Вручение 2014 г.

Премия вручалась за 2013 год.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 2014 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Seán Haldane 0.0
Victoria, 1869. The ramshackle capital of British Columbia, the last colony in North America. Vastly outnumbered by native Indians , a few thousand British, American, European, and Chinese settlers aspire to the values of the Victorian age. In the forest a mutilated body is discovered: Dr McCrory, an American alienist whose methods include phrenology, Mesmerism, and sexual-mystical magnetation . Chad Hobbes, arrived from England, is the policeman who must solve the crime. Could the murderer be a Tsimshian medicine man, Wiladzap, who is immediately arrested? But everyone who has known McCrory respectable or not has something to hide. This is a detective mystery and more. Victoria's inhabitants find themselves in a Garden of Eden but have to face the savagery which they readily see in the Indians but also exists in themselves. Darwin wrote that the difference between the savage and the civilised person is the difference between a wild and a tame animal. Is this true? Chad faces the question not only in the new territory in which he finds himself, but in himself and in those he comes to love.
Ли Ламот 0.0
Detectives Ray Tate and Djuna Brown are back from a vacation in Paris — fraudulently funded by a stolen State Police credit card. While waiting to find out if they're going to be fired or jailed, the couple is assigned to the Green Squad, a dead-end job shuffling paper and counting contraband money. But while interrogating a money smuggler, Tate and Brown uncover a massive currency stash they hope will keep them out of jail. Their target is drug trafficker Laszlo "Marko" Markowitz, who has millions in cocaine profits to be laundered and shipped into Canada.

As Tate and Brown try to penetrate the Markowitz organization, they uncover an underworld choking on its own profits and find a homicidal madman who has created the perfect blend of criminality and anarchy.
Говард Шриер 0.0
Howard Shrier's acclaimed Jonah Geller series continues with Miss Montreal, the Vintage World of Crime trade paperback original and sequel to Boston Cream.

After what happened in Boston, P.I. Jonah Geller can't show his face in the U.S. again. Which is fine with him. He's got a new case in Montreal, one of the world's most colourful and downright scandalous cities. An old friend has been brutally murdered there, and the police investigation is stalled. With an election looming and tensions seething, Jonah and former hit man Dante Ryan have to battle religious fanatics, gun runners and a twisted political dynasty to get to the truth.
Simone St. James 5.0
From the acclaimed author of The Haunting of Maddy Clare —and “a talent to watch” (Anne Stuart, New York Times bestselling author of Shameless)—a spellbinding ghost story set in 1920s England.

After her uncle Toby, a renowned ghost hunter, is killed in a fall off a cliff, Oxford student Jillian Leigh must drive to the seaside village of Rothewell to pack up his belongings. Almost immediately, unsettling incidents - a book left in a cold stove, a gate swinging open on its own - escalate into terrifying events that convince Jillian an angry spirit is trying to enter the house and is haunting the woods around Blood Moon Bay. If Toby discovered something sinister during his investigations, was his death no accident?

The arrival of handsome Scotland Yard inspector Drew Merriken leaves Jillian with more questions than answers - and with the added complication of a powerful mutual attraction. She suspects someone will do anything to hide the truth and begins to discover secrets that lie deep within Rothewell... and at the very heart of who she is.

Лучший дебютный роман

Дж. Кент Мессум 4.0
No one is coming to your aid. We have ensured this.
Six strangers wake up on a remote island in the Florida Keys with no memory of their arrival. They soon discover their common bond: all of them are heroin addicts. As the first excruciating pangs of withdrawal make themselves felt, the six notice a yacht anchored across open water. On it lurk four shadowy figures, protected by the hungry sharks that patrol the waves. So begins a dangerous game. The six must undertake the impossible - swim to the next island where a cache of heroin awaits, or die trying. When alliances form, betrayal is inevitable. As the fight to survive intensifies, the stakes reach terrifying heights - and their captors' motives finally begin to emerge.
Э. Р. Браун 0.0
Charming, wealthy Randle Kennedy has a secret: he's British Columbia’s most prolific producer of boutique marijuana. He’s developed strains of B.C. Bud to please the most sophisticated palates and produce any desired effect, from a light contemplative buzz to the most mind-warping stone. His medical varieties offer relief for conditions ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's disease. Come legalization, he'll be the first on the market with marijuana's answer to single-malt Scotch. Until that day, he runs a tight operation with terrorist-cell security.

Tate MacLane is brilliant, miserable, and broke. Since graduating from high school at age 14, he's failed at university, failed to support his family, failed at everything except making a superb caffe latte.

Randle wants a fresh face to front his transactions. Tate desperately needs a mentor and yearns for respect. And money ...

Then there are the bikers, the muscle with the cross-border connections that Randle needs to bring his product to the American market. Soon Tate finds out that it's harder to get out of the business than to get in
A.S.A. Harrison 3.5
A chilling psychological thriller about a marriage, a way of life, and how far one woman will go to keep what is rightfully hers

Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago, as she, the killer, and he, the victim, rush haplessly toward the main event. He is a committed cheater. She lives and breathes denial. He exists in dual worlds. She likes to settle scores. He decides to play for keeps. She has nothing left to lose. Told in alternating voices, The Silent Wife is about a marriage in the throes of dissolution, a couple headed for catastrophe, concessions that can’t be made, and promises that won’t be kept. Expertly plotted and reminiscent of Gone Girl and These Things Hidden, The Silent Wife ensnares the reader from page one and does not let go.
Аксель Хауэртон 0.0
Moss Cole is a private detective, the kind you thought only existed in old movies and afternoon reruns. He's smart, talented, sometimes even charming. You'd think he could find a better gig than carrying on his grandfather's legacy as a 'Private Dick.'
FINALIST: 2014 Arthur Ellis Award - Best First Novel
Cole is out of money, out of ideas, and out of his league. That's why he's stuck looking for a stolen Sinatra record... a record that may be just a figment of an old man's imagination.
Of course, if that were true, Moss wouldn't have so many people busting down his door.
A vivacious redhead, a foul-mouthed Irish rock star, and a whip-smart little girl only complicate the job, when all Cole wants is a good cup of coffee and some Hot Sinatra.
If only he can stay alive--and in one piece--long enough to find it.
HOT SINATRA by Axel Howerton
Evolved Publishing presents a hardboiled detective caper with a cast of characters to keep you engrossed from first page to last. [DRM-Free]
If you love Hot Sinatra, you are sure to love:
- Furr: A Modern Gothic Fairytale by Axel Howerton
- They Tell Me You Are Wicked by David Hagerty
- Forgive Me, Alex by Lane Diamond
- Red on the Run by K.M. Hodge
- Shatter Point by Jeff Altabef
С. Дж. Вонг 0.0
Lola Starke is a PI with a trust fund. Not that she gets everything she wants—or doesn't want. Like being rid of her Ghost, Aubrey O'Connell, for instance. But in Crescent City, Ghosts are commonplace and Hosts are supposed to be happy about it. So Lola's learned to bide her time. It's served her well as a gwai girl raised in a Chinese city.

When two disparate clients won't take 'no' for an answer, Lola reluctantly agrees to both. She and Aubrey are quickly entangled in a murky puzzle of government officials, drug addicts, angry cops, and the gossamer threads of a dangerous plot. Soon enough, the past comes calling with bad news and worse enemies.

This is the '30s and this is Crescent City, where mah-jongg parlours and film studios hold sway. Where the City's highest official is a Ghost with unimpeachable power and a history with Lola's mother. Where secrets last only as long as it takes money to change hands—or a gun to pry them loose.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Морин Мартино 0.0
Tingwick, 2011. Dans une érablière de Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, on découvre les ossements d’une femme. À qui appartiennent ces restes humains qu’aucun parent ne réclame ? Le lendemain, Lucas Blondin, cinq ans, est porté disparu. Fugue ou enlèvement ? En pleine canicule de juillet, Judith Allison, sergente-détective de la Police régionale d’Arthabaska, se retrouve avec deux enquêtes sur les bras. Pour suivre le mince fil auquel s’accrochent les recherches, elle infiltre la communauté Rainbow et remonte la filière des Enfants Indigos. Ces incursions qui chambardent sa vie vont l’entraîner dans un monde où la ­détresse commande le crime, et où l’enfant justifie tout
Chrystine Brouillet 0.0
Dans sa maison d’une rue paisible de Québec, un homme est retrouvé mort, poignardé. Tout le voisinage est sous le choc. Pourquoi ce comptable, si dévoué et si tranquille, a-t-il été tué?
Mais cet homme était-il si innocent? C’est ce que la détective Maud Graham se demande. Elle ne tardera pas à découvrir que Jean-Louis Carmichaël a fait beaucoup de victimes sur son passage. Des vies brisées, saccagées, détruites. Pendant ce temps, ailleurs dans la ville, une jeune femme est bouleversée par cette mort qui réveille en elle de douloureux souvenirs. Pour elle qui se débat pour reconstruire sa vie, c’est la descente aux enfers. Mais autour d’elle, les vautours rôdent…
Une enquête troublante où la détective Maud Graham sonde encore une fois le côté sombre du cœur des hommes.
Жак Кот 0.0
17 septembre 1894…
La grande salle de l’hôtel Windsor est bondée de notables. Tous sont venus entendre Georges Villeneuve, médecin-expert à la morgue de Montréal, et son collègue, le docteur Wyatt Johnston, exposer les raisons qui les poussent à demander la construction d’une nouvelle morgue. Villeneuve a à peine terminé son discours quand surgit le lieutenant Bruno Lafontaine : une atrocité s’est produite dans un taudis de Griffintown et il a besoin de son expertise.
Sur la scène du crime, une jeune femme gît dans son sang, littéralement éventrée à la suite d’un avortement clandestin. Villeneuve, qui tente d’inculquer aux forces de l’ordre des méthodes d’analyse modernes, dé­couvre bien peu d’indices en raison de l’incurie des agents. L’enquête sera longue et laborieuse.
Villeneuve n’en poursuit pas moins ses autopsies à la morgue, ses cours aux étudiants en médecine et, depuis peu, son travail d’assistant-surintendant à l’asile Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, car il a enfin obtenu le poste d’aliéniste qu’il convoitait. Or, quand une deuxième, puis une troisième boucherie sont découvertes, la presse s’enflamme et la pression pour que soit arrêté le fou meurtrier devient intenable. Pour Villeneuve, à cette obligation de résultat immédiat s’ajoute une terrible responsa­bilité : celle de l’aliéniste, dont le devoir est de protéger à tout prix les personnes atteintes de maladie mentale !
Жак Савой 0.0
Jérôme Marceau est maintenant à la tête des homicides, et le quarante-sixième meurtre de l'année vient d'être commis sur le territoire du SPVM. Dans un hangar souterrain jouxtant le tunnel ferroviaire sous le mont Royal, un amas de cendres et des cerceaux d'acier ont été retrouvés. Seraient-ce les traces d'un suicide ? Jérôme croit qu'il s'agirait plutôt du supplice du collier, une sorte de vengeance populaire qui consiste à passer un pneu autour du cou de la victime, à y verser de l'essence et à y mettre le feu. À part les quelques dents retrouvées, Jérôme a bien peu d'arguments à offrir pour défendre sa thèse. Ce qui ne l'empêche pas de s'obstiner.

Sur le plan personnel, Jérôme traverse une période difficile. Après la disparition de sa mère, il a comblé le vide en se rapprochant de Gabriel Lefebvre, le jeune homme tourmenté qu'il avait rencontré au cours de sa précédente enquête.

L'opiniâtreté de Jérôme Marceau à poursuivre ses recherches ainsi que la mission qu'il s'est donnée de neutraliser les élans de violence de Gabriel finissent par se confondre. Cette situation réveillera en Jérôme une soif de représailles aussi vive que celle de son « fils emprunté ».

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Элизабет Маклауд 0.0
How did King Tut really die? The mystery of the young pharaoh’s death is only one of the puzzles that modern science has helped solve. Thanks to forensics—the science of examining physical evidence—we now know that King Tut died of malaria. We also know that stomach cancer, and not arsenic as suspected, killed Napoleon. Seven intriguing stories about historical royal figures whose demise was suspicious, and hard scientific facts about crime-solving techniques make each event seem like an episode of CSI rather than a history lesson. Kids will be fascinated to find out how scientists use autopsy results, DNA testing, bone fragments, and even insects to determine the cause of death. At times a gripping whodunit, at others an exercise in deductive reasoning, this book will be hard to put down for any kids who love mysteries, murder, and suspense.
Тед Стонтон 0.0
Danny has survived everything life has thrown at him: being abandoned at birth, multiple abusive foster homes, life as a con man in training. But when his latest "protector" dies suddenly, Danny has to think fast or he'll be back in foster care again. He decides to assume the identity of a boy who disappeared three years before. If nothing else, he figures it will buy him a little time. Much to his astonishment, his new "family" accepts him as their own--despite the fact that he looks nothing like their missing relative. But one old cop has his suspicions about Danny--and he's not about to declare the case closed. Inspired by a true story, Who I'm Not is a powerful portrait of a boy whose identity is as fluid as a river and as changeable as a chameleon's skin.
Гейл Галлант 0.0
The last time seventeen-year-old Amelia Mackenzie saw her best friend Matthew alive, he broke her heart. When he is found the next day in an abandoned barn at the edge of town, an apparent suicide, Amelia's whole world comes crashing down.

And then she sees him again. Because Amelia has a secret that even Matthew didn't know: sometimes, she sees ghosts.

When a local history columnist named Morris Dyson contacts Amelia after the funeral and tells her that he thinks the barn Matthew died in is haunted, and that Matthew wasn't its first victim, an unlikely partnership is born. With Amelia's gift for seeing ghosts, Morris's radical theories on the supernatural, and a bit of help from Morris's sexy but skeptical son, Kip, a mystery unfolds. One by one, the barn's other ghostly residents are revealed: all innocent, love-struck young men who've died horrific deaths, seemingly by their own hands.

Life and death couldn't get more complicated as Amelia is torn between her devotion to the ghostly Matthew and her growing attraction to Kip, who may not believe in ghosts but can't help believing in Amelia. When she's confronted with a rivalry between the living and the dead, which side of the great divide will Amelia choose?

Apparition is a fast-paced supernatural mystery about memory and obsession, bodies and spirits, love and loss
Карен Аутио 0.0
Sabotage completes the trilogy about the Finnish Mäki family in early Thunder Bay, Ontario. German spies? Sabotage plots? Innocent people interned in camps? Believe it or not, this is northwestern Ontario in 1915. The danger hits close to home for battling siblings Saara and John Mäki. Can they work together to save their family? Sabotage is an adventure tale based on real espionage, sabotage, and paranoia in Canada during the Great War, a tale cleverly told in Saara’s and John’s alternating points of view.

Лучший детективный рассказ

Специальная награда Гранд Мастер

Говард Энгель
Говард Энгель / Howard Engel
2 книги
1 в избранном