Вручение 1998 г.

Премия вручалась за 1997 год.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 1998 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Уильям Деверелл 0.0
Arthur Beauchamp, a heralded criminal lawyer, has moved to a quiet island off the British Columbia coast. While trying to recover from a marriage gone sour, his retirement is interrupted by his former law partners-they want Arthur to take charge of the defense trial of Jonathan O'Donnell, the acting dean of a law school. O'Donnell has been accused of rape by one of the students, Kimberley Martin, a smart but arrogant woman who is engaged to a rich businessman. After much pleading, Beauchamp agrees to handle the case. He is drawn into complex legal situations dealing with gender and sex, while his personal life takes a provocative turn as well. A courtroom drama ensues, with unpredictable twists and bizarre events.
Розмари Обер 0.0
The offbeat sleuth in this novel is Ellis Portal, once an esteemed judge, who was himself convicted of a felony and disgraced. He now lives as a vagrant in the river valley that is a wilderness preserve running through the heart of the city of Toronto. One day, while working on his hidden vegetable garden, he unearths a severed human hand. On that hand is a ring that Ellis recognizes. Thirty years before, on the day he became a lawyer, he and four of his companions entered into a pact that was sealed by just such a ring. All the participants were white. The hand is black. Ellis' search to identify the victim and investigate the murder the severed hand must represent takes him back into the world that has cast him out. As he inches closer to solving the mystery, he senses he is being stalked. Then one of those who shared information with him is killed, another vanishes. Ellis discovers that one of the city's most prominent attorneys appears to be running a conspiracy that relies on the secret use of questionable medical procedures. Both the attorney and his wife were closely intertwined with Ellis' past. Ellis makes his way to the attorney's office-tower suite, confronting him there with his evidence in a dramatic, moving climax. It involves the loves of the present and the past - and a startling solution to the mystery.
C. C. Бенисон 0.0
Murder in the palaces of England gives sleuth Jane Bee, housemaid to Her Majesty the Queen, a puzzle to fit for a monarch in the second novel of this charmingly irresistible series.
Джон Спенсер Хилл 0.0
The figure lay on its back, arms flung wide, with the bronze spear of a Mycenaean warrior planted squarely in the middle of its chest. Nigel Harmsworth, septuagenarian, and expatriate English painter, stared at the splayed corpse in disbelief. That he should find himself surveying the body of a dead American in the garden of the beautiful Tuscan villa owned by his friend and patron Sir Richard Danvers, an international art dealer, was extraordinary enough. More unsettling still were the events that were to follow, and the secrets that would emerge from the past. What no one anticipated, however, were the prodigious deductive powers of Detective Carlo Arbati, visiting the medieval town of Lucca to receive an award for his most recent volume of poems. When the poet-detective is drawn into the case, justice is certain to triumph - but more blood must flow before Arbati is able to unweave the tangled web of intrigue and deceit that has baffled the local authorities.
Peter Robinson 0.0
New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning author Peter Robinson brings us a tantalizing tale of suspense in this classic Inspector Banks thriller.

In the long shadows of an alley a young man is murdered by an unknown assailant. The shattering echoes of his death will be felt throughout a small provincial community on the edge—because the victim was far from innocent, a youth whose sordid secret life was a tangle of bewildering contradictions. Now a dedicated policeman beset by his own tormenting demons must follow the leads into the darkest corners of the human mind in order to catch a killer.

Delving into the complicated human psyche, Blood at the Root showcases Peter Robinson’s singular talent in an exceptional novel of suspense that will linger in readers’ minds long past the final page.
Роберт Джеймс Сойер 3.8
Потерпевший аварию космический корабль появляется в атмосфере Земли. Семерых представителей народа «тосок», опережающего людей в развитии, приглашают пожить рядом с землянами. Кто-то убивает известного ученого, и все улики указывают на одного из инопланетян. Пришелец предстает перед судом. На кону может стоить нечто большее, чем расплата за жизнь одного человека.

Лучший дебютный роман

Кэти Райх 3.8
Романы Кэти Райх о Темперанс Бреннан стали классикой детективного жанра, и славу их закрепил всемирно известный телесериал "Кости", также ставший классикой жанра, но уже не в литературе — в кино.В кои веки Темперанс Бреннан решила сменить платье судебного антрополога на дорожную одежду туриста, чтобы хотя бы на время предстоящего уик-энда позабыть о мертвых останках и прочих прелестях своей нелегкой работы. Не тут-то было! Неподалеку от места, где недавно велись археологические раскопки, рабочие обнаружили чьи-то кости. Чтобы удостовериться, что находка не имеет ничего общего с криминальной сферой, необходимо заключение эксперта. И Темпе Бреннан отправляется на место находки…
Лин Гамильтон 3.3
Доктор Эрнан Кастильо Ривас, давний знакомый Лары Макклинток и знаменитый эксперт по культуре и истории майя, просит Лару приехать к нему в Мериду и помочь в одном загадочном исследовании. Однако Эрнан Кастильо так и не встретился с Ларой. Расследуя исчезновение доктора и последовавший за ним ряд других странных событий, Лара оказывается в мексиканских джунглях неподалеку от Мериды, где ей предстоит узнать одну из тайн преисподней майя, грозной Шибальбы.
Maureen Jennings 4.1
In the cold Toronto winter of 1895, the unclad body of a servant girl is found frozen in a deserted laneway. Detective William Murdoch quickly finds out that more than one person connected with the girl’s simple life has something to hide.
Аллан Левин 0.0
Sam Klein is a streetwise minder at a local brothel who investigates the murder of a Polish girl — a murder blamed on a North End rabbi. His search for the real killer is frustrated by battles with ethnic intolerance and with authorities who insist they've found their man.
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