par ce refus, Aglaé a rédigé un rapport afin de justifier sa décision. Ce rapport, qui relate l'enquête point par point et avec preuves à l'appui, vous le tenez en main, et sachez que personne n'y est épargné, surtout pas les supérieurs d'Aglaé Boisjoli !
Андре Жак 0.0
Quand Alexandre Jobin sort d’une consultation médicale inquiétante, il sait que la mort le guette. Que faire ? Boire jusqu’à plus soif ? S’isoler jusqu’à l’heure fatale ? Deux évènements aideront l’antiquaire, ex-officier des services de renseignement de l’armée canadienne, à sortir de cette sombre spirale. D’abord, on lui propose un contrat alléchant : aller en Italie pour y faire expertiser des esquisses anciennes. Puis, une maîtresse un peu oubliée le supplie de se rendre à Palerme afin de retrouver sa fille, Pavie, qui court un grave danger. Mais Pavie n’est pas une simple jeune femme en péril, c’est une tueuse professionnelle. Alors, de Montréal à Nice, à Rome, à Palerme, puis à Marseille, s’engage une lutte serrée contre la mort.

Après l’excellent De pierres et de sang, finaliste au prix Arthur-Ellis et au prix Saint-Pacôme du roman policier, voici une nouvelle enquête d’Alexandre Jobin. André Jacques plonge comme jamais dans l’univers intérieur de son héros et le confronte à ses drames personnels. Rythme trépidant, dialogues enlevants, écriture de grande qualité : un régal pour les amateurs de romans policiers.
Жан Лемьё 0.0
Un soir d’automne, un restaurateur de la Petite-Italie est abattu alors qu’il quitte sa pizzeria. Détail troublant: son cadavre a été amputé de la main droite. S’agit-il de l’œuvre d’un psychopathe ou d’un règlement de comptes lié à la mafia sicilienne ?
André Surprenant, nouvellement arrivé au sein de l’escouade des crimes majeurs du SPVM, tentera de démêler l’écheveau de cette enquête, dont les ramifications semblent s’étendre à sa propre histoire familiale. Qui était vraiment son oncle Roger, grâce auquel il a obtenu un poste à Montréal ? Pourquoi son père, dont la présence est de nouveau signalée à Los Angeles, a-t-il disparu en octobre 1970 ?
Tandis que Surprenant essaie de faire la lumière sur son passé mais aussi sur l’identité de celui que la presse a baptisé « l’amputeur des ruelles », les victimes s’accumulent. Et, chaque fois, non loin des cadavres, on trouve une mystérieuse branche d’amélanchier.
Гильом Моррисетт 0.0
La petite Mélodie Cormier, 10 ans, a disparu. Elle s'est volatilisée, un jeudi matin ordinaire. Ses parents l'ont vue monter dans l'autobus scolaire, mais elle ne s'est jamais rendue jusqu'à la cour d'école. Le mystère est total.

Ailleurs dans la ville, Marco Genest reçoit des messages étranges. Un correspondant anonyme affirme détenir des renseignements sur la mort accidentelle de ses parents, survenue plusieurs mois plus tôt. Accidentelle vraiment?

Alors que Marco et l'enquêteur Héroux tentent de démêler leurs intrigues respectives, les liens entre elles deviennent troublants. Mais si les parents de Marco sont décédés, la petite Mélodie, elle, est toujours vivante, au moins jusqu'à preuve du contraire.

Лучший неопубликованный первый роман - " Невредимый Артур”

Дж. Г. Тэйвс 0.0
In the small mountain town of Nelson, newspaper reporter Stella Mosconi never speaks of a childhood boating accident that left her with a crippling fear of deep water. Now spring runoff is in the alpine, the creeks are on the rampage, and Stella watches the lake rise outside her door. When a new friend is found dead in her rowboat, she is drawn into the investigation despite a complicated history with the police officer in charge. The death of a second woman—a suspect in the case—brings more trouble Stella’s way as she struggles to hold her family together. But can she find the courage to face her most intense fear if that’s what it will take to solve the murders?

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Стефани Тромли 5.0
Of course I didn’t like Digby when I first met him. No one does.

The first time Philip Digby shows up on Zoe Webster’s doorstep, he’s rude and he treats her like a book he’s already read and knows the ending to.

But before she knows it, Zoe’s allowed Digby—annoying, brilliant, and somehow…attractive? Digby—to drag her into a series of hilarious, dangerous, and only vaguely legal schemes all related to the kidnapping of a local teenage girl. A kidnapping that might be connected to the tragic disappearance of his little sister eight years ago. When it comes to Digby, Zoe just can’t say no.

But is Digby a hero? Or is his manic quest an indication of a desperate attempt to repair his broken family and exorcize his own obsessive-compulsive tendencies? And does she really care anyway?

This is a contemporary debut with razor-sharp dialogue, ridiculously funny action, and a dynamic duo you won’t soon forget.
Роберт Хаф 0.0
Seventeen-year-old Diego dreams of a brighter future. His small town near the Mexican-United States border has been ravaged by the drug war, and the newspaper headlines are filled with body counts. Diego worries about his parents, particularly his tenderhearted father. Their road trips in his dad's beloved, rusty Datsun are the only times the family can truly be carefree.

One day, Diego's older brother Ernesto--the town's golden boy-- shows up in a tricked-out Chevy Silverado. Diego is fully aware of what no one is willing to openly admit: Ernesto is a gangster. Diego manages to avoid his brother, until he discovers Ernesto badly beaten and unable to finish a drug run for a brutal gang. Then Diego does what he swore he would never do--deliver drugs across the border.

With danger closing in from all sides--from the drug cartel threatening his family to the vigilant border officers suspicious of everyone who looks Mexican to the volatile buyers waiting for their goods--Diego desperately tries to finish his journey.

Once he successfully delivers the drugs, Diego is faced with yet another choice. He has proven to be a valuable asset to the drug cartel who wants him to become one of their own. Does he risk everything for their big but risky paydays, or does he walk away back to his small town of little opportunity?

Hough's writing is sophisticated and vibrant. With all the suspense of a fast-paced movie, this gripping novel about Diego's treacherous journey across borders is also a moving story about a boy's crossing into manhood.
Джефф Росс 0.0
The mayor’s six-year-old son, Ben Carter, is missing—and Lauren’s brother, Tom, is the main suspect. Lauren knows her brother would never harm anyone, but the police don’t agree. Ben’s stepbrother doesn’t agree. The mayor certainly doesn’t agree. To some people in Resurrection Falls, Tom is the freak who, rumor has it, once tried to lure a kid into the woods.
But if Tom is innocent, why was he lurking around outside the mayor’s house the night Ben disappeared? And why has he also vanished? After teaming up with Tom’s friend, Grady, a computer enthusiast and part-time hacker, Lauren decides that rather than try to prove Tom’s innocence, they should simply give the police some more options. Because everyone, even the mayor’s apparently perfect family, has secrets.
Кевин Сэндс 4.6
"Никому не рассказывай!" До этого загадочного предупреждения Кристофер Роу действительно был доволен своей жизнью ученика аптекаря. У него была крыша над головой, мастер Бенедикт Блэкторн учил его не только тому, как изготавливать средства от разных недугов, но и тому, как разгадывать зашифрованные послания. Но всё изменилось, когда Лондон потрясла серия таинственных покушений… Почти всегда жертвы – аптекари! Кристофер чувствует, что его учитель в большой опасности и у него мало времени, чтобы предотвратить катастрофу…
Аллан Стрэттон 0.0
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch something moving by the barn.

When I look, it disappears. Wait. There it is again, at the cornfield.

Some movement, some thing.

Mom and I have been on the run for years. Every time he catches up with us, we move to a new place and start over.

But this place is different.

This place is full of secrets. And they won't leave me alone.

Лучший детективный рассказ

Лучшая криминальная новелла - мемориальная награда Лу Аллина

Джереми Бейтс 0.0

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado boasts one of the most beautiful and deepest canyons in the United States. For twelve-year-old Brian Garrett, a weekend camping trip in the park promises to be an opportunity to bond with his aloof parents. But after his father suffers a horrible accident during a hike to the chasm's floor, events spiral quickly out of control, and over the next twenty-four hours Brian will uncover a terrifying dark side to his father--and an even darker side to himself.
Элисон Брюс 0.0
Last month Kate Garrett was a Police Detective. Now she’s a Pet P.I.?

Kate recently inherited half her father’s private investigation company and a partner who is as irritating as he is attractive. Kate has been avoiding Jake Carmedy for years, but now her life might depend on him.

Kate and Jake are on the hunt for a serial cat killer who has mysterious connections to her father’s last police case. Kate’s father had been forced to retire when he was shot investigating a domestic disturbance. Is the shooter back for revenge? And is Kate or Jake next?
Барбара Фрадкин 0.0
Simple country handyman Cedric O’Toole relies on his organic vegetable garden to supplement his meager income, so he’s upset when vegetables begin disappearing. After several futile attempts to protect the garden, he stakes it out one night with his shotgun and spots a shadowy figure running into the woods. Cedric follows and finds a young boy living rough on his land. The boy has never been taught to read or write, and no one has reported him missing. No stranger to childhood neglect himself, Cedric takes the boy under his wing and tries to find answers. Who is the mystery boy, and why is he hiding in the woods?
The Night Thief is the third novel in a series featuring reluctant sleuth Cedric O’Toole.
Брайан Харви 0.0
Piano tuner Frank Ryan is paid in kind by an aging music teacher with an old manuscript that turns out to be Beethoven's Tenth Symphony. Launched into a world of intrigue and violence, Ryan, an unlikely sleuth, realizes he must use his wits to conquer his enemies and solve the mystery of the manuscript. In the process Ryan discovers who he can trust and what he is made of.
The first in a series featuring Frank Ryan, Beethoven's Tenth is a smart page-turner.

Премия "Кастет" за лучшую криминальную документальную книгу

Дин Джобб 0.0
А rollicking story of greed, financial corruption, dirty politics, over-the-top and under-the-radar deceit, illicit sex, and a brilliant and wildly charming con man who kept a Ponzi scheme alive perhaps for longer than anyone else in history.

It was a time of unregulated madness. And nowhere was it madder than in Chicago at the dawn of the Roaring Twenties. Speakeasies thrived, gang war shootings announced Al Capone’s rise to underworld domination, Chicago’s corrupt political leaders fraternized with gangsters, and the frenzy of stock market gambling was rampant. Enter a slick, smooth-talking, charismatic lawyer named Leo Koretz, who enticed hundreds of people (who should have known better) to invest as much as $30 million--upwards of $400 million today--in phantom timberland and nonexistent oil wells in Panama. When Leo’s scheme finally collapsed in 1923, he vanished, and the Chicago state’s attorney, a man whose lust for power equaled Leo’s own lust for money, began an international manhunt that lasted almost a year. When finally apprehended, Leo was living a life of luxury in Nova Scotia under the assumed identity of a book dealer and literary critic. His mysterious death in a Chicago prison topped anything in his almost-too-bizarre-to-believe life.

Empire of Deception is not only an incredibly rich and detailed account of a man and an era; it’s a fascinating look at the methods of swindlers throughout history. Leo Koretz was the Bernie Madoff of his day, and Dean Jobb shows us that the dream of easy wealth is a timeless commodity.

“A captivating tale of high-flying financial chicanery in 1920s Chicago. Dean Jobb tells the story of Leo Koretz, a legendary con artist of Madoffian audacity, with terrific energy and narrative brio. A thoroughly enjoyable read.” —Gary Krist, New York Times bestselling author of City of Scoundrels

“This highly readable account of a major swindle in the Roaring Twenties in Chicago will convince any sensible reader that when it comes to investing in crackpot schemes, nobody ever learns anything by experience. Leo Koretz did exactly what Bernie Madoff did, and came to the same end, as did his investors. A dramatic read, and a useful lesson!” —Michael Korda, author of Charmed Lives

“Empire of Deception is a sure thing--a book guaranteed to entertain and make you rich (in knowledge, that is). Dean Jobb has found a fascinating yet little-known jazz-age tale and told it with style and smarts. Get in on the action.” —Jonathan Eig, New York Times bestselling author
of Get Capone

“Begin with a Bernie Madoff, wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing con man, pursued by a power-hungry prig of a public prosecutor; add the great hog-trough feeding frenzy of 1920s Chicago; stir with great writing and enterprising research; and there you have it: A wonderfully entertaining read!” —Michael Lesy, author of Wisconsin Death Trip and Murder City
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